2024 |
TOP▲ |
"M-1 REIWA ROMAN,consecutive championships">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.12.30)
"Kyoto International Conference Hall">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.27)
"Mr.Master Toshio Sakata">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.25)
"World Tourism City Ranking, Tokyo is No.3">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.12.23)
"Kyoto Sweets Exhibition 10th Anniversary Special Exhibition Collection of One Seat and One Confectionery">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.20)
"The Tokyo University,Masahiko Inami Laboratory,20th Anniversary Party">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.18)
"World Tourism City Ranking, Tokyo is No.3">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.12.15)
"iMuseum Open">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.13)
"KINDAI BUSINESS CONTEST2024">>Kinki University, Judges(2024.12.11)
"Japan Sport Conference">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.11)
"South Korea, Martial Law. But removed after 6 hours.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.12.8)
"Toward an AI Governance Framework">>CIRIEC, The 39th Research Conference, Executive Committee, Panelist(2024.12.8)
"Political and Socioeconomic Changes and the Future of Public Economics">>CIRIEC, The 39th Research Conference, Executive Committee, Panelist(2024.12.8)
"Historical Transformation and Public Economics">>CIRIEC, The 39th Research Conference, Executive Committee Chairperson,Moderator(2024.12.8)
"Project Team for Business Development Support Press Canfarence">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.6)
"CIRIEC@iU">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.12.4)
"4 NTV affiliates merge Sapporo, Chukyo, Yomiuri, Fukuoka">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.12.1)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Commissioner for Cultural Affairs Award Ceremony">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.11.29)
"Hyogo Prefectural Governor Election">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.11.25)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Mr.Jakuchu Ito's Signs of Birth">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.11.22)
"The Size of the Game Industry's Patent Assets,Sony tops the list by a big gap.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.11.18)
"Cool Japan→Creative Japan">>"From Otaku to Fan",Fall Meeting,Business Model Association, Keynote(2024.11.17)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Daimaru">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.11.15)
"DeNA,Nippon-No.1">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.11.4)
"Super Free Society">>"AI Connects, Digital Content Leads the Way to the Future of Workplace Reform", JTUA, Keynote(2024.11.8)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Mr.Mario">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.11.8)
"Talk">>METI,Entertainment and Creative Industrial Policy Research Institute,Chairman(2024.11.6)
"General Election, Ruling Party Loses Majority">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.11.4)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Nintendo KYOTO">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.11.1)
"Only three people can get together and start a business... “Guitar,Bass, and Drums” is the hint for the golden trio of business.">>AERA.dot, Interview(2024.10.30)
"Only three people can get together and start a business... “Guitar,Bass, and Drums” is the hint for the golden trio of business.">>Yahoo!News, Interview(2024.10.30)
"Money is not a thing, it's a human...Why I laughed with joy when iU President said, "I don't want to accept money from you for my startup."" >>AERA.dot, Interview(2024.10.29)
"Money is not a thing, it's a human...Why I laughed with joy when iU President said, "I don't want to accept money from you for my startup."" >>Yahoo!News, Interview(2024.10.29)
"Mr.Tetsuya Chiba, Medal of Cultural Merit">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.10.28)
"I realized "Failure is a gift"...President of "Failure University"with No. 1 Entrepreneurship Rate Looks Back on the Day He Sent His Resignation Letter to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications">>AERA.dot, Interview(2024.10.28)
"I realized "Failure is a gift"...President of "Failure University"with No. 1 Entrepreneurship Rate Looks Back on the Day He Sent His Resignation Letter to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications">>Yahoo! News, Interview(2024.10.28)
"Bicycle">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2023.11.26,27,2024.10.27)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Mandarake">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.25)
"iU President,"KIFF OTAKU Summit Satellite@Kyoto Seika University">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.23)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Tetsuo Yamanaka">>Dialogue(2024.10.22)
"Student Academy Awards Mr.Kei Kanamori got the Silver Award">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.10.21)
"Super Free Society">>"AI,DX,Sight Seeing", TIS, Keynote,Panelist(2024.10.18)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Takashima-ya">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.18)
"Mr. Rintaro Sasaki,Farewell party4">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.16)
"High School-University Collaboration Agreement with Kanda Jogakuen Junior & High School">>iU, Talk(2024.10.16)
"Nobel Prize in Physics won by former Google's Hinton and others,Nobel Prize in Chemistry won by Google's Hassabis and others,AI researchers won both Physics and Chemistry prizes">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.10.14)
"iU President×New Faculties Talk-Mr.Ken Donoue,Mr.Koichiro Takahara">>iUtopia-Bois-,Change-Tomorrow 2024 dialogue(2024.10.13)
"iU President×New Faculties Talk-Mr.Naoki Okada,Ms.Kim Jieun,Mr.Tetuso Yamanaka,Mr.Kang Hanna">>iUtopia-Bois-,Change-Tomorrow 2024 dialogue(2024.10.12)
"Opening Ceremony">>Change-Tomorrow 2024,Super Adviser,Talk (2024.10.12)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Akao-ya">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.11)
"Nico Nico Super Conference 2024">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.9)
"Opening Talk,Closing Talk">>Digital Risk Forum2024,Talk(2024.10.8)
"Tokyo Game Show, Record Number of Exhibitors">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.10.7)
"80's Retro">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2024.1.14,18,10.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Ichikawaya-Coffee">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.4)
"Creating Super Free Society">>Tokyo Yamanote Rotary Club,Keynote(2024.10.3)
"METI,Survey of University Ventures">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.10.2)
"Mr.Ishiba is the new prime minister.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.9.30)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Chisyakuin">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.27)
"Globalization and Digitalization of Contents Business, Japan's Chance and Challenge">>"Creative Japan Strategy"publication anniversary, Keynote,Panelist(2024.9.26)
"METI,Survey of University Ventures">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.25)
"SHOGUN wins 18 Emmy Awards">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.9.23)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Daisuke Yanasawa">>Dialogue(2024.9.19)
"iU President,"PERFECT DAYS">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.18)
"Sony Music makes Zepp a company subsidiary">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.9.16)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Honmachi-kan">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.13)
"iU President,"NTT R&D FORUM">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.11)
"Potential for Overseas Expansion from the Perspective of Three Fields">>"Seminar on International Expansion of Contents Industry",Panelist(2024.9.11)
"Candidates for LDP president,6 out of 11 are heirs of the family Critical Report.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.9.9)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kyoto City University of Arts">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.6)
"iU President,"KIFF2023 party on the night after the event?Today's Yose?iU President guess Vol.2"">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.9.4)
"NAMCO BANDAI and TOHO form capital and business alliance">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.9.2)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Nakamura-ken">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.30)
"iU President,"CEATEC@Makuhari">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.28)
"Alain Delon died at age 88.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.8.26)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Katsura-rikyu">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.23)
High School Students' Dreams AWARD4 National Contest">>Everyone's Dream,Judge(2023.8.22)
"iU President,"iU First Graduation Ceremony">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.21)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Katsuhiko Kawazoe">>Dialogue(2024.8.20)
"Third in Olympic medals after U.S. and China.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.8.19)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Nintendo">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.16)
"iU President,"Gion-festival,Yamahoko-parade">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.14)
"Gold, Silver, and Bronze Skateboarders' Mothers Are All Japanese">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.8.12)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Ohyamazaki Museum"">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.9)
"iU President,"KIFF Vol.10"">>TikToK iUChannel(2024.8.7)
"JR East deploys "digital vending machines" in the U.K."">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.8.5)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Hanase">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.8.2)
"iU President,"Chomorrow2023">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.31)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Yusuke Nakagawa"">>Dialogue(2024.7.30)
"Digital Pop Cool">>Beijing Normal University, Tokyo University of the Arts, Lecture(2024.7.29)
"Paris Olympics open">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.7.29)
"Talk">>VALORANT Challengers Japan 2024 Split 2 Playoff Finals Official Watch Paty, Talk(2024.7.28)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kurama">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.26)
"Talk">>"Digital Policy the point in question 2024, DPF, Talk(2024.7.25)
"iU President,"NY Fashion Week">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.24)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Mariko Nishimura">>Dialogue(2024.7.23)
"Fernandez Bankruptcy">>YouTube iU Channel,This isLast Week News(2024.7.22)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kifune">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.19)
"iU President,"Paris during preparation for the Olympics">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.17)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Mariko Nishimura">>Dialogue(2024.7.16)
"Mrs.KOIKE wins Governor of Tokyo election">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.7.15)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Enryakuji">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.12)
"iU President,"iU entrance ceremony">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.10)
"Izakaya and snack experience night tours in Shinjuku and Shinbashi">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.7.8)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Toyoutei">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.5)
"iU President,"Digital Big 10 News 2023">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.7.3)
"Chairman of the Financial Services Agency (FSA),Mr.Hideki Ito">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.7.1)
"Why students at 'professional universities' are more successful in finding work. The potential of schools to attract the attention of both parents and companies">>Nikkan-Gnedai,Interview(2024.6.30)
"Increasing presence in the job market.What is a 'professional university'? One dean told us.">>Nikkan-Gnedai,Interview(2024.6.30)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Atago">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.6.28)
"Digital,Contents,CoolJapan">>JEF,Service Industry Meeting,Talk(2024.6.27)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Daisaku Kawase">>Dialogue(2024.6.26)
"NVIDIA, the world's biggest company by market cap.">>YouTube iU hannel,This is Last Week News(2024.6.24)
"Dance">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2024.6.22)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Hiranoya">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.6.21)
"Died: Architect Mr.Fumihiko Maki">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.6.17)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Suika-Tenmagu">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.6.14)
"Japan Government decides on new Cool Japan strategy, doubling overseas expansion to 50 trillion yen in 10 years.">>YouTube iUChannel,This is Last Week News(2024.6.10)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shinme">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.6.7)
"iU President,"Taiwan">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.6.5)
"Fascinating ideas for cultural policy overflow">>"Creative Japan Strategy",Hakutoshobo, Book-review(2024.6.3)
"My number card on iPhone' officially launched.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.6.3)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kitano-Temmagu,Furuta Oribe,Garden Lantern">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.31)
"iU President,"#Interop">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.29)
"EU AI Regulation Law passed.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.5.27)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shin-Shin-do">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.24)
"iU President,"Digital Signage Award">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.22)
"Eltes 20th anniversary event session">>Eltes, The 20th Anniversary event session, Dialogue(2024.5.20)
"Waseda University entrance exam questions leaked onto SNS... photo taken with 'smart glasses', student sent to prosecution.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.5.20)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kyoto University's Curry">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.17)
"Love you Osaka at iU, vol.2">>FM Osaka,Talk(2024.5.15)
"iU President,"Digital Signage Japan">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.15)
"Mr.Naoya Inoue, win by KO">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.5.13)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shin-nyo-do">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.10)
"Love you Osaka at iU, vol.2">>FM Osaka,Talk(2024.5.8)
"iU President,"World Digital Summit">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.8)
"'Weakness, connection and co-creation' are the new values.">>2040 PROJECT, Hakuhodo-DY-MediaPartners Co.,Ltd., Interview(2024.5.7)
"Press freedom rankings released Japan drops down the rankings, ranking 70th, the lowest in the G7.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.5.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "KURODANI-san">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.3)
"Love you Osaka at iU">>FM Osaka,Talk(2024.5.1)
"iU President,"IP Plan 2023">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.5.1)
"President of NTT DOCOMO,Vice President Mr.Maeda is non-native first top executive">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.4.29)
"Opening Talk">>iU eSports Opening Ceremony,Talk(2024.4.28)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Omotesenke">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.26)
"iU President,"Kyoto By the power of culture Creating the Future Council">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.24)
"Meta,Statement on fake advertising.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.4.22)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Tsuchimikado">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.19)
"iU President,"BookReview:Metaberse and Economic Future">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.17)
"830,000 fewer Japanese, the largest ever">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.4.15)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shimogoryo-jinja">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.12)
"In the age of AI, those who master university will survive.">>Kyoto University Information Business Practical course, Kyoto, Keynote,Panelist
"iU President,"Yojo-han Time Machine Blues">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.10)
"Houses of Parliament,Lifting the ban on the use of tablets in plenary chambers postponed.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.4.8)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Bistro at Takeya-machi, Sakai-machi">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.5)
"iU President,"Short-Pants">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.4.3)
"President's Speech">>iU Entrance Ceremony, Talk(2024.4.2)
"Academy Awards, Best Visual Effects for "NTT version LLM-tsuzumi-,Launch">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.4.1)
"How Hatsune Miku was born with Mr.Hiroyuki Ito">>iU, OpenCumpus, Dialogue(2024.3.31)
"iU President,"RTISTS' FAIT KYOTO. Kyoto Newspaper Head Office Underground">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.27)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Takokin">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.22)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "KUMANO-Jinja">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.22)
"iU President,"RTISTS' FAIT KYOTO. Yotta-san's HANAKO">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.21)
"Comments">>CiP,AI×Contents Meeting, Talk(2024.3.18)
"Academy Awards, Best Visual Effects for "Godzilla-1.0" and Best Animated Feature Film for "How Do You Live?">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.3.18)
"iU President Greeting">>iU Graduation Ceremony, Talk(2024.3.17)
"Talk">>CIRIEC,Spring Meeting vol.12, Talk(2024.3.16)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Wakuden,Sakai-machi">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.15)
"iU President,"Brain Tests">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.14)
" Mr.Takafumi Horie × Mr.Ichiya Nakamura,ZATSUDAN Special">>ZATSUDAN, Talk(2024.3.13)
"In the Age of Open Innovation, What is the Turning Around Move for Japanese Companies?">>NEWSPICKS, Talk(2024.3.12)
"Death of Mr.Akira Toriyama">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.3.11)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.8)
"iU President,"very hard batch">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.7)
"2023 Comic market: 693.7 billion yen">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.3.4)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "HOSOMI Museum">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.3.1)
"iU President,"Bookreview,Female Punk Strikes Back: A Feminist History of Music">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.29)
"Love you Osaka">>FM Osaka,Dialogue(2024.2.14,21,28)
"Taiwan TSMC's first plant opens in Kumamoto">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.2.26)
"cultivation">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2024.2.25,29)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Tyrol">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.23)
"iU President,"Koike-ya">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.22)
"Love you Osaka">>FM Osaka,Dialogue(2024.2.14,21)
"Generative AI adoption,Japanese companies, 18%,74% in the U.S., a large gap between the U.S. and Japan.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.2.19)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Telephone Box">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.16)
"Metaverse,Digital,AI">>APU, Oita, Talk(2024.2.15)
"iU President,"Oshikatsu-What is the purpose of people who do "Oshikatsu"?">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.15)
"Love you Osaka">>FM Osaka,Dialogue(2024.2.14)
"KDDI TOB for Lawson at 500 billion yen">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.2.12)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kneeling old man">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.9)
"iU President,"Oshikatsu-What is different with the old "Otaku"?">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.8)
"Mr.Koji Matsui is the Mayor of Kyoto">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.2.5)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Samegai">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.2)
"iU President,"Oshikatsu-Why is Oshikatsu now?">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.2.1)
"iU President Gachon with Dellmapange">>Dialogue(2023.1.30)
"Japan eSports Award, vol.1,Mr.Acola-san is 3 Clowns including Best Player of the Year Award ">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.1.29)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Honno-ji">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.26)
"JAPAN eSPORTS AWARDS">>JeSU,Presenter(2024.1.25)
"iU President,"This is the educational comic exhibition">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.25)
"Today's iU "Afer iU">>iU Channel(2024.1.24)
"The Agency for Cultural Affairs holds public comments on "AI and Copyright.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.1.22)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Takenobu-Inari">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.19)
"iU President,"warai ni negai woo">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.18)
"Today's iU "Misssion-3 "Social">>iU Channel(2024.1.17)
"Mrs.Aki Yashiro died.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.1.15)
"The Current Status and Future Prospects of e-Sports in Japan">>Nippon Sports Policy Commission 2024, Panelist(2024.1.15)
"The Future of eSports">>Nippon Sports Policy Commission 2024, keynote(2024.1.15)
"80's Retro">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2024.1.14,18)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Rokkaku-Gosya-Site">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.12)
"Education × IT,iU and Money Forward Support Student Entrepreneurship">>Money Forward,note,Interview(2024.1.11)
"iU President,"Book,IBASHYO">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.11)
"Today's iU "Misssion-2 "Creative">>iU Channel(2024.1.10)
"A Year of Earthquakes and Airport Accidents">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.1.8)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Starbucks Coffee Kyoto Ninensaka Yasaka Chaya">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.6)
"Dragon Ball Pushes the Limits: Animation Jumps to the World">>Japan Economic Newspaper,Comments(2024.1.5)
"iU President,"Lonion.">>TikToK iU Channel(2024.1.4)
"Today's iU "Misssion-1 "Frontier"">>iU Channel(2024.1.3)
"New York Times Sues Open AI and Microsoft for Copyright Infringement">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2024.1.1)
2023 |
TOP▲ |
"Today's Kyoto-walk "KASAGI-YA">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.29)
"iU President,"Always Paris">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.27)
"Today's iU "Misssion">>iU Channel(2023.12.26)
"The principle of faxes in schools to be abolished.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.12.25)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Agnes b.GION">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.22)
"iU President,"Kidney Pie">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.20)
"Today's iU "iU President Gachon">>iU Channel(2023.12.19)
"Wagyu,Dissolution">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.12.18)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kahitsukan">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.15)
"MOU,Higashi Fukuoka Gakuen and iU">>iU , Talk(2023.12.13)
"iU President,"Seoul">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.13)
"Today's iU "ChatGPT Congratulatory Speech">>iU Channel(2023.12.12)
"Shohei Ohtani signs 10-year, 700 million dollars contract with the Dodgers.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.12.11)
"What is learning that grows creativity in the age of DX?">>Nikkei Children Future Economic Forum, Panelist(2023.12.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kenninji">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.8)
"What is learning that grows creativity in the age of DX?">>Nikkei Children Future Economic Forum, Panelist(2023.12.6)
"Today's iU "COVID Chance">>iU Channel(2023.12.5)
"Sakura Internet, Inc.,First Japanese Company Selected for Government Cloud">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.12.4)
"COVID,Ukraine,and The Future">>CIRIEC, The 38th Research Conference, Executive Committee Chairperson,Moderator(2023.12.2,3)
"Book Review,M-1 has started!">>Toyo-Keizai Online(2023.12.2)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Keage">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.12.1)
"iU President,"変身と合体">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.29)
"Today's iU "Sports Club">>iU Channel(2023.11.28)
"Bicycle">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2023.11.26,27)
"Mr.Altman back at Open AI as CEO.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.11.27)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Higashi-Honganji">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.24)
"iU President,"ICT Infrastructure in 10 Years">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.22)
"Today's iU "Student Entrepreneur">>iU Channel(2023.11.21)
"Open AI's CEO Retires">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.11.20)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "The Hotel Seiryu">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.17)
"What opportunities does eSports bring to Medium and Small Businesses?">>Best Partners,Dec.2023, Dialogue(2023.11.18)
"iU President,""The Genius" Craig Wright">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.15)
"i Museum">>iU, Dialogue(2023.11.8)
"Today's iU "Z Found">>iU Channel(2023.11.14)
"264.3 billion yen in supplementary budget for updating learning PC,fund for prefectures">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.11.13)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kiyomizu-temple">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.10)
"iU President,"Sustainable Management">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.8)
"i Museum">>iU, Dialogue(2023.11.8)
"Today's iU "Mr.Masashi Kumada">>iU Channel(2023.11.6)
"Kuwana City's new integrated elementary and junior high school,Using AI Creation of school song">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.11.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Chorakukan">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.3)
"iU President,"Family owned">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.11.1)
"Today's iU "Sumida Media Labo.">>iU Channel(2023.10.31)
"iU Visiting Professor Festival Vol.1">>iU, Talk(2023.10.30)
"Saudi Arabia Creates eSports World Cup">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.10.30)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Yasaka Tower">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.27)
"iU President,"Kyoto, longevity">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.25)
"Today's iU "President">>iU Channel(2023.10.24)
"KIFF2023 party on the night after the event~Today's Yose~iU President guess Vol.2">>Yoshimoto Gion Kagetsu,Talk(2023.10.24)
"KIFF2023,Start">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.10.23)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Yasaka Koshindo">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.20)
"Review IGF2023@Kyoto">>DPF,Talk(2023.10.18)
"iU President,"Copyright Council, Agency for Cultural Affairs">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.18)
"Today's iU "International Collaborations">>iU Channel(2023.10.17)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Hiroyuki Ito">>Dialogue(2023.10.12)
"The students themselves create the university! We create the most interesting university in the world with our students.">>The Student Newspaper,Interview(2023.10.9)
"Prime Minister Kishida International guidelines for generative AI developers to be formulated at G7 meeting in this fall??">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.10.16)
"OTAKU SUMMIT Satellite in KIFF">>KIFF2023, Kyoto, Moderator(2023.10.16)
"Talk">>KIFF2023,Closing Ceremony, Kyoto, Talk(2023.10.15)
"NY Fashion Week 2024 Spring/Summer meeting">>KIFF2023,Kyoto, Dialoge(2023.10.14)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Sauna Umeyu">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.13)
"iU President,"JISPA">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.11)
"Today's iU "Kuala Lumpur">>iU Channel(2023.10.10)
"Attractive Countries, Japan is Top of list">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.10.9)
"Teppanyaki">>NHK Cool Japan(2023.10.8)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shoseien">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.6)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Masako Furuichi">>Dialogue(2023.10.5)
"iU President,"G7 Digital Minister Meeting">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.10.4)
"Today's iU "Oxford">>iU Channel(2023.10.3)
"Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Making middle-aged and older people digital human resources">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.10.2)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kyoto Station">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.29)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Yumi Yamaguchi">>Dialogue(2023.9.28)
"iU President,"The Super MARIO Brothers Movie2">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.27)
"Today's iU "Campus Full Museum">>iU Channel(2023.9.26)
"Change-Tomorrow 2023">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.9.25)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "To-ji">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.22)
"iU President,"The Super MARIO Brothers Movie1">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.20)
"Today's iU "Marche">>iU Channel(2023.9.19)
"Mr.Takafumi Horie, Radio station in his hometown">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.9.18)
"Talk">>Change-Tomorrow 2023,Super Adviser,Talk(2023.9.17,18)
"iU eSports Strategy">>RAGE VALORANT 2023 Watch Party, Talk(2023.9.16)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "MatsuoTaisha">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.15)
"iU President,"Kids Festa 2023 Spring">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.13)
"Today's iU "Change Tomorrow">>iU Channel(2023.9.12)
"Sound of Ikebana">>New York Fashion Week 2023,Runway, New York(2023.9.11)
"That">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.9.11)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Saiho-ji">>TikToK iUChannel(2023.9.8)
"iU President,"Digital Top 10 News 2020,3→1">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Momoyama-Goryo,Fushimi-Castle">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.9.1)
"iU President,"Digital Top 10 News 2020,4→10">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.30)
"KDDI,New Price Plans">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.8.30)
"Today's iU "Change Tomorrow">>iU Channel(2023.8.29)
"Today's iU "IESSP">>iU Channel(2023.8.29)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Kizakura">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.25)
"iU President,"I have retired from Yoshimoto">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.23)
"Learning?">>"How do we design cooperative education?",Keynote,Panelist(2023.8.22)
"How should Japan face technology?">>Digital Risk Forum 2023, Moderator, talk(2023.8.21)
"Digital Summer Party">>Talk(2023.8.21)
"Today's iU,Super SDGs Lab">>iU Channel(2023.8.22)
"Osaka,Kansai Expo2025",Business Incubation Support Project Team">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.8.21)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Teradaya">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.18)
"iU President,"Mr.Hiroshi Osaki shifts position">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.16)
""Osaka,Kansai Expo2025",Business Incubation Support Project Team"Inauguration Press Conference>>Press Conference, Osaka,Talk(2023.8.17)
""Osaka,Kansai Expo2025",Business Incubation Support Project Team"Inauguration Press Conference>>Press Conference, Osaka,Talk(2023.8.17)
""Osaka,Kansai Expo2025",Business Incubation Support Project Team"Inauguration Press Conference>>Press Conference, Osaka,Talk(2023.8.17)
"Today's iU,Broadcaster Testimonials Archive Project">>iU Channel(2023.8.15)
"Musashino Art University's AI painting contest was hastily canceled due to criticism of "copyright infringement.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.8.14)
Today's Kyoto-walk "Kyoto University Disaster Lab">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.11)
"iU President,"Nico-Nico-Chokaigi">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.9)
High School Students' Dreams AWARD4 National Contest">>Everyone's Dream,Judge(2023.8.8)
Today's iU,Super School song">>iU Channel(2023.8.8)
"Genderless restroom">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.8.7)
"A dialogue with entrepreneur Mr.Yuji Mizoguchi and iU President Ichiya Nakamura">>iU, Open Campus, Dialogue talk(2023.8.6)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Yodo">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.4)
"iU President,"KIFF2022@Kyoto after party,iU President recommend Today's Yose">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.8.2)
"iU Media Project">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.7.31)
"Book Review:"The Complete History of the Entertainment Business" - "Chapter 5: Manga"">>iU Channel(2023.7.30)
"Book Review:"The Complete History of the Entertainment Business" - "Chapter 4:Publising "">>iU Channel(2023.7.30)
"Book Review:"The Complete History of the Entertainment Business" - "Chapter 3:Music "">>iU Channel(2023.7.30)
"Book Review:"The Complete History of the Entertainment Business" - "Chapter 2:Movie"">>iU Channel(2023.7.30)
"Book Review:"The Complete History of the Entertainment Business" - "Chapter 1:Show business"">>iU Channel(2023.7.30)
"Entertainment*○○">>iU, Open Campus, tripartite (three man) talk(2023.7.30)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Meilin Elementary School,Ruins of Mitsui Money Exchange Shop">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.28)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.YOYOKA,vol.2 ">>Dialogue(2023.7.27)
"AI and Digital Policy">>DPF,Talk,Moderator(2023.7.27)
"iU President,"KIFF2022@Kyoto University">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.26)
"Japan ranks first in Twitter usage time!">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.7.24)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Joruri-ji, Kaijusenji, Gansenji">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.21)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Hirotaka Yoshida ">>Dialogue(2023.7.20)
"AI and Digital Policy">>DPF,Talk,Moderator(2023.7.12)
"iU President,"KIFF2022">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.19)
"University Capacity,Not filled by 20% in 2050,from MEXT">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.7.17)
"The true "power of writing" to defeat AI">>NEWSPICKS, comments(2023.7.17)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Hououdo, Uji-Birigde, Okubo">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.14)
"Games#>>NHK Cool Japan Talk(2022.1.23,24,29,2023.7.14)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Peter Barakan ">>Dialogue(2023.7.13)
"AI and Digital Policy">>DPF,Talk,Moderator(2023.7.12)
"iU President,"Kyoto Metaverse Meeting">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.12)
"Restaurant survey on restaurants foreigners want to visit in Japan">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.7.10)
"Today's Kyoto-walk "Shogun-zuka">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.7)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Atsuo Nakayama">>Dialogue(2023.7.6)
"iU President,"IESSP">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.7.5)
"Mr.Hiroshi Osaki of Yoshimoto Kogyo leaves the company to focus on "Expo'">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.7.3)
"Today's Kyoto-walk"Bishamondo, Kaju-ji, SakanoueTamuramaro's tomb">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.30)
"iU President,"Robots">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.28)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Hirohisa Sato ">>Dialogue(2023.6.27)
"It is "unfair" to have summer vacation homework made by a generated AI by MEXT guideline">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.6.27)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO#6(5/30)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.6.24)
"UPGRADE with TOKYO vol.29,"Realization of competition venue where sound can be seen and felt"">>judge(2023.6.23)
"Today's Kyoto-walk"Rokuharamitsuji,Wakamiyahachiman,Kawasaki">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.23)
"From the Revolution of the Internet to Web3: The Latest Technology Opens the Way to the Future">>Global Digital Summit 2023, Panelist, Archive(2023.6.22)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Noritaka Okabe ">>Dialogue(2023.6.22)
"iU President,"Workshop-collection,International Digital Ehon Fair">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.21)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto University,DPRI,Lecture(2023.6.20)
"Film Director Mr.Sadao Nakajima Dies at 88 years old">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.6.19)
"Coffee">>NHK COOL JAPAN , Talk(2023.6.18,19,23)
"iU">>IMPACT DAY in QUINTBRIDGE(Day1) , Osaka,Talk,Panelist(2023.6.17)
"Today's Kyoto-walk"Noen,Cattleya,Tsukiji,Asanuma">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.16)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Hiroto Fujii ">>Dialogue(2023.6.15)
"iU President,"Change Tomorrow">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.14)
"ICT Education">>Education newsaper,Comments(2023.6.14)
"Digital-Signage Awards">>DSJ2023, Chairman Opens the Way to the Future">>Global Digital Summit 2023,Panelist(2023.6.7)
"BANDAI,Tamagocchi-UNI">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.6.12)
"Dairy Products">>NHK COOL JAPAN , Talk(2023.6.11,12,16)
"iU-Ming Shin University of Science and Technology, MOU">>Talk, Taiwain(2023.6.10)
"Today's Kyoto-walk"Kennin-ji,Ebisu-Jinja,Matsukawa-alcohol-selling store,Nishiki-Bath">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.9)
"iU President,"Yoshimoto-Kogyo,110th anniversary">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.7)
"From the Revolution of the Internet to Web3: The Latest Technology Opens the Way to the Future">>Global Digital Summit 2023, Panelist(2023.6.7)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Syujiro Kusumoto ">>Dialogue(2023.6.6)
"Access to ChatGPT, Japan ranks 3rd in the world">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.6.5)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Echigo-jinja, Water from willow of Sennorikyu,Mr.Kiyomasa Kato's House-ruins,Saga-Nabeshima's house-ruins,Oukyo Maruyama's houose-ruins">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.6.2)
"iU President,"AIU">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.31)
"WARAI NI NEGAI WOO-5">>WARAI NI NEGAI WOO, Osaka,Talk(2023.5.30)
"Government to support "e-sports," considering adoption for the Olympics.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.5.29)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO#5(4/25)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.5.27)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"KBS-Kyoto, Kongo-Nogakudo, Sanjokarasuma-Gosho-ruins">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.26)
"iU President,"Metaverse meeting">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.24)
"G7 Hiroshima Summit, AI Process>>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.5.22)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops "Furukawamachi-shopping street, Shoreiin">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.19)
"iU President,"NTT R&D FORUM">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.17)
"Google Glass,End of sale, the end of a 10-year history">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.5.15)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops "Nanzen-ji, ZOO">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.12)
"iU President,"The Contents Policy of LDP>>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.10)
"G7 Digital Ministers' Meeting">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.5.8)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Hounenin, Eikando">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.5)
"iU President,"The Content Industry of Liberal Democratic Party>>TikToK iU Channel(2023.5.3)
"The Movie "Super Mario",Game-sensitivity">>Japan Economic Newspaper, Comments(2023.5.2)
"Anyway, Mr.Yasumura, a bright young man, Going Abroad a great success!">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.5.1)
"Extreme Modification">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2022.4.22,30,2023.4.28)
"The World and Digital">>DPF,G7 Open Conference, Takasaki,Moderator(2023.4.29)
"Realizing Global Cooperation in Digital Policy">>DPF,G7 Open Conference, Takasaki,Talk(2023.4.29)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Shugakuin Elementary School,Shugakuin-Appartment,Daikoku-yu,Botanical Garden">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.28)
"iU President,"#Gakuho-kun, Gachoon>>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.26)
"WARAI NI NEGAI WOO-5">>WARAI NI NEGAI WOO, Osaka,Talk(2023.4.25)
"Piracy in Brazil First Caught,Japanese Anime,36 sites closed">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.4.24)
"HAKOZUME!">>"This is Educational Manga,vol.4, HAKOZUME!",Comments(2023.4.21)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Ichijoji, Shisendo">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.21)
"iU President,"# Memorization>>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.19)
"Continue to learn">>VIEW next ONLINE Benesse, Interview(2023.4.18)
"Library of Congress, U.S.A.,Super Mario Bros.Permanent Theme Song">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.4.17)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Demachi, Masugataya">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.14)
"iU President,"#Noodle">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.12)
"Mr.Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away.">>YouTube iU Channel,This is Last Week News(2023.4.10)
"Enjoy Change">>VIEW next ONLINE Benesse, Interview(2023.4.8)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Doshishya University,Shokokuji,Imadegawa">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.7)
"iU President,"#Sanjo City University">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.4.5)
"iU Entrance Ceremony">>iU , Talk(2023.4.4)
"Broadcasting Law Documents,the end of the matter?">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.4.3)
"Driving">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2023.4.2,3,7)
"Mr.Masashi Kumada, Sumida-ku Campus Life!FILE①"warm-hearted appartment of iU students"">>Sumida-ku official Channel, Talk(2023.4.2)
"Campus Common Start #80">>Talk(2023.3.31)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Ikenobou,Nakamura Tokichi,Fukujuen">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.24)
"iU President,"#Super KABUKI">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.29)
"WBC Japan champion">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.3.27)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO#3(3/25)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.3.26)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO#3(3/25)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.3.25)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Nishihongan-ji,Hiun-kaku">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.24)
"iU President,"#Super KABUKI">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.22)
"Japan Post delivers packages by drone,"Level 4"First in Japan">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.3.20)
"iU Marche">>iU,B-Lab, Talk(2023.3.17)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Morita-ya,HiranoTofu,Gontaro,Narita">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.17)
"This is iU - "Student 1st">>Xingin, iU(2023.3.16)
"This is iU - "Student 1st">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.3.16)
"iU President,"#LIVESTAND">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.15)
"The Soy Sauce Licking Three Men of Kura-Sushi was Police Arrests by posted unsolicited videos">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.3.13)
"Campus Common Opening Ceremony">>Guest,ribbon-cutting ceremony(2023.3.12)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Hourin-ji,Den-Den-gu,Umekoji">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.10)
"DX Utilization Consultant Basic Course, Final Review">>Judges(2023.3.9)
"This is iU - "Overseas School Relations">>Xingin, iU(2023.3.9)
"This is iU - "Overseas School Relations">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.3.9)
"iU President,"# Tokyo Game Show">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.8)
"The IOC announces the establishment of a new e-sports Games.">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.3.6)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO" #2(3/4)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.3.5)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO" #2(3/4)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.3.4)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Gekkeikan, Shinsei">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.3)
"This is iU - "B Lab,media Lab">>Xingin, iU(2023.3.2)
"This is iU - "B Lab,media Lab"">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.3.2)
"iU President,"Oh, Net Safety of Youth">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.3.1)
"Digital Signage">>Signage Management 2023 Feb. Comments(2023.2)
"Domestic Advertising Expenditures Hit Record High for First Time in 15 Years">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.2.27)
"Talk,General comment">>"National Kuniumi Manga World Cup, vol.3"(2023.2.26)
"WARAI NI NEGAI WOO-3">>WARAI NI NEGAI WOO, Osaka,Talk(2023.2.25)
BS Yoshimoto"Toward 2025 Osaka and Kansai Expo, WARAI NI NEGAI WOO #1 (2/25)">>Osaka,Talk(2023.2.25)
"Today's Kyoto-establishedshops"Myoshin-ji, Myoren-ji, Toys and Movie Museum">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.24)
"JIN">>"This is Educational Manga,vol.3, JIN", Comments(2023.2.23)
"This is iU - All entrepreneurship">>Xingin, iU(2023.2.23)
"This is iU - All entrepreneurship">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.2.23)
"iU President,"Oh, the farm is green">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.22)
"Talk">>iU-Sapporo Seishu High School,High School and University Collaboration Agreement Ceremony(2023.2.22)
"Legal Consultation at ChatGPT,Lawyers.com to launch this spring">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.2.20)
"Digital New Year Party">>Talk(2023.2.20)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Shioyoshiken,Tankiri-ame,Kosodate-ame">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.17)
"This is iU - Hybrid environment">>Xingin, iU(2023.2.16)
"This is iU - Hybrid environment">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.2.16)
"iU President,"20 years since the reorganization of ministries">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.15)
"Yamagata City reclaims the top spot in ramen spending">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.2.13)
"Elementary school student Start Up Project 2022">>Sumida-ku,Judge(2022.2.12)
"Today's Kyoto-establishedshops"Kitanotenmangu,Injou-ji,Mikami-jinja">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.10)
"This is iU - Industry Collaboration">>Xingin, iU(2023.2.9)
"This is iU - Industry Collaboration">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.2.9)
"iU President,"Japan and Global Media ? Contents">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.8)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops"Komatsu-ya, Murakamikaishindo, Sawaya">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.3)
"This is iU - Enterprise University">>Xingin, iU(2023.2.2)
"This is iU - Enterprise University">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.2.2)
"iU President,"Symposium of DX and Digital Affair">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.2.1)
"WARAI NI NEGAI WOO-2">>WARAI NI NEGAI WOO, Osaka,Talk(2023.1.31)
"CyberAgent,AI Video Ad Mass Production,3D Talent flexible production ">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.30)
"Chat GPT,Used all over Stanford University's final exams.">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.30)
"WARAI NI NEGAI WOO-1">>WARAI NI NEGAI WOO, Osaka,Talk(2023.1.30)
"Today's Kyoto-established shops">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.27)
"This is iU - Major Study Content">>Xingin, iU(2023.1.26)
"iU President,"Try festa">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.25)
"Netflix CEO Hastings Steps Down">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.23)
"Elon Musk Cuts Twitter Employee Fertility Benefits in Half">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.16)
"Electronic prescriptions for medicines">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.9)
"Seafoods">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2023.1.22)
"The Campus Experience of the Future: The Potential of the Metaverse">>"College Management",Vol.235 Jan.-Mar.2023, Dialoge(2023.1)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop,"Onishi Kyosendo, Kyukyodo, Saiundo">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.20)
"This is iU - iU">>Xingin, iU(2023.1.19)
"This is iU - iU">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.1.19)
"iU President,"National treasure after 150 years later">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.18)
"Motorcycles">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.4.18,19,2023.1.9,14)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop,"SANGA-Stadium,KUWAYAMA-Jinja,Trolley-Train">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.13)
"iU President,"DX and Digital Affair">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.11)
"This is iU - University of Pop Culture">>Xingin, iU(2023.1.12)
"This is iU - University of Pop Culture">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.1.12)
"Past DX, Future DX">>DX SKILL-UP FESTIVAL 2023, iU Executive School,Moderator(2023.1.12)
"Recommended Activity">>TV-Tokyo,World Business Satellite, Interview(2023.1.9)
"Motorcycles">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.4.18,19,2023.1.9)
"Weekly Sumida Special Version">>BS-Yoshimoto, Dialogue(2023.1.7)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop,"Ishiguro-kouhou, Miyawaki-Baisenan, Aiba">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.7)
"This is iU - Super Free Society">>Xingin, iU(2023.1.5)
"This is iU - Super Free Society">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2023.1.5)
"iU President,"Raincoats">>TikToK iU Channel(2023.1.4)
"Animation Industry Market Size Reaches Record High">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2023.1.2)
"SUMIDA, New Year Special Dialogue 2023">>SUMIDA-Ku Official Channel,J-COM Weekly Sumida, Dialogue(2023.1.1)
"SUMIDA, New Year Special Dialogue 2023">>SUMIDA-Ku Official Channel,J-COM Weekly Sumida, Dialogue(2023.1.1)
"Fun & Convenience Change Smartphone">>"Smartphones have changed, TV in the last 10 years.",Yomiuri Newspaper,Interview(2023.1.1)
2022 |
TOP▲ |
"About NHK">>Weekly Playboy News, Interview(2022.12.31)
"iU President,"Established ">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.30)
"This is iU - Do it all">>Xingin, iU(2022.12.29)
"This is iU - Do it all">>Weibo, iUCHANNEL(2022.12.29)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk,"Etc.ver.1">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.28)
"New Year Special Dialogue">>FANY Magagine, Dialgue(2022.12.26)
"M-1 Grand-Prix">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.12.26)
"This is iU - Creating Innovation">>Xingin, iU(2022.12.23)
"This is iU - Creating Innovation">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.12.23)
"iU President,"Post office 1871 ">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.21)
"I love YOSHIMOTO! Cheers Mr.Ichihya Nakamura,"Mrs.Kanda goes"">>sights-kyoto, Daialouge(2022.12.21)
"Mr.Naoya Inoue,Unification of 4 world organizations">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.12.19)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk,The Shops vol.2 ">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.16)
"This is iU - Self-learning">>Xingin, iU(2022.12.15)
"This is iU - Self-learning">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.12.15)
"iU President,"# Recommended Activity">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.14)
"To support children who are not attending school eSports">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.12.12)
"iU Presindnt's Special talk live">>iU Open Campus(2022.12.11)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk,My neighborhood vol.2 ">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.9)
"This is iU - Enjoy the change">>Xingin, iU(2022.12.8)
"This is iU - Renaissance">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.12.8)
"iU President,"Mr.Atsuo Nakayama's book,Recommended Economy">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.7)
"World Cup2022,Qatar">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.12.5)
"About NHK">>Weekly Playboy No.51, Interview(2022.12.5)
"Talk">>CIRIEC JAPAN,The 37th Research Conference, Fukuyama(2022.12.3,4)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, The Shops">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.12.2)
"Kyoto-Power,Softpower,Contents">>Yomiuri newspaper Kansai-version, Comments(2022.12.2)
"This is iU - Renaissance">>Xingin, iU(2022.12.1)
"This is iU - Renaissance">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.12.1)
"iU President,"Mr.Joi's book,Technology Predicts the Future">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.30)
"China - Anime OTAKU 6.85 million">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.11.28)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, My neighborhood vol.1">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.25)
"This is iU - Pandemic a pinch or an opportunity?">>Xingin, iU(2022.11.24)
"This is iU - Pandemic a pinch or an opportunity?">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.11.24)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Toshiyuki Inoko">>Dialogue(2022.11.23)
"iU President,"PoP and Tech SSpecial Area">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.23)
"AI,Metaverse and Human">>AIU, Paneldisscussion, Akita, Panelist(2022.11.22)
"China - Bachelor's Day">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.11.21)
"Super Human Sports">>Future map, MIRAIT ONE, Interview(2022.11.21)
"Retro Boom">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2022.11.20)
"This is iU - All Entrepreneurship">>Xingin, iU(2022.11.17)
"This is iU - All Entrepreneurship">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.11.17)
"This is iU - I am the president of iU">>Weibo,iUCHANNEL(2022.11.10)
"This is iU - I am the president of iU">>Xingin, iU(2022.11.9)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, etc.vol.1">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.18)
"iU President,"World Digital Conference">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.16)
"What day is November 11th? ">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.11.14)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, Around Center of Kyoto">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.11)
"iU President,"Digital Nation">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.9)
"High School and University Partnership Signing Ceremony">>iU (2022.11.7)
"Change Tomorrow">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.11.7)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop,Cake Shops1">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.4)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, Around Kyoto University">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.3)
"iU President,RED°TOKYO TOWER">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.11.3)
"CEO Audition">>judge(2022.11.3)
"Analog Regulation,99% review">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.10.31)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop, Restaurants2">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.10.21)
"iU President,"Malaysia">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.10.19)
"After Night of KIFF2022,Produced by iU President">>GION KAGETSU,Kyoto,Produce(2022.10.18)
"This is last week's news:New Zealand government taxes cow burps.">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.10.17)
"DPRI,Kyoto University, Art Innovation">>KIFF2022, Dialogue(2022.10.15)
"Today's Kyoto-Walk, From Kamigamo">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.10.14)
"iU President,"Konkon-chikichin">>TikTok iU Channel(2022.10.12)
"Mr.Shohei Otani, W. Attains batting and pitching.">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.10.10)
"KIFF2022,Last Minute Special">>BS-Yoshimoto,Talk(2022.10.9)
"B Lab Yoyogi Cafe Dialogue Vol.1">>YouTube, Dialogue(2022.10.7)
"Today's Kyoto-established shop, Restrants1">>TikToK iU Channel(2022.10.7)
"vision of the future of Metaverse ~New wave of Smart-City~">>Kyoto Smart-City Expo2022,Special Session, Dialogue(2022.10.6)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Akie Iriyama">>Dialogue(2022.10.5)
"iU President,"En-yaraya">>TikTok iU Channel(2022.10.5)
"iU">>bilibili iU_CHANNEL(2022.10.4)
"Tokyo University opened Metaverse Engineering Department.">>YouTube iU Channel, This is Last Week News(2022.10.3)
"We created the world's first university. Now what happened?">>iU careerpunks2022, Talk(2022.9.29)
"Assessment of the first year of the Digital Agency">>DPF,Moderator(2022.9.28)
"Oshi-katsu's Power of Anime, idol">>YOMIURI Newspaper,"WATCHERS",Interview(2022.9.28)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Sheila Cliffe">>Dialogue(2022.9.28)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Bihou Yamauchi">>Dialogue(2022.9.14)
"Digital Citizenship by Net Safety">>ICT Literacy study group vol.1,Panelist(2022.9.9)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Nobuhiko Otani Dainoji, vol.1">>Dialogue(2022.9.8)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Nobuhiko Otani Dainoji,vol.2">>Dialogue(2022.9.8)
"Soft Power?">>Congress Policy Secretary of House of Councilors Trabing 2022, keynote(2022.9.7)
"President's Contents Select 10, Movie">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.7)
"President's Contents Select 10, Manzai">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.7)
"President's Contents Select 10, Manga">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.7)
"President's Contents Select 10, Music">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.7)
"President's Contents Select 10, Etc.">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.7)
"Jomon">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2022.9.4,5,10)
"Digital Trust">World Digital Conference 2022, Report(2022.9.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.742">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.741">>iU CHANNEL(2022.9.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.740">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.31)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Emiko Tanaka">>Dialogue(2022.8.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.739">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.738">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.737">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.736">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.735">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.24)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Hiroshi Kanamori">>Dialogue(2022.8.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.734">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.733">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.22)
"Toward "Super Free Society">>"2040 PROJECT", Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Co.Ltd., The Institute of Media Environment, Interview(2022.8.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.732">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.731">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.730">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.729">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.728">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.15)
"iU President Gachon with Ms.Mutsumi Tsuuzaki">>Dialogue(2022.8.15)
"World-Class Strategies is poor">>"Toward a New Age of TV", Tokyo Newspaper, Interview(2022.8.14)
"iU">>Malaysia Tamil News 10pm 11.8.2022, Malaysia, Interview(2022.8.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.727">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.726">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.11)
"iU-IUMW Collaboration Agreement Ceremony">>Malaya Wales International University, Collaboration Ceremony, Kuala Lumpur(2022.8.10)
"iU-IUMW Collaboration Agreement Ceremony">>Malaya Wales International University, Collaboration Ceremony, Talk, Kuala Lumpur(2022.8.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.726">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.725">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.724">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.8)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Ryo Morikawa">>Dialogue(2022.8.6)
"Festivals">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2022.8.7,8,13)
"Netflix">>iU Open Campus, Dialogue(2022.8.7)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Syuichi Miyawaki">>Dialogue(2022.8.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.723">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.722">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.721">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.3)
"Miki Watanabe × Ichiya Nakamura">>High School Students,Dream AWARD3, Dialogue(2022.8.3)
"High School Students,Dream AWARD3">>Judgement(2022.8.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.720">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.719">>iU CHANNEL(2022.8.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.718">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.717">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.716">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.27)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Masaaki Harukawa">>Dialogue(2022.7.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.715">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.714">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.713">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.712">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.711">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.710">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.709">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.18)
"iU">>TOKYO MX "Corporate Spirit", Talk(2022.7.16)
"Digital Trust">>World Digital Conference 2022, Panelist(2022.7.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.708">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.707">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.14)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kenichiro Senoo">>Dialogue(2022.7.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.706">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.13)
"Cable? TV?">>Cable Tech Show2022,Premium Seminar,Keynote(2022.7.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.705">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.12)
"METAVERSE Project">>CiP, Moderator(2022.7.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.704">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.11)
"Municipality and Digital">>Committee of Chiefs for Creating Dynamic Local Communities, keynote(2022.7.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.698">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.702">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.701">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.700">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.699">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.698">>iU CHANNEL(2022.7.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.697">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.696">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.29)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Maiko Ito">>Dialogue(2022.6.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.695">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.694">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.27)
"Reskilling and digital human resource development and digital education">>Digital Nation Japan Forum, Report,Japan Economic Newspaper(2022.6.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.693">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.692">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.691">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.22)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kengo Kuma【English subtitles】">>Dialogue(2022.6.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.690">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.689">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.688">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.687">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.686">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.15)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kouki Kimura">>Dialogue(2022.6.15)
"Talk">>Digital Signage Awards 2022, DSJ2022, Talk(2022.6.15)
"Opening Ceremony">>DSJ2022, Talk(2022.6.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.685">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.684">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.683">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.682">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.681">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.680">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.679">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.6)
"Transformations and New Trends in Social and Economic Systems ?Digital,COLVID-19, Ukraine?">>DPF&CIRIEC Conference,Talk,Moderator(2022.6.6)
"DX Human Resource Development">>"Digital(2022.6.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.673">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.677">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.2)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Toshiaki Endo,Chief of the Election Committee of L.D.P.,Member of the House of Representatives">>Dialogue(2022.6.1)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Joi">>Dialogue(2022.6.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.676">>iU CHANNEL(2022.6.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.675">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.674">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.673">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.672">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.671">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.670">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.24)
"Reskilling and digital human resource development and digital education">>Digital Nation Japan Forum, Panelist(2022.5.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.669">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.668">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.667">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.666">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.18)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Masanori Honda">>Dialogue(2022.5.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.665">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.664">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.16)
"Skill Market">>Asahi Newspaper Evening,Comments(2022.5.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.663">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.662">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.661">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.11)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Karen Makishima,Minister of Digital Agency">>Dialogue(2022.5.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.660">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.659">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.658">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.657">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.656">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.655">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.654">>iU CHANNEL(2022.5.2)
iU">>iU , Admission Session, Keynote(2022.4.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.653">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.652">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.28)
"Message to you, Prof..Naoko Tosa">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.651">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.650">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.649">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.25)
"Extreme Modification">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2022.4.22,30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.648">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.647">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.21)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Yutaka Sado">>Dialogue(2022.4.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.646">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.645">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.644">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.18)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Yu Sasamoto">>Dialogue(2022.4.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.643">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.642">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.641">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.640">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.639">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.638">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.637">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.636">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.635">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.634">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.4)
"iU">>Shoei Magazine2022,pp.2-pp.3, Interview(2022.3)
"iU Entrance Ceremony 2022 Ceremony Talk">>iU Entrance Ceremony 2022,Ceremony Talk(2022.4.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.633">>iU CHANNEL(2022.4.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.632">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.631">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.30)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Miyuki Kimura">>Dialogue(2022.3.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.631">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.630">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.28)
"Let's Start B Lab">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.629">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.628">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.627">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.23)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Takaaki Umezawa">>Dialogue(2022.3.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.626">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.625">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.21)
"National Kuniumi Manga World Cup">>National Kuniumi Manga World Cup,Judge(2022.3.19)
Q&A from iU students">>iU Open Campus, Talk(2022.3.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.624">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.623">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.17)
"Bureaucracy, Commercial Broadcasting, University">>"Where is NHK going?", Keynote, Panelst(2022.3.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.622">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.16)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Shinya Nakajima">>Dialogue(2022.3.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.621">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.620">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.3.14)
"CiP">>PLATEAU CONNECT Session 4, Keynote,Panelist(2022.3.14)
SDGs,Q&A,"Education">>Kyoto Univ.Super SDGs Symposium vol.5,"Sustainability Personal",Panelist(2022.3.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.619">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.618">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.617">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.9)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kensaku Fukui">>Dialogue(2022.3.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.616">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.615">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.3.7)
"GAFA next stage">>TOYO KEIZAI Online, Interview(2022.3.7)
"Smile">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2020.8.9,2022.3.6)
"Super Free Society">>Keio Colloquium 2022,Talk,Panelist(2022.3.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.614">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.613">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.3)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Yohei Sadoshima">>Dialogue(2022.3.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.612">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.611">>iU CHANNEL(2022.3.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.610">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.2.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.609">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.608">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.607">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.606">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.605">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.2.21)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kunihiro Tanaka">>Dialogue(2022.2.21)
"Lost Digital Nation">>BS11,"News Live, Inside Out", Commentator(2022.2.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.604">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.18)
"Talk">>Games Streamer Awards 2021(2022.2.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.603">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.602">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.601">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.600">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.2.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.599">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.598">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.597">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.596">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.595">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.2.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.594">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.593">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.592">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.591">>iU CHANNEL(2022.2.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.590">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.1.31)
"Rethinking Digital Content Policy">>Cultural and Economic Policy WG,keynote(2022.1.30)
"Super Free Society">>kyoto University Faculty of Economics Alumni Association(Tokyo),Keynote(2022.1.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.589">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.588">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.27)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Toshimitsu Sowa">>Dialogue(2022.1.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.587">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.586">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.585">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.1.24)
"Games">>NHK Cool Japan 出演(2022.1.23,24,29)
"iU">>APU Muslims Research Center,Online Symposium, Keynote,Panelist(2022.1.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.584">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.583">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.20)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Kaori Sasaki">>Dialogue(2022.1.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.582">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.581">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.580">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.1.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.579">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.578">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.577">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.576">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.575">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.1.10)
"iU">>Chuokoron, Feb.2022, pp.38-39, Interview(2022.1.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.574">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.573">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.572">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.5)
"You and I by Dr.Heinrich">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.4)
"iU President Gachon with Dr.Heinrich">>Dialogue(2022.1.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.571">>7iU CHANNEL(2022.1.3)
"Liquor">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.12.5,6,11,2022.1.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.570">>iU CHANNEL(2022.1.1)
2021 |
TOP▲ |
"Short Short Lesson vol.569">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.568">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.567">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.566">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.565">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.564">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.563">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.562">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.561">>7iU CHANNEL(2021.12.20)
”Media Convergence 2020s">>What is Japan and the Global Contents Market,Presented by HUMANMEDIA,Interview(2021.12.14)
"iU President Gachon with Dr.Yohei Sadoshima">>Dialogue(2021.12.6)
"Elementary school student Start Up Project Final">>Sumida-ku,Jugde(2021.12.19)
"Art & Technology">>"NAOKO TOSA's Sound of Ikebana" , Dialogue(2021.12.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.560">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.559">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.16)
"iU President Gachon with Dr.Masashi Sugiyama">>Dialogue(2021.12.15)
"You and I by ZAZZY">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.558">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.557">>7iU CHANNEL(2021.12.13)
"Convergence and Competition in the Information and Communication Industry">>CRIEC,Research Conference vol.36, General Report,Discussion(2021.12.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.556">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.555">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.9)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Kenji Sudo">>Dialogue(2021.12.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.554">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.553">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.552">>7iU CHANNEL(2021.12.6)
"Liquor">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.12.5,6,11)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Toshio Tsuchiya">>Dialogue(2021.12.3)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Susumu Shimoyama">>Dialogue(2021.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.551">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.550">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.2)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Tetsuya Yasukoucih">>Dialogue(2021.12.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.549">>iU CHANNEL(2021.12.1)
"Laugh & Peace Mother, Comments">>Laugh & Peace Mother, Comments(2021.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.548">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1130)
"Short Short Lesson vol.54">>7iU CHANNEL(2021.11.29)
"SDGs Series vol.5-Sustainable Community">>NHK Cool Japan,Talk(2021.11.21,29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.546">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.545">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.25)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Toko Shirakawa">>Dialogue(2021.11.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.544">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.543">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.23)
"About Bureaucrats">>Japan Economic Newspaper, Comments(2021.11.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.542">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.22)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Tomonori Aoyama">>Dialogue(2021.11.20)
"Future of Education">>iU, Dialogue (2021.11.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.541">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.19)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Oji Hiroi">>Dialogue(2021.11.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.540">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.18)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Midoriko Tamiya">>Dialogue(2021.11.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.539">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.17)
"Gakucho-kun is Gachon">>vol.1, Manga(2021.11.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.538">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.537">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.536">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.12)
"Use of Post Office Data and Way to Protect Privacy WG">>MIC,WG-Vol.1,Yuwaku-sshinpo, Comments (2021.11.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.535">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.534">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.533">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.532">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.8)
"ICT×Local Innovation Koshien from Kyotango-city">>Kyotango-city,Judges(2021.11.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.531">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.530">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.4)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Nelson Yamawake">>Dialogue(2021.11.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.529">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.528">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.527">>iU CHANNEL(2021.11.1)
"Let’s go iU!">>iU's School Song, song by Shonen Knife(2019/11/01)
"Short Short Lesson vol.526">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.525">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.524">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.523">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.522">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.25)
"Motorcycles">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.4.18,19,10.25)
"President Band">>iU-Fes, Play(2021.10.24)
"Creating "Super Free Society" with DX">>NTT Communications Digital Forum 2021, Keynote and Panelist(2021.10.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.521">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.520">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.519">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.20)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Nobuyuki Hoshino">>Dialogue(2021/10/20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.518">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.517">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.18)
"KIFF2021 Ceremony">>KIFF2021, Talk(2021.10.17)
"8 1/2">>MEMORIES of FILM,KIFF Theme Song Special Movie, Talk(2021.10.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.516">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.15)
"COLVID19 will change the future of universities">>Almost \0University,Interview(2021.10.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.515">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.514">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.13)
"iU President Gachon with Mr.Taichiro Nomura">>Dialogue(2021/10/13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.513">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.512">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.11)
"Ending Special Talk">>DIGITAL DAYS SUMMIT, Panelist(2021.10.10)
"Super Human Sports Session">>DIGITAL DAYS SUMMIT, Moderator(2021.10.10)
"Kyotango-City Digital Promotion Headquarters Meeting vol.2">>Kyotango-City, Kyoto, Talk (2021.10.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.511">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.510">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.509">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.508">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.507">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.4)
"KIMONO by Ichiya Nakamura">>Japan-Economic Newspaper,The Style/Fashion,Interview(2021.10.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.506">>iU CHANNEL(2021.10.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.505">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.504">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.29)
"You and I by Ms.KOYO">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.503">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.27)
"Rice">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.9.19,27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.502">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.24)
"Human Resource Development in Professional University">>Yomiuri-Newspaper, Comments(2021.9.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.501">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.500">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.22)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Koyo">>Dialogue(2021/09/22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.499">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.498">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.20)
"iU, pitch contest vol.2">>iU, Judges(2021.9.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.497">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.17)
"Japan DX's Future">>The Owner, Dialogue(2021.9.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.496">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.495">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.494">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.493">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.492">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.10)
"Digital Shift of Economic and Social Transformation">>Premium Incentive show 2021, Keynote(2021.9.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.491">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.490">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.489">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.7)
"Talking Tokyo Olympic Game at Kyoto Univ.">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.9.06)
"Short Short Lesson vol.488">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.6)
"iU, All Interns and All startups">>"SHIJUKUKAI",Sep.2021,No.485,p.18-p.21, Interview
"Short Short Lesson vol.487">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.486">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.485">>iU CHANNEL(2021.9.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.484">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.483">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.30)
"iU">>iU Open Campus, Talk(2021.8.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.482">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.481">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.481">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.480">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.479">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.478">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.20)
"You and I by GANBARERUYA">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.477">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.476">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.475">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.474">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.473">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.472">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.471">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.470">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.469">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.468">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.467">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.4)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.Chomado">>Dialogue(2021/08/04)
"Producer Development Project">>CiP, talk(2021.8.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.466">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.465">>iU CHANNEL(2021.8.2)
"Challenge of Developing Digital Human Resources">>DX Japan Forum review, Nikkei Biz digital edition(2021.7.30)
"Japan as A PoP?">>Fole No.227, Aug.2021, Mizuho-R&Tech,Interview(2021.7.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.464">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.463">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.29)
"You and I by HYOKKORIHAN">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.28)
"New Business by Copyright Free ?">>NEWSPICKS THE UPDATE,talk(2021.7.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.462">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.461">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.26)
"President × Students iU Campus Tour">>iU Open Campus, Talk(2021.7.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.460">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.459">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.458">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.21)
"Manga Collection for Adults">>PRESIDENT August 13th 2021, Interview(2021.7.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.457">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.456">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.19)
"President × Students Talk Show">>iU Open Campus, Talk(2021.7.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.455">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.454">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.453">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.14)
"Legacy of No Audience in TOKYO Olympics and Paralympics">>KYOTO-newspaper, Interview(2021.7.14)
"This is iU too!?ver.Gakucho-kun">> iU CHANNEL, Talk(2020/07/14)
"This is iU too! ?July 2020">> iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020/07/14)
"Autonomous Bus Operation in Bay Area">>SALON CiP, CiP, Panelist(2021.7.13)
"You and I">>iU's 2nd School Song, song by Mr.Ichiya Nakamura(2020/07/13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.452">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.451">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.12)
"How to Develop Digital Human Resources?">>Nikkei × TECH, report(2021.7.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.450">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.449">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.448">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.447">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.446">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.5)
iU B Lab Press Conference(2021.7.3)
"Talk">>Change Tomorrow , CiP=Ota-ku Signing Ceremony, Talk(2021.7.3)
"Talk">>Change Tomorrow ,Digital Singnage Award 2021, Talk(2021.7.3)
"Talk">>Change Tomorrow , Opening Ceremony, Talk(2021.7.3)
"Presentation of Future ">>Previous Day Festival of Change Tomorrow ,moderator(2021.7.2)
"Future of Urban Festivals">>Previous Day Festival of Change Tomorrow ,moderator(2021.7.2)
"Opening Ceremony">>OTAKU SUMMIT 2020, Keynote(2021.6.26)
"You and I by Joyman">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.445">>iU CHANNEL(2021.7.1)
"OTAKU New Normal !">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.6.30)
"Job placement ratel 0% is Goal !?">>MegaPlus, Interview(2021.6.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.444">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.30)
"I am iU President">> iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020/06/30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.443">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.442">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.28)
"Past, Present, and Future of OTAKU">>OTAKU SUMMIT 2020,moderator(2021.6.26)
"Opening Ceremony">>OTAKU SUMMIT 2020, Keynote(2021.6.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.441">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.25)
"#3 Future of Japanese Kimono">>DO-MEN channel, Ichiya Nakamura×Mr.Yoshio Domen, Dialogue(2021.6.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.440">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.24)
"Internet and Digital">>Internet and Digital Business Research Project symposium in Commercial Broadcasters , Keynote(2021.6.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.439">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.438">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.437">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.21)
"Why World-class Companies don't appear in Japan?">>The Central Daily News(Korean), Interview(2021.6.21)
"Global Competitors Startups should come out like Korea">>he Central Daily News(Japanese), Interview(2021.6.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.436">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.18)
"#2 Modern Japanese kimono industry and the future">>DO-MEN channel,Ichiya Nakamura×Mr.Yoshio Domen, Dialogue(2021.6.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.435">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.434">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.433">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.432">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.14)
"Housing">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2021.6.13,6.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.431">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.11)
"#1 Modern Kimono">>DO-MEN channel, Ichiya Nakamura×Mr.Yoshio Domen,Dialogue(2021.6.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.430">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.10)
""Manga-mura" Pirated edition Judgment">>Asahi newspaper,Comments(2021.6.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.429">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.428">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.427">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.7)
"This is also iU">>Kyotango-city DX meeting kick off, talk(2021.6.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.426">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.4)
""Manga-mura" Pirated edition Judgment">>Yomiuri newspaper,Comments(2021.6.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.425">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.3)
""No-Cut" President surprise, Guest:YOYOKA-san">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.2)
"You and I by YOYOKA">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.2)
"iU President Gachon with Mrs.YOYOKA">>Dialogue(2021/06/02)
"Short Short Lesson vol.424">>iU CHANNEL(2021.6.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.423">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.31)
"CiP">>CiP, Talk(2021.5.31)
"How will we spend our time in the age of AI & Robots? with Mr.Atsushi
Tamura">>CiP, Dialogue(2021.5.31)
"ICT Society and ICT Education">>ASBS,Talk(2021.5.29)
"Digital Human Resource Development">>"Digital Japan Forum, Panelist(2021.5.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.422">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.28)
"Challenge of Digital Human Resources">>"Digital Japan Forum",Nikkei-Channel(2021.5.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.421">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.420">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.419">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.418">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.24)
"You and I by Mr.Taro Yabe, KARATEKA">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.417">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.416">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.415">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.414">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.413">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.412">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.411">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.410">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.409">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.10)
"You and I by Mr.Jimmy Onishi">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.408">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.6)
"This is iU too! Short version">> iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021/05/06)
"This is iU too! ">> iU CHANNEL, Talk(2021/05/06)
"This is iU">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021/05/06)
"Short Short Lesson vol.407">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.5)
"Here comes iU">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021/05/05)
"Short Short Lesson vol.406">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.405">>iU CHANNEL(2021.5.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.404">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.403">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.402">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.28)
"Launch of a Major Incubation Plan in Aichi Prefecture">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.401">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.400">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.26)
"Human Resources of Next Generation Education">>Education Summit 2021,Dialogue(2021.4.21)
"iU">>iU Open Campus, Live(2021.4.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.395">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.22)
"Launch of the Esports Activation Review Conference">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.22)
"You and I by Mr.Chary Hama">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.398">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.21)
"Open Radio Revolution">>Radio Wave Symposium,Panelist(2021.4.20)
"World's First IoT Broadcast">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.397">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.4.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.396">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.20)
"Motorcycles">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.4.18,19)
"Possibility of XR">>Contents Tokyo 2021, Moderator(2021.4.16)
"You and I by Waraimeshi">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.395">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.15)
"Opening of iU and 10 Challenges">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.394">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.393">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.4.13)
"My Desire to Change the Gloomy Atmosphere">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.392">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.391">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.390">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.8)
"Super-Filtering as an Online Safety Measure for the Youth!?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.389">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.388">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.4.6)
"Takeoff of the Artist Commons for Numbering Artist IDs!">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.387">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.5)
"You and I by Yurian Retriever">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.2)
"iU 2021 University entrance ceremony">>iU, Talk(2021.4.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.386">>iU CHANNEL(2021.4.1)
"Stepping Down as Chairperson of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters Committee - Part 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.4.1)
"This is iU! ?April 2020">>iU CHANNEL, Talk(2020/04/01)
"Short Short Lesson vol.385">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.384">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.3.30)
"Stepping Down as Chairperson of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters Committee - Part 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.383">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.29)
"iU">>School Management Academy,March 2021, Interview(2021.3.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.382">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.381">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.25)
"National Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Japan Online Digital Strategy 2019">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.380">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.379">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.3.23)
"Plans, Execution, and the Other Side">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.378">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.22)
"Laugh & Peace Mother">>Laugh & Peace Mother Yoshimoto Kogyo, Press conference, Talk(2021.3.20)
"You and I by Metal Bat">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.377">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.18)
"Sharing Economy Report Summary">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.376">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.375">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.3.16)
"I Learned About Cutting-Edge AI and IoT at Super University">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.16)
"Domestic Products">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.3.14,16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.374">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.373">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.372">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.11)
"The Intellectual Property Plan Somehow Came Together">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.371">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.370">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.3.9)
"Discussion in the House of Representatives Regarding Deliberation on the Broadcast Act - Part 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.369">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.8)
"After COLVID19! New Normal">>High Schools-Universities Forum vol.2,The Consortium of Universities in Osaka,Keynote and Panelist(2021.3.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.368">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.367">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.4)
"Discussion in the House of Representatives Regarding Deliberation on the Broadcast Act - Part 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.4)
"Change the World with New Challenges">>Denshi-Gakuen, Special Interview(2021.3.3)
"Talk & TapeCut">>Denshi-Gakuen, 70th Anniversary(2021.3.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.366">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.365">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.3.2)
"Revisions Enacted to the Broadcast Act with Approval of Simultaneous Transmission by NHK - Part 3">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.3.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.364">>iU CHANNEL(2021.3.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.363">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.26)
Short Lesson Vol.19 "PoP & Tech">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.25)
Short Lesson Vol.18 "21st Century Dejima">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.25)
Short Lesson Vol.16 "What > How">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.25)
Short Lesson Vol.15 "Road to eSport Great Power">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.25)
Short Lesson Vol.14 "Let's Super Human">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.362">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.25)
"Revisions Enacted to the Broadcast Act with Approval of Simultaneous Transmission by NHK - Part 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.25)
""This is also Edutainment Manga!">>Interview(2021.2.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.361">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.360">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.2.23)
"Revisions Enacted to the Broadcast Act with Approval of Simultaneous Transmission by NHK - Part 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.359">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.22)
"MaaS in Tokyo Bay Area">>SALON CiP,CiP, Panelist(2021.2.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.358">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.357">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.18)
"Content Promotion Measures with the Liberal Democratic Party - Part2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.356">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.355">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.2.16)
"Content Promotion Measures with the Liberal Democratic Party - Part1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.16)
"Punk iU">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2021.2.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.354">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.353">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.352">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.11)
"Otaku Culture-">>NHK COOL JAPAN, Talk(2020.5.17,5.24,6.3,2021.2.11)
"Establishment of the Act to Promote the Computerization of Education">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.351">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.350">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.2.9)
"Report from the Riken Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) - Part 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.349">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.348">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.347">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.4)
"Report from the Riken Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP) - Part1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.346">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.345">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.2.2)
"The Learning of Tomorrow Business by Yoshimoto and NTT Supported by CANVAS">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.2.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.344">>iU CHANNEL(2021.2.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.343">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.342">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.28)
"Discussions Regarding Comprehensive Antipiracy Measures Enter the Final Stage">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.28)
"Create sports environment with digital technology">>UPGRADE with TOKYO vol.10,Judge(2020.1.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.341">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.27)
"talk">>JAPANDX × CiP, Talk(2020.1.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.340">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.1.26)
"Comprehensive Antipiracy Measures Are Under Review>>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.339">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.338">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.22)
"Digital Education→Beyond Education">>,Weekly Keidanren Times, Report(2021.1.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.337">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.21)
"Now Is the Time for Online Safety and Security Measures for the Youth">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.336">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.335">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.1.19)
"The Learning of Tomorrow Discussion at the Council for Regulatory Reform - Part 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.334">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.333">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.15)
"Mitsu">>Sumida-ku,"SUZUKAKE"vol.89,"Today's One word"(2021.1.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.332">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.14)
"The Learning of Tomorrow Discussion at the Council for Regulatory Reform - Part 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.331">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.330">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.1.12)
"Now Is the Time for a Sharing Economy Policy">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.329">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.11)
"Massage">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2021.1.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.328">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.327">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.7)
"Start of a New Round for the Intellectual Property Promotion Plan">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.326">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.325">>i3U CHANNEL(2021.1.5)
"The Possible Future of Sports and Technology">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2021.1.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.324">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.323">>iU CHANNEL(2021.1.1)
"New Year's Greeting">>Sumida-ku Official Channel #44, Talk(2021.1.1) |
2020 |
TOP▲ |
"iU vs. Minerva University">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.322">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.321">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.30)
"“The Internet and Freedom for Us” Revisited">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.320">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.319">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.28)
"Roads">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2020.12.27)
"Contents Business Strategy">>NewsPicks NewSchool Contents Entrepreneur Festival, Dialogue(2020.12.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.318">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.25)
""The Internet and Freedom"Q&A">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.317">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.316">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.23)
"What Is "Digital Capitalism?"- Part2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.315">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.22)
"You & I by Milk Boy">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.314">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.18)
"What Is "Digital Capitalism?"- Part 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.313">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.312">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.16)
"15 Years for the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.311">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.310">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.14)
"After COLVID19!New Normal?">>SC Abeam Automotive Consulting,Hot Blood Car Dojo vol.52,"COLVID19 Shock,Innovation", Keynote,Panelist(2020.12.14)
"with COLVID19 of University Education">>CIRIEC The 35th Research Conference, Panelist(2020.12.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.309">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.11)
"Will Esports Become Serious?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.308">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.307">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.9)
"Launch of the World Otaku Institute!">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.8)
"Take Out">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2020.10.25,12.8)
"Create Startups">>CiP, Station Ai Start Symposium Vol.4,Moderator(2020.12.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.306">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.305">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.304">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.4)
"Don't Touch Eizo-ken">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2020.12.3)
"Hakozume">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2020.12.3)
"Dance,Dance,Dance">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2020.12.3)
"Blue Period">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2020.12.3)
"To the galaxy's deathless children">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2020.12.3)
" I hope to trace out a national strategy for AI in education">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.303">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.302">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.2)
"Blockchain and Education should start cross-pollinating">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.12.1)
"After COLVID19? New Normal!">>The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Keynote(2020.12.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.301">>iU CHANNEL(2020.12.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.300">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.299">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.27)
"The overseas content market has doubled in 10 years">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.26)
"CiP">>TOKYO Smart-City Forum, Keynote(2020.11.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.298">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.297">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.25)
"The risks of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.24)
"e-Sports from Takeshiba, Industry Clustering with Tokyo Olympics">>Japan Economic Newspaper,Interview(2020.11.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.296">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.295">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.294">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.20)
"Taking broadcasting reform from debate to action">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.293">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.292">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.18)
"Learning of Tomorrow has begun">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.17)
"iU">>d's JOURNAL, Interview(2020.11.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.291">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.290">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.16)
"You & I by Mr.Kiyoshi Nishikawa">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.289">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.288">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.11)
"Yoshimoto Kogyo announces its vision for an Asian Entertainment Platform">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.287">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.286">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.285">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.6)
"Come on! KIMONO Men">>NHK "Beauty Pot",talk(2018.12.14,21,2019.1.13,2020.1.17,1.25,11.5)
"Yunus Yoshimoto Social Action gets underway">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.5)
"You & I by TENJIKUNEZUMI">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.5)
"Soft Power,Cool Japan,Contents Policy">>LDP, keynote(2020.11.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.284">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.4)
"A strategic vision and plan for intellectual property">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.11.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.283">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.282">>iU CHANNEL(2020.11.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.231">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.30)
"Cool Japan: Ships and Cats">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.230">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.29)
"New Renaissance After COLVID19">>KYOTO Smart CityExpo2020,keynote(2020.10.28)
"After COLVID19? New Normal!">>ACPF,Keynote(2020.10.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.279">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.28)
"Cool Japan: Ninja and Blades">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.278">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.277">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.26)
"Takeout">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2020.10.25)
"iU President Live">>iU Fest.2020, Live(2020.10.25)
"London Boots No.1 and No.2, Mr.Atsushi Interview">>iU Fest.2020,Talk(2020.10.25)
"Recurrent education is entertainment">>Asahi-newspaper,Re-Life.net,Interview(2020.10.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.276">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.23)
"Cool Japan: Umami and cleaning">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.22)
"You & I by Ginshari">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.275">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.21)
"Cool Japan: Cafeterias and home cooking">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.274">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.273">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.19)
"KIFF Executive Producer Dr.Ichiya Nakamura goes to KIFF2020">>KIFF2020(2020.10.18)
"KIFF2020,guide #3">>KIFF2020,Reporter(2020.10.18)
"KIFF2020 Special,talk show">>KIFF2020, Moderator(2020.10.18)
"KIFF2020 Ceremony">>KIFF2020, Talk(2020.10.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.272">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.16)
"Cool Japan: Manners and Club Activities">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.271">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.270">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.14)
"Professional University change the future">>Professional University Consortium Symposium, Panelist
"Thinking about education in the age of AI">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.269">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.268">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.12)
"After COVID19? New Normal!">>The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Keynote(2020.10.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.267">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.9)
"Open Data - Third in the world">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.266">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.265">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.264">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.263">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.5)
"eSports">>Nikkei Newspaper, Comments(2020.10.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.262">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.2)
"Telecommunications and broadcasting convergence 2.0: Issues and future trajectory">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.10.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.261">>iU CHANNEL(2020.10.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.260">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.30)
"The current state of convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.259">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.258">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.257">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.25)
"The Government’s new IT strategy">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.256">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.255">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.254">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.253">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.252">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.18)
"Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ Committee for the Future of Broadcasting Services ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.251">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.250">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.16)
"Our response to next-generation IT is coming into view">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.249">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.248">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.14)
"TAKESHIBA Opening Ceremony">>CiP,Moderator(2020.9.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.247">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.11)
"Copyright Act amendments suitable for the network age have materialized">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.246">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.245">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.9)
"Unrealistic Excitement with Science">>ASAHI Newspaper,Interview(2020.9.9)
"The preparation of a foundation for data trading is moving forward">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.244">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.243">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.7)
"With COLVID19, Post COLVID19, Mobilities">>City & Tech Online Symposium,Panelist(2020.9.7)
"Startup Stage 2020">>TOKYO Founding Station, Keynote and Moderator(2020.9.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.242">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.4)
"The"Super-Education Association"founding prospectus">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.241">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.240">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.2)
"Tokyo Joshi Gakuen and iU">>iU, Talk(2020.9.2)
"The“Super-Education Association”has been founded ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.9.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.239">>iU CHANNEL(2020.9.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.238">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.31)
"DIGITAL RISK FORUM 2020-With COLVID19,Social Change and Corporate New Risks">>DIGITAL RISK FORUM 2020,Moderator(2020.8.31)
"With COLVID19,Post COLVID19, about Medical">>City & Tech Online Symposium,Panelist(2020.8.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.237">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.28)
"The unified e-sports organization JeSU has been launched">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.236">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.235">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.26)
"The content meeting at the intellectual-property headquarters has started">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.234">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.233">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.232">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.21)
"A new round has started in the intellectual-property headquarters">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.231">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.230">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.19)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 7: Can the bureau directorbe AI?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.229">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.228">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.227">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.14)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 6: Recommendations for anultra-free society 5: Quickly do the work for me ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.226">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.225">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.12)
"Technology Saves Parents and Children">>NikkeiXTREND,Dialogue(2020.8.13)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 5: Quickly do the work for me">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.224">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.223">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.10)
"Smile">>NHK COOL JAPAN,Talk(2020.8.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.222">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.7)
"Super Human Sports-Open Meeting vol.2,Beyond Sports">>Super Human Sports Association, Panelist
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 4: How many pairs of straw sandals are you wearing? ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.221">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.220">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.5)
"Aging population of post CORVID19,key of resolution is Technology">>Nikkei Trendy, Sep.2020,Dialogue(2020.8.4)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 3: A mosaic-style way to work ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.8.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.219">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.218">>iU CHANNEL(2020.8.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.217">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.31)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society 2: letting the grasshopper manage the AI ants">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.216">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.30)
"Kyotango-city and iU, Partnership Agreement Ceremony">>talk,Kyotango-city(2020.7.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.215">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.29)
"Recommendations for an ultra-free society: an unstable life">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.214">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.213">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.212">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.24)
"The sharing izakaya economy">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.211">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.210">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.22)
"The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Asia’s Soft Power, 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.209">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.208">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.20)
"iU">>"Face", Monthly Finance Journal 2020.8, interview(2020.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.207">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.17)
"The fourth Industrial Revolution and Asia’s soft power, 1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.206">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.205">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.15)
"The expansion of anime overseas has started to make progress.">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.204">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.203">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.202">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.10)
"The measures now for an Internet with safety and peace of mind">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.201">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.200">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.8)
"The conference on location shooting has started.">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.199">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.198">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.6)
"iU">>Recruit,"College Management", interview(2020.7-8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.197">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.3)
"You and I by Mr.Yuichi Kimura">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.2)
"“Ending” the anti-piracy conference -2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.196">>iU CHANNEL(2020.7.1)
"“Ending” the anti-piracy conference -1">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.7.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.195">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.194">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.29)
"Restaurants and eating/drinking, With COVID-19">>City&Tech Online Symposium(2020.6.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.193">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.26)
"The anti-piracy measures progress towards the creation of a comprehensive package">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.192">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.25)
"Super Human Sports-Open Meeting vol.1,Super Human Sports in 2020">>Super Human Sports Assosiation, Panelist(2020.6.25)
"Smart City with COVID-19">>The Retch week 2020,Tlak and Panelist(2020.6.24)
"The discussion regarding anti-piracy measures reaches the core">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.191">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.23)
"iU Lesson,Let's making vol.3, Future School with Mrr.Yuichi Kimura and Mrs.Nanako Ishido>>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020.6.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.190">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.22)
"About Entertainment, With COIVD-19">>City&Tech Online Symposium(2020.6.22)
"iU President Mr.Ichiya Nakaura,vol2">>Love you KYOTO,KYOTO Radio,talk(2020.6.21)
"iU,Let's make Future School">>iU,Will of Innovation, lecture(2020.6.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.189">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.188">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.18)
"Measures against piracy sites - measures other than blocking?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.187">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.186">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.16)
"The start of the conference on anti-piracy measures">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.185">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.15)
"How to work, With COIVD-19">>City&Tech Online Symposium(2020.6.15)
"iU President Mr.Ichiya Nakaura, vol.1">>Love you KYOTO,KYOTO Radio,talk(2020.6.14)
"eSports speed-up with Realconvergence">>Mainichi-newspaper,"RONTEN"(2020.6.10)
"Let's talk with iU President">>iU Admission, talk(2020.6.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.184">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.183">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.11)
"Why am I creating iU?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.11)
"Fruits">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.1.12,3.1,4.23,6.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.182">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.181">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.9)
"The iU Manifesto ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.180">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.8)
"City With COIVD-19">>City&Tech Online Symposium(2020.6.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.179">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.178">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.4)
"The characteristics of iU, the ICT university">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.4)
"Otaku Culture">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.5.17,5.24,6.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.177">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.176">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.2)
"I have started iU, an ICT university">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.6.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.175">>iU CHANNEL(2020.6.1)
"iU Lesson,Let's making vol.2,Sports with Ph.D.Masahio Inami and Mr.Yoshiaki Sawabe>>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020.5.30)
"iU-Let's make Sports">>iU Will of Innovation,lecture(2020.5.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.174">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.173">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.172">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.171">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.170">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.25)
"Otaku Culture">>NHK COOL JAPAN talk(2020.5.17,5.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.169">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.22)
"COVID-19 changes Education">>"Fight corona with data",DTA, moderator(2020.5.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.168">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.167">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.166">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.165">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.164">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.163">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.162">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.161">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.12)
"Corona-virus?">>iU Lecture, with Mr.Hiroshi Osaki,CEO Yoshimoto-kogyo(2020.5.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.160">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.11)
"Snow">>NHK COOL JAPAN talk(2020.3.1,29,5.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.159">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.8)
"Why was iU created as a “co-creation platform”?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.5.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.158">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.157">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.6)
"Punk University Ondo">>iU (2020.5.5)
"You and I by Kiri">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.156">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.4)
"Why did I make iU?">>Bluebacks, Kodansya, dialouge(2020.5.4)
"The future of urban festivals">>078KOBE,keynote and panelist(2020.5.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.155">>iU CHANNEL(2020.5.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.154">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.153">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.152">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.28)
"Corona-virus?">>iU Lecture, with Mr.Nobuhiko Otani(DAINOJI)(2020.4.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.151">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.150">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.24)
"fruits">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.1.12,3.1,4.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.149">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.148">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.147">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.21)
"109 years anniversary, Yoshimoto-Kogyo">>iU Lecture(2020.4.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.146">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.145">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.144">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.143">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.142">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.141">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.13)
"iU Lesson,Let's making vol.1,Special Area with DAINOJI Mr.Nobuhiko Otani and Mr.Naoto Kikuchi">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020.4.11)
"Let's make a special zone!">>iU Will of Innovation,Let's Create vol.1,lecture(2020.4.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.140">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.139">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.138">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.137">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.136">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.6)
"Why iU">>eiicon lab, interview(2020.4.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.135">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.134">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.2)
"iU First Lesson,Yoshimoto Kogyo Pesident">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020.4.1)
"Why is Yoshimoto's CEO Mr.Osaki, first class for iU?">>iU Will of Innovation,talk(2020.4.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.133">>iU CHANNEL(2020.4.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.132">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.131">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.30)
"Snow">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.3.1,29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.130">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.27)
"Collaborate with companies to secure human resources">>Japan Economic Newspaper(evning),interview(2020.3.26)
"OOH,How Society Change?">>Harvard Business Review, dialogue(2020.3.26)
"School Events">>NHK COOL JAPAN,talk(2019.11.10,2020.3.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.129">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.26)
"NHK Revolution">>Sankei Newspaper,interview(2020.3.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.128">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.25)
"You and I by Mr.Chad Marane">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.127">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.126">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.125">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.124">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.18)
"eSports and IT literacy">>Tokushima Newspaper,interview(2020.3.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.123">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.122">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.121">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.13)
"You and I by Mr.Toshio Tsuchiya">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.120">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.11)
「Super☆Baseball!」>> BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.3.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.119">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.118">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.9)
"National Kuni-umi Manga World Cup Ceremony">>Jury chair,talk(2020.3.8)
"Buddhist Cuisine">>MS Squre No.47 Mar - Apr. 2020(2020.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.117">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.116">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.115">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.4)
"The development of IT infrastructure for 2020 is advancing.">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.3.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.114">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.113">>iU CHANNEL(2020.3.2)
"Snow">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.3.1)
"fruits">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2020.1.12,3.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.112">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.111">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.110">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.26)
"Make an educational version of JASRAC">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.2.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.109">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.108">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.107">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.106">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.20)
"Greetings">>Digital Risk Association, Seminar(2020.2.19)
"The sharing economy now">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.2.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.105">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.18)
"Short Short Lesson vol.104">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.17)
"Workshop Collection @iU">>Workshop Collection Press conference, talk(2020.2.13)
"Workshop Collection in iU">>Workshop Collection Press conference, talk(2020.2.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.103">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.102">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.101">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.12)
"eSports organizations will be integrated and newly established!">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.2.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.100">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.99">>iU CHANNEL(2020.2.10)
"Why Programing?">>Sumida Scratch Programing Works Contest 2019,Executive Committee Chairman,keynote (2020.2.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.93">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.92">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.91">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.29)
"Commercial broadcast?s aimed at Tokyo 2020 ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.1.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.90">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.89">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.27)
"Future Happiness">>Tokyu Future Summit, Panelist(2020.1.26)
"Create">>iU, keynote(2020.1.26)
"Come on! KIMONO Men">>NHK "Beauty Pot",talk(2018.12.14,21,2019.1.13,2020.1.17,1.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.88">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.87">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.86">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.22)
"20.Let's do evrything < How, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.14)
Short Lesson Vol.20 "Let's do it all.">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2020.1.21)
"Kyoto International Film Festival">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.1.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.85">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.21)
"Short Short Lesson vol.84">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.20)
"Ceremony, talk">>All Japan OUEN-MURA,Beppu,Oita(2020.1.20)
"Come on! KIMONO Men">>NHK "Beauty Pot",talk(2018.12.14,21,2019.1.13,2020.1.17)
"You and I by Shimofuri-Myojo">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.82">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.81">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.15)
"19.PoP & Tech < How, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.14)
"BOOK REVIEW:“The pathology of the ‘overly-strong Liberal Democratic Party’” (“Tsuyosugiru ‘Jimintou no Byouri’”)">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.1.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.80">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.79">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.13)
"Fruits">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2019.1.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.78">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.77">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.76">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.8)
"18.Dejima in the 21st century < How, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.7)
"Computerization of education x literacy">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2020.1.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.75">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.7"4>>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.6)
"Short Short Lesson vol.73">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.72">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.2)
"Short Short Lesson vol.71">>iU CHANNEL(2020.1.1)
"About Kyoto">>Kyoto Newspaper,Contribution(2020.1.1)
2019 |
TOP▲ |
Short Lesson Vol.17 "Learning of Tomorrow">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.12.31)
"17.Learning Tomorrow < How, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.31)
"What will happen with sharing services?">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.12.31)
"Short Short Lesson vol.70">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.30)
"Short Short Lesson vol.69">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.68">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.67">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.25)
"16.What < How, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.24)
"Book Review: “Content Leaps Forward, Natural Selection in the Media”">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.12.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.66">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.24)
""You and I" by Kamaitachi">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.23)
"Short Short Lesson vol.65">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.64">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.63">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.18)
"15.eSports, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.17)
"We opened an Otaku International Symposium">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.12.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.62">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.61">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.16)
"Let's Go iU" by Shonen Knife >>iU School Song(2019.11.1)
"Create">>iU, keynote(2019.12.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.60">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.59">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.12)
"Society5.0?5G">>5G and Beyond 2020, keynote, panelist(2019.12.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.58">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.10)
"14.Let's go super human, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.10)
"CiP Activity Plan">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.12.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.57">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.56">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.6)
"Change Tomorrow">>SALON CiP, keynote, moderator(2019.12.4)
"Short Short Lesson vol.55">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.4)
Short Lesson Vol.13 "Crash and Build">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.54">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.3)
"13.Break and Make, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.3)
"Pop & Tech City “CiP” Results Report">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.12.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.53">>iU CHANNEL(2019.12.2)
Short Lesson Vol.12 "Creative is Japanese Mam">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.11.26)
"Drone Race @ Sendai No. 2">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.11.26)
Short Lesson Vol.11 "Japan is Cool?">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.11.20)
"Open Data VLED Unofficial Awards">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.11.19)
"Japan's Youth Don't Want Creativity!">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.11.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.52">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.51">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.50">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.26)
"12.Mother is the Creative, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.49">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.25)
"Continue to be active, report2">>iU News(2019.11.1)
"Continue to be active, report1">>iU News(2019.11.1)
"Let's Go iU" by Shonen Knife >>iU School Song(2019.11.1)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Business Fair">>MC(2019.11.23)
"Future Society and Social Business">>Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action,moderator(2019.11.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.48">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.47">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.46">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.19)
"11.Cool Japan is coll?, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.45">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.18)
"Japan-China-Korea, Game Industry and eSports">>Japan-China-Korea Culture-Contents Industry Forum vol.12,keynote,talksession(2019.11.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.44">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.43">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.14)
"Outside Video, Activists in a time when everything becomes media">> Inter BEE2019,panelist(2019.11.14)
"Change Tomorrow">> Inter BEE2019, keynote(2019.11.14)
Short Lesson Vol.10 "National and GAFA">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.11.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.42">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.12)
"10.Nation and GAFA, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.41">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.40">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.39">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.6)
Short Lesson Vol.9 "Revolution in Play">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.11.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.38">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.5)
"9.How to play revolution, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.5)
"Short Short Lesson vol.37">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.4)
"The Image of Otaku">>Manga Barcelona Spain, talk(2019.11.1)
"CiP- Catalunya MOU">>CiP-Catalunya MOU(2019.11.1)
"Let's Go iU" by Shonen Knife >>iU School Song(2019.11.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.36">>iU CHANNEL(2019.11.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.35">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.30)
Short Lesson Vol.8 "Super Free Society">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.10.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.34">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.29)
"8.Super Free Time Society", You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.29)
"Towards a Competitive Strategy for Data Distribution ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.10.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.33">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.28)
"Short Short Lesson vol.32">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.31">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.25)
"Short Short Lesson vol.30">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.29">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.23)
Short Lesson Vol.7 "Turn it over to Punk">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.10.22)
"7.Go Punk!, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.22)
"Report from the Headquarters for Intellectual Property/Cinema Promotion Conference ">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.10.22)
"Short Short Lesson vol.28">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.22)
"talk">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2019, Closing Party(209.10.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.27">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.18)
"talk">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2019, Opening Party(2019.10.17)
"Message">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2019, Opening Ceremony(2019.10.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.26">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.25">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.16)
Short Lesson Vol.6 "Digital Capitalism">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.10.15)
"6.Digital Capitalism, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.15)
"The Inbound Market for Anime and Manga">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.10.15)
"Short Short Lesson vol.24">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.14)
"Short Short Lesson vol.23">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.11)
"Short Short Lesson vol.122">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.10)
"You and I by Mr.Nobutaka Tsubota">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.9)
"High Expectations for RIKEN's AI Research Center">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.10.9)
Short Lesson Vol.5 "Japanese Media">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.10.8)
"5.Make Japanese Media, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.21">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.8)
"Short Short Lesson vol.20">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.7)
"Short Short Lesson vol.19">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.4)
"You and I by Mr.Masashi Kumada">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.3)
"Short Short Lesson vol.18">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.2)
Short Lesson Vol.4 "Change the Air">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.10.1)
"4.Change the air, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.1)
"Going to the data business of Japanese broadcasters">>Monthly Newmedia Nov.2019, interview(2019.10.1)
"Let's Build a Base for Digital Personnel Development">>BLOG IchiyaNakamura(2019.10.1)
"Evolving city,Hamamatsucho">>Nippon Curtural Broadcasting,"Future and Culture village Hamamatsucho Innovation Culture Cafe",talk(2019.10.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.17">>iU CHANNEL(2019.10.1)
"Short Short Lesson vol.16">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.30)
"Live 10 years later,Power required for children">>Shingaku-Tsushin Junior, interview(2019.9)
"After 10 years, born new many jobs!">>Shingaku-Tsushin Junior,School-Guide, interview(2019.9)
"Buddhist Cuisine">>NHK "COOL JAPAN", talk(2019.9.29)
"Short Short Lesson vol.15">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.27)
"Short Short Lesson vol.14">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.26)
"Short Short Lesson vol.13">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.25)
Short Lesson Vol.3 "Be Smart">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.9.24)
"3.Be Smart, You and I">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.24)
"Let's Create an Integrated SEZ Between Pop and Tech">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.9.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.12">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.24)
"Short Short Lesson vol.11">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.23)
"Super Human Sports">>J-WAVE "WITH", talk(2019.9.13,20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.10">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.20)
"Short Short Lesson vol.9">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.19)
"Short Short Lesson vol.8">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.18)
Short Lesson Vol.2 "Imagine and Realize">>iU CHANNEL , Talk (2019.9.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.7">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.17)
"2.Imagine and Create, You and I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.17)
"The Debate over Revisions to the Copyright System">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.9.17)
"Short Short Lesson vol.6">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.16)
"Short Short Lesson vol.5">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.13)
"Short Short Lesson vol.4">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.12)
"Short Short Lesson vol.3">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.11)
Short Lesson Vol.1"scalpel and knife">>iU CHANNEL , Talk(2019.9.10)
"Short Short Lesson vol.2">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.10)
"1.Medical scalpel and Knife,You an I>>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.10)
"thinkC 's 10th Anniversary">>BLOG Ichiya Nakamura(2019.9.9)
"Short Short Lesson vol.1">>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.9)
"Introduction of iU" in Japanese>>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.9)
"Introduction of iU" in English>>iU CHANNEL(2019.9.9)
"Expect to NHK">>Bengo4.com News, interview(2019.9.8)
"Future of City Festival">> BACKSTAGE, panelist(2019.9.5)
"talk">>Super Welfare Exhibition (2019.9.3)
"VAMPIRE! 40th Live">>Juttoku, Kyoto(2019.8.31)
"Future of City Festival">> BACKSTAGE, panelist(2019.8.28)
"talk">>All Japan OUEN-MURA Committee(2019.8.27)
"Come on! KIMONO Men">>NHK "Beauty Pot", talk(2018.12.14,21,2019.1.13,8.8)
"Artist Commons">>talk(2019.8.7)
"iU">>iU, Panel-Discussion, moderator(2019.7.28)
"Create">>iU, keynote(2019.7.28)
"Create">>iU, keynote(2019.7.20)
"Media Convergence of AI Age">>NAB Symposium, Keynoteand Panelist(2019.7.17)
"Internet and Digital Business ofBroadcasters">>NAB Symposium, Keynote and Panelist(2019.7.11)
"Crash and Create, Digital?Tokyo">>Tokyo Business Location Seminar, keynote (2019.7.10)
"Create Super Free Time Society">>Sumitomo Mitsui DS Asset Management memorial symposium , keynote (2019.7.5)
"Revolution of Education">>EDUPEDIA, panel1, report (2019.6.24)
"Revolution of Education">>EDUPEDIA, panel2, report (2019.6.24)
"Revolution of Education">>EDUPEDIA, panel3, report (2019.6.24)
"UDON">>NHK COOL JAPAN, talk(2019.6.23)
"Beyond Revolution of Education">>EDUPEDIA, keynote-report(2019.6.12)
"Digital Signage Awards 2019">>DJS2018, Chairman(2018.6.12)
"Opening Ceremony">>DSJ2018(2018.6.12)
"Japan's Possibilities and Challenges in AI Age">>Nakasone Peace Institute, keynote(2019.6.11)
"Media Convergence 2.0 ">>Radio Day and Information Communication Month, Symposium, keynote(2019.6.3)
"Create">>iU, "Innovation's Will",keynote(2019.6.2)
"Beyond Revolution of Education">>ROJE May Festival Education Forum 2019, Tokyo University, keynote, panelist(2019.5.19)
"Bill to Revise Broadcasting Law">>House of Representatives, reference(2019.5.14)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Yoshimoto Co.Ltd., moderator (2019.5.13)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Yoshimoto Co.Ltd., moderator (2019.5.13)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Yoshimoto Co.Ltd., moderator (2019.5.13)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Yoshimoto Co.Ltd., moderator (2019.5.13)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Yoshimoto Co.Ltd., moderator (2019.5.13)
"iU">>iU All meeting, keynote(2019.5.11)
"Create">>iU, "Innovation's Will",keynote(2019.5.11)
"Sandwich">>NHK COOL JAPAN,talk(2019.4.28,5.12)
"Future of Urban Festival">>Kobe078, panelist(2019.4.28)
"Super Human Sports EXPO2019">>talk(2019.4.26)
"Tomorrow of University?">>co-media, dialogue(2019.4.25)
"2020's youth career theory-3">>School to Work, dialogue(2019.4.25)
"Change,TV-2">>Yomiuri Newspaper,Osaka,comments(2019.4.23)
"2020's youth career theory-2">>School to Work, dialogue(2019.4.21)
"2020's youth career theory-1">>School to Work, dialogue(2019.4.18)
"Okinawa International Film Festival 2019,Red red carpet"(2019.4.21)
"Laugh & Peace_Mother powered by NTTGroup">>Yoshimoto, moderator(2019.4.21)
"Tokyo Trash #14">>Tokyo Trash, talk(2019.4.11)
"Technology × Entertainment">>Content Tokyo, talk(2019.4.5)
"Sword">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2019.3.31)
"iU">>i-Universuty,Admission briefing session, keynote(2019.3.31)
"eSports">>NEWS PICKS, interview(2019.3.24)
"talk">>AIP Symposium, keynote(2019.3.19)
"talk">>JBA, Embassy of the United Kingdom(2019.3.14)
"VLED Self Award 2018">>VLED,Judging Committee Chairman, talk, presenter(2019.3.6)
"Information Bank Summit">>NRA, moderator(2019.2.28)
"Net Safty">>Toyo Keizai, interview(2019.2.28)
"Super Free Time Society">>IT Strategy Research Committee and SSK, keynote(2019.2.25)
"Japan As PoP">>N High School Blog, Lecture(2019.2.12)
"NHK Simultaneous Streaming">>The Mainichi Newspaper,interview(2019.2.6)
"SHOWA Retro">>NHK Cool Japan (2018.8.5,2019.2.5)
"Japan As PoP">>N High School, Lecture(2019.2.4)
"2.5 dimensions">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2019.2.3)
"i University, Second Part">>Sogyo Techo, interview(2019.1.31)
"Super Human Sports in Osaka">>talk, Osaka(2019.1.20)
"Entertainment Society will come">>B-maga Jan.2019, interview(2019.1.10)
2018 |
TOP▲ |
"TV">>Weekly Diamond, 29th Dec.2019, comments(2018.12.29)
"Sharing Economy">>Newswitch, Daily Industry Newspaper, interview(2018.12.21)
"Sharing Economy 2">>Grasp, interview(2018.12.21)
"Culture and Arts for New Value and Region Development">>Cultural Affairs Agency to Kyoto Symposium , moderator(2018.12.21)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>TV-Asahi, keynote(2018.12.20)
"Sharing Economy 2.0">>JCCI, keynote(2018.12.20)
"Sharing Economy 1">>Grasp, interview(2018.12.18)
"iUniversity">>"Future of Junior High School Entrance Examination" seminar,keynote(2018.12.17)
"Don't You Make?">>Kyoto Sangyo University, talk(2018.12.14)
"Come on! KIMONO Men">>NHK "Beauty Pot", talk(2018.12.14,21,2019.1.13)
"e-sports">>iichiko NEXT100 Meetings, keynote(2018.12.5)
"Digital Punk">>JETRO, keynote(2018.12.4)
"Education and Copyright of AI age">>"SG on Copyright of Textbooks", talk(2018.12.4)
"Nanso Satomi Hakkenden">>NHK "Health checkup of great people, Mr.Bakin Takizawa",comments(2018.11.28)
"Nakano and Koenji">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2018.11.25)
"Education by Professional University">>Professional University Symposium, Panelist(2018.11.25)
"Honor Oddball">>Nikkei-Business 26th Nov.2018, interview(2018.11.23)
"Let's Honor "Strange"">>Nikkei Business,26th Nov.2018, interview(2018.11.23)
"Impact of Soft Power">>Japan-Spain Symposium, moderator(2018.11.22)
"Invent "Play" in the 21st Century">>WIRED , interview(2018.11.19)
"Comments">>Super Welfare Sports Co-creation Project Plus,talk(2018.11.19)
"Regulation of Internet and Libertarian">>Monthly Saizo,Nov.2018, interview(2018.11.18)
"i University">>Collaboration with i University and Sumida-ku , TTCCI,keynote(2018.11.12)
"Superhuman Sports">>Super Welfare Expo, talk(2018.11.7)
"Superhuman Sports">>NTV "news zero" , interview(2018.11.6)
"15 Years of IP Strategy Headquarters">>Jurist, Nov.2018, talk(2018.10.25)
"talk">>LIVE HACKASONG vol.3, Final Review, Chairman(2018.10.17)
"talk">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2018, Closing Party(2018.10.14)
"talk">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2018, Opening Party(2018.10.12)
"Message">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2018, Opening Ceremony(2018.10.12)
"KIFF">>Kyoto Newspaper, talk(2018.10.8)
"Closing Talk">>"Sports&Tech Future meeting 2018", talk(2018.9.26)
"Broadcasting and Information Convergence 2.0">>Cross-industry exchange meeting, keynote(2018.9.18)
"esports">>"Fight, esports!" ,AMD, panelist(2018.9.13)
"esports">>"Fight, esports!" ,AMD, panelist,Weekly ASCII(2018.9.13)
"esports">>"Fight,esports!" ,AMD, talk, panelist, famitsu.com(2018.9.13)
"Broadcasting and Telecom Convergence 2.0">>A-PAB Conference vol.4, keynote(2018.9.11)
"Anti-Piracy TF">>LDP, interview(2018.9.6)
"To be active in the area">>CISCO, talk(2018.9.5)
"Kyoto International Film Festival 2018">>press conference(2018.9.3)
"Pirate Site Block">>Nikkei Newspaper, interview(2018.9.1)
"i University">>i University Briefing, keynote(2018.8.26)
"Groundbreaking Ceremony">>i University(2018.8.24)
"KIFF Press Conference", talk(2018.8.21)
"Open YGX">>YouGoEx, Opening Ceremony, talk(2018.8.21)
"Open YGX">>YouGoEx,Opening Ceremony, talk(2018.8.21)
"Policy and Technology">>YouGoEx Session, panelist(2018.8.21)
"SupperHumanSports 3rd Anniversary Symposium">>YouGoEx,moderator(2018.8.21)
"CiP Challenge10">>Digital Summer Party, talk(2018.8.21)
"Pirated Cartoon Website Measures">>Yomiuri-newspaper, comments(2018.8.13)
"Pirated Cartoon Website Measures">>Yomiuri-newspaper,comments(2018.8.9)
"Super Human Sports">>"SUPER WELFARE", interview(2018.8.6)
"SHOWA Retro">>NHK Cool Japan (2018.8.5)
"CEDEC 20th Anniversary Celebration Comments">>CEDEC, comments(2018.8.1)
"GYOZA">>NHK Cool Japan(2018.6.3,7.29)
"From TV game to Sports! esports of future in Japan">>Japan Society of Sports Industry, Sports Industry Seminar vol.46,keynote(2018.7.23)
"AI×Education, vol.1">>Leaning of Tomorrow, member (2018.7.23)
"Cold Noodle">>NHK "Cool Japan",talk(2017.8.6,9.3,2018.7.21)
"Japan As PoP?"Tokyo University of the Art, lecture (2018.7.19)
"esports">>OPEN SALON CiP,moderator (2018.7.2)
"Pirate Site Task Force">>Yahoo!JapanEEuzzFeed Japan), interview (2018.6.30)
"Pirate Site Task Force">>BuzzFeed Japan, interview(2018.6.30)
"Cheers">>JISPA Party (2018.6.27)
"Pirate Site Task Force">>JIJI Press, comments(2018.6.22)
"i university">>i university School briefing session(2018.6.17)
"Esports">>JIJI Press, comments(2018.6.16)
"Esports">>DSJ2018, keynote(2018.6.15)
"Leaning of Tomorrow">>Constitutional Democratic Party,National Association of Science Technology and Innovation,committee,talk(2018.6.15)
"Esports">>Nikkei Newspaper, comments(2018.6.14)
"SuperhumanSports">>J-WAVE Tokyo Morning Radio Insight, talk(2018.6.14)
"Digital Signage Awards 2018">>DJS2018, Chairman(2018.6.13)
"Opening Ceremony">>DSJ2018(2018.6.13)
"IP Vision and IP Plan 2018">>IP Headquarter meeting, comments(2018.6.12)
"Gyoza">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2018.6.3)
"Learning of Tomorrow">>LoT starting symposium, talk session(2018.5.29)
"Isle of Dogs">>Asahi Newspaper, interview(2018.5.28)
"You Go 2.0">>KyodoNews, keynote(2018.5.24)
"i-university">>"News University", keynote(2018.5.17)
"Beyond2020">>BA Symposium vol.29, moderator(2018.5.17)
"Sharing Economy">>Tokyo JCCI, keynote(2018.5.15)
"Risk of Virtual Money and ICO">>NRA Symposium2018, moderator(2018.5.11)
"IPDC Forum">>IPDC Forum, crosstalk(2018.5.10)
"Super Human Sports">>>MELOS, interview(2018.4.24)
"Sense of Crisis of Private Broadcasting">>WEBRONZA, comments(2018.4.18)
"Future of Content Industry Base">>SALON CiP, CiP, moderator(2018.4.17)
"Is that NOT COOL now? part2">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2018.4.15,22)
"Entertainment of 2020s">>Contents Tokyo 2018, moderator(2018.4.6)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>walkerplus,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>ASAHI-newspaper,moderator,facilitato(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Nikkansports newspaper,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Reuters,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>SANKEI sports ,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>Oricon,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Yunus and Yoshimoto Social Action">>modelpress,moderator,facilitator(2018.3.28)
"Review broadcasting business, concern">>YOMIURI newspaper,interview(2018.3.27)
"Electronic brain, e-sports">>Tokyo Newspaper, interview(2018.3.25)
"iUniversity">>iUniversity Admission Briefing, talk(2018.3.18)
"Super management with entrepreneurship is needed">>Nikkei New Media, interview(2018.3.12)
"Education of AI">>DiTT Symposium, panelist(2018.3.12)
"Disaster Prevention">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2018.3.11)
"Yoshimoto,eSports full-scale entry">>GAME WATCH, talk(2018.3.7)
"Yoshimoto,eSports full-scale entry">>PHILEWEB, talk(2018.3.7)
"Yoshimoto,eSports full-scale entry">>Sponichi,talk(2018.3.7)
"Yoshimoto,eSports full-scale entry">>PRTIMES, talk(2018.3.7)
"Self Award vol.6">>VLED,Judging Committee Chairman,talk,presenter(2018.3.6)
"Copyright Trend on Education">>DiTT Symposium, panelist(2018.2.28)
"Broadcasting, Information Convergence 2.0">>MIC,Future Image of Broadcast Frequency effective use committee vol.3, talk(2018.2.28)
"Share Economy">>KOMEI Newspaper, interview(2018.2.25)
"New Age Copyrights">>JRRC Seminar vol.12, keynote (2018.2.21)
"Japan As Pop">>KJSP, lecture(2018.2.19)
"2020, what do we do?">>Super Human Sports GAMES VOL.2,panelist(2018.2.18)
"Ultra Super Human Sports Co-creation Review">>Super Human Sports GAMES VOL.2,judge(2018.2.18)
"Opening Ceremony">>Super Human Sports GAMES VOL.2,talk(2018.2.18)
"Digital Manga Campus Match 2017">>talk (2018.2.17)
"Digital New Year Party">> taik, presentation(2018.2.16)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> Cabinet Office, Government of Japan,Regulatory Reform Promotion Conference, Investment WG,"Broadcast regulation reform", presentation(2018.2.27)
"2020, Tokyo, Digital">>PTC'18, Hawaii, keynote(2018.1.23)
"Glasses">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2018.1.21)
2017 |
TOP▲ |
"Japan Origin Sports">>NHK Cool Japan,talk and comments(2017.10.8,2018.1.7)
"Sharing Service of Bysicle">>NHK News Check 11, comments(2017.12.20)
"Heated Discussion JASRAC">>nico nico-video, moderator(2017.12.17)
"Digital, Tokyo, 2020">>Dokkyo University, lecture(2017.12.13)
"Kyoto University's Signboards">>TV Asahi Morning Show, comment(2017.12.12)
"Super Human Sports">>"Wearable × Sports = Rich Kobe",Kobe city, keynote(2017.12.9)
"Wearable × Sports × Activate regional activities">>"Wearable × Sports = Rich Kobe",Kobe city, panelist(2017.12.9)
"Don't You Make?">>Kyoto Sangyo University(2017.12.8)
"Radio Auction?">>"Good-morinig Radio", RCC Radio, interview(2017.12.5)
"i university">>Tokyo Newspaper, comments(2017.12.5)
"i university">>Japan Economic Newspaper,comments(2017.12.5)
"i university">>JIJI.com,Introduction(2017.12.5)
"i university">>The Daily Engineering & Construction News,Introduction(2017.12.5)
"i university">>University Journal online,Introduction(2017.12.5)
"i university">>Nikkei IT Pro, Introduction(2017.12.5)
"i university">>PR Times,press release(2017.12.4)
"Digital Year-end Party">>You Go Lab, talk(2017.11.30)
"eSports ">>"Start Japanese eSports", AMD, press conference(2017.11.17)
"Sharing Economy and Start Up">>"5by20 Woman Start Up Symposium", Japan Coca-cola, keynote(2017.11.16)
"Digital, Tokyo, 2020">>TBS Media Lab, keynote(2017.11.9)
"Education of AI age ">>DiTT Symposium, panelist(2017.11.9)
"Super Human Sports ">>Tomorrow's Community Lab, interview(2017.11.1)
"START ME UP AWARDS2017">>Final Pitch & Awards, Judge(2017.10.29)
"Kyoto International Film Festival">>Osaka-nichinichi newspaper,interview(2017.10.27)
"Digital Teaching, TERAKOYA">>JAPAN EDUCATIONAL PRESS,interview(2017.10.23)
"TV Anime Program Export">>Fuji TV, News+α, comments(2017.10.20)
"Lost TV!?">>Benesse, Adult intellectual curiosity vol.3,supervision(2017.10.19)
"Closing Party">>Kyoto International Film Festival vol.4, talk(2017.10.15)
"Internet and Law regulation">>niconico-video,talk(2017.10.13)
"Cool,Anime,KYOTO">>Kyoto International Film Festival vol.4,"Anime×traditional culture×tourism from Kyoto",keynote(2017.10.13)
"Opening Party">>KyotoInternational Film Festival vol.4, talk(2017.10.12)
"Opening Ceremony">>KyotoInternational Film Festival vol.4, talk(2017.10.12)
"Japan Origin Sports">>NHK Cool Japan,talk and comments(2017.10.8)
"Super Welfare Sports Project vol.1">>Super Human Sports Association, talk(2017.10.2)
"Future of DigitalSignage">>DSC Special Seminar,DSC,keynote(2017.9.26)
"Innovation of City by ICT">>Knowledge Forum,Tokyo-Land Co.Ltd, ,talk,dialogue(2017.9.25)
"Girls' Manga">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2017.8.20,9,17)
"Copyright Issue on Education">>DiTT Symposium, panelist(2017.9.14)
"Trend of e-sports">>AMD Symposium, talk,panelist(2017.9.7)
"Kyoto International Film Festival2017">> press conference, talk(2017.9.6)
"Cold Noodle">>NHK "Cool Japan",talk(2017.9.8.6,9.3)
"What is not teaching teacher?">>NEWSPICKS,talk(2017.8.31)
"Promotion of the content industry">>OPEN SALON CiP, moderator(2017.7.21)
"The future teaching materials?">>Asahi elementary school newspaper, interview(2017.7.10)
"PoP & Tech">>KMD Admission briefing, talk(2017.7.1)
"Latest Expansion of Contents Biz">Contents Tokyo 2017,moderator(2017.6.30)
"Bag">>NHK Cool Japan(2017.2.5,8,6.25,26)
"Superhuman Sports 2nd Anniversary Symposium">>Superhuman Sports Society, moderator (2017.6.19)
"Past and Future of Digitalsignage">>SAIPO, interview(2017.6.15)
"talk">>Mr.Takai's party (2017.6.12)
"Talk">>DSJ2017,LEJ NIGHT(2017.6.8)
"Digital Signage Award 2017">>DSJ2017(2017.6.7)
"talk">>MIC, Slogan for Internet Safety Ceremony(2017.6.5)
"Sharing Economy">>NHK,interview(2017.6.2)
"Asian Soft Power: Facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution">>JEJUFORUM2017,panelist(2017.6.2)
"Future of 8K Public-Viewing!>>Live Entertainment EXPO vol.4, keynote(2017.5.31)
"2020,Digital,Tokyo">>PTCJ Forum2017,keynote(2017.5.29)
"ICT Car">>Kuruma-Iku Lab, comment(2017.5.29)
"Joint Regulation">>Japan Economic Newspaper,comments(2017.5.22)
"Programing Education">>EDIX, Leaning NEXT,keynote(2017.5.17)
"IP Plan 2017">>IP Strategy Headquarters, comments(2017.5.16)
"Jpana-Taiwan,OpenData Cooperataion">>VLED(2017.5.11)
"Talk">>CiP,New Project Kick Off Event,talk(2017.5.10)
"Delivery">>NHK Cool Japan ,talk(2017.4.30,5.1,5.14)
"Open Salon CiP">>CiP, comments(2017.4.24)
"Entertainment and Human Resource of Okinawa">>Okinawa International Film Festivalvol.9,talk(2017.4.22)
"Cheers">>Okinawa International Film Festival vol.9,talk(2017.4.21)
"Mother and Son">>Nikkei Newspaper, interview(2017.4.18)
"News Master">>Bunka Broadcasting,"The News Masters TOKYO", talk(2017.4.13)
"Digital ? Contents">>Synapse,Spring 2017,interview(2017.3.25)
"Figures">>NHK Cool Japan(2017.3.26,27,29)
"2020 PoP Tech">>Cabinet Secretariat, Human Resource Development Committee,vol.1,tal(2017.3.21)
"Video distribution">>Information communication lecture meeting vol.2,DSK,keynote(2017.3.7)
"2020、Digital、Tokyo">>Creative City Consortium,keynote,talk session(2017.3.6)
"OTAKU International Symposium">>CiP,moderator(2017.2.28)
"Kyoto International Film Festival 2017">>Kyoto City,keynote(2017.2.27)
"Japan As PoP?">>Korea Embassy,keynote(2017.2.23)
"DiTT Incorporation Symposium">>DiTT Symposium,Panelist(2017.2.14)
"Japanese Mainculture">>KJSP,lecture(2017.2.13)
"talk">>Digital New Year Party(2017.2.10)
"Media Company's Innovation">>Senden-Kaigi,March 2017,interview(2017.2.3)
"Digital Textbook">>Kodansha,keynote(2017.1.31)
"LIVE MUSIC HACKASONG Final Review">>Chair(2017.1.26)
"Japan Merchandising Rights Grand Prix 2016">>presenter(2017.1.23)
"2020 Digital">>IT Strategy Committee,keynote(2017.1.17)
"Super Entertainment Society by AI">>ORICON vol.51,interview(2017.1.16)
"Ichiya Nakamura Award">>Washo-no-syo exhibition,judgement(2017.1.13-15)
"Super Human Sports">>TV-Asahi,Super J-Channel,interview(2017.1.7)
2016 |
TOP▲ |
"Broadcasting 5 years later">>A-PAB, keynote(2016.12.16)
"Digital Punk">>PTC Japan Committee(2016.12.15)
"talk">>CiP-billbord LIVE MUSIC HACKASONG(2016.12.11)
"Are you Makers?">>Kyoto Sangyo University(2016.12.10)
"Volunteers">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2016.12.11)
「KMD Info Session ver.2」>>KMD Chanel, talk(2016.12.7)
「KMD Info Session ver.1」>>KMD Chanel, talk(2016.12.7)
「Cheers」>>Digital Year End Party, talk(2016.11.30)
「2020 × Pop & Tech」>>KMD Forum2016, moderator(2016.11.26)
"Future of Production, Strategy of 2020">>KMD Forum2016, moderator(2016.11.26)
"Opening Ceremony">>KMD Forum2016,"2020,My Opening Ceremony", talk(2016.11.26)
"Super Human Sports">>AFPBB News, interview(2016.11.23)
"CiP">>Stanford APARC / Silicon Valley ?ENew Japan Project(2016.11.17)
"Future of 4K8K">>INTER BEE2016, panelist(2016.11.12)
「2020 × Pop Tech」>>INTER BEE2016, keynote(2016.11.17)
"Abema TV">>Yomiuri-Newspaper, comment (2016.11.14)
"SALON CiP">>CiP,moderator (2016.11.7)
"Our Twitter Project">>CANVAS,Jury Chairman (2016.11.6)
"Policy Project">>KMD Briefing, Lecture(2016.11.5)
"IT Business Evolution">>BizEBrowser Forum2016,keynote(2016.11.1)
"START ME UP AWARDS2016">>Jury(2016.10.30)
"Innovative Technologies2016">>DC EXPO,Jury(2016.10.27)
"Internet Distribution by Local TV">>The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Symposium,moderator(2016.10.25)
"Be The HERO">>International Manga Festival 2016,Moderator(2016.10.23)
"ICT Education and Privacy・Security">>DiTT Symposium, Panelist(2016.10.17)
"Closing Ceremony">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2016,talk(2016.10.16)
"Opening Party">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2016,talk(2016.10.13)
"Opening Ceremony">>Kyoto International Film Festival 2016,talk(2016.10.13)
"Games">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2016.10.9,11.2)
"Super-human Sports Society">>"Journey of Burari", interview(2016.10.8)
"Global of Japan Contents">>Business Model Association,Autumn 2016,Dialogue(2016.10.2)
"Judgment">>Japan Design School,Superhuman Sports Illustration Competition,ceremony2016.9.25)
"Superhuman Sports Project from Iwate" Final Presentation">>Iwate National Athletic,Iwate,Panelist(2016.9.24)
"Authors, publishers, bookstores of the Cool Japan strategy">>CoolJapan and Publishers Business Partners Forum,facilitator(2016.9.23)
"IT×Medical">>BS-Fuji,"Life of Live", MC(2016.9.20)
"Car × IT">>BS-Fuji,"Life of Live" vol.6,MC(2016.9.6)
Super Human Sports Hackathon vol.3, jury (2016.9.11)
Kyoto International Movie Festival 2016, Kyoto(2016.9.6)
"New experience value content">>BACKSTAGE 2016,moderator(2016.8.30)
"Soccer × IT">>BS-Fuji,"Life of LIVE",vol.4, MC(2016.8.2)
"Inbound of Anime and Manga">>ABPF Vol.6, moderator(2016.7.28)
"Digital Textbooks toward 2020">>DiTT,talk(2016.7.25)
"Digital Summer Party">>You Go Lab,talk(2016.7.22)
"Sports AEIT" >>BS-Fuji,"Life of LIVE",vol.3(2016.7.19)
"IP system of the next generation">>SOFTIC seminar, moderator(2016.7.8)
" Cirque du Soleil">>BS-Fuji,"Life of LIVE",vol.3,interviewer(2016.7.5)
"Drone × Entertainment × startup">>OPEN SALON CiP, panelist(2016.6.27)
"The 3rd Broadcasting, i-dio">>Special Interview vol.1(2016.6.25)
" Cirque du Soleil">>BS-Fuji,"Life of LIVE",vol.2(2016.6.21)
"How to Take advantage empty frequency bands">>Media Watch,Yomiuri Newspaper,comments (2016.6.20)
"2020,TOKYO,Digital">>The institute of Images Information and Televison Engineers Kansai,keynote(2016.6.17)
"Digital Signage Awards 2016">>Digital Signage Japan2016(2016.6.8)
Opening Ceremony>>Digital Signage Japan 2016,talk(2016.6.8)
"Golf Digest Online">>BS-fuji,"Life of LIVE",vol.1,interviewer(2016.6.7)
"Biz future">>Super Human Sports Association 1st Aniversary Symposium, moderator(2016.6.6)
"My Produce Theory">>Next Generation Course, keynote(2016.6.4)
"Kyary Pamyu Pamyu">>NHK News Shibu-5 o'clock,comment(2016.6.3)
"2020, New Challenge of Radio">>The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association,moderator(2016.6.3)
"Game Archive,?Technorogy and Experience Archive?">>GAME ON , panelist(2016.5.20)
"ICT Education">>ICT Education Seminar in Okayama,keynote, moderator (2016.5.16)
"Cats">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2015.5.15、22)
"CiP">>Cool Japan base construct committee vol.1,presentation(2016.5.12)
"Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Policy Counselor Inaugural ceremony">>Cabinet Secretariat(2016.5.11)
"I.P.Strategic Program 2016">>Cabinet Office I.P.Strategy Headquarters, comments(2016.5.9)
"Media Convergence by CiP">>Nikkei New Media,interview(2016.4.25)
"From Okinawa to Kyoto">>Okinawa International Movie Festival vol.8, Closing ceremony, talk(2016.4.24)
"Entertainment and Future of Okinawa ">>Okinawa International Movie Festival vol.8,moderator(2016.4.23)
"Cheers">>Okinawa International Movie Festival vol.8, talk(2016.4.22)
"Broadcasting Using Wifi and LTE">>Nikkei New Media, interview(2016.4.18)
"BUKATSU">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2016.4.17,24)
"Model">>Mr.Shin Yamagishi,Photo Exhibition "Faces of the Moment vol.8", model(2016.4.8-4.13 Tokyo,4.22?5.2 Osaka)
"Future Lesson vol.3,Future of Super Human Sports">>FM-Tokyo Ichiya Nakamura Future Lesson vol.985,talk(2016.3.31)
"Future Lesson vol.3,Sports and Body memory of AI age">>FM-Tokyo Ichiya Nakamura Future Lesson vol.984,talk(2016.3.30)
"Future Lesson vol.2,No Border of Olympic and Paralympics">>FM-Tokyo Ichiya Nakamura Future Lesson vol.983,talk(2016.3.29)
"Future Lesson vol.1,What's Super Human Sports?">>FM-Tokyo Ichiya Nakamura Future Lesson vol.982,talk(2016.3.28)
"Pop Power Concept of Future">>DIAMOND HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW,interview(2016.3.22)
"Extension of Humanity">>JAPAN HOUSE at SXSW2016 ,Texas,U.S.A, keynote(2016.3.14)
"Self Award vol.4">>VLED,Judging Committee Chairman(2016.3.11)
"Personal History of Game">>"Why fun the game?, KADOKAWA,contribution (2016.3.11)
"Local Culture and Sports Creation">>Super Human Sports Society, moderator(2016.3.9)
"Talk with Olympic and Paralympic Minister Mr.Toshiaki Endo ">>Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic committee, talk(2016.3.7)
"High-Tech Life">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2016.3.6)
"Our Twitter Project">>CANVAS,Judging Committee Chairman(2016.3.6)
"Media of Future">>TFM "SCHOOL OF LOCK!", talk(2016.3.1)
"Digital New Year Party 2016">>moderator(2016.2.19)
"IoT×Education">>MIC IoT Policy Committee(2016.2.19)
"Digital Manga Campus Match 2016">>talk(2016.2.10)
"2020,TOKYO,Digital">>BBA,New Year Party,Keynote(2016.1.27)
"Silicon Valley: External and Internal">>IT Policy Round Table,Japan-U.S.A Symposium, moderator(2016.1.26)
"Tokyo Kawaii Crazy Bangkok">>Executive Director (2016.1.22)
"FM Station Solves Automatic Operation">>Nikkei Newspaper, comment(2016.1.20)
"Education institution and Start Up">>SALON CiP,moderator(2016.1.20)
2015 |
TOP▲ |
"Action for My Number ">>NRA forum 2015 , moderator(2015.12.18)
"Next Beyond Smart">>Korea MBC Broadcast Forum Japan Special Seminar,keynote(2015.12.16)
"NINJA">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2015.12.13)
"G7 Students ICT Summit">>Takamatsu, Kagawa,moderator(2015.12.12)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Sangyo University, lecture(2015.12.11)
"Daily life "Sportification"! Superhuman sport's "mega" market">>Catalyst, dialogue(2015.12.11)
"Be a making person?">>Knowledge Capital Super School, Osaka,keynote(2015.12.10)
"New National "Superhuman" Stadium!">>Catalyst, dialogue(2015.12.10)
"Future Sports?">>Catalyst, dialogue(2015.12.9)
"Industry4.0 from Tokyo">>OPEN SALON CiP, moderator(2015.12.8)
Toast!>>Twitter Japan Social gathering party(2015.12.7)
"Super Human Sports Forum">>International ROBOT EXHIBITION 2015 , talk and moderator(2015.12.5)
"Position of the digital textbooks?~About Copyright">>DiTT Symposium, panelist(2015.12.1)
"Video streaming">>YOMIURI-newspaper,comment(2015.11.28)
"Digital Kids">>KMD Forum, moderator(2015.11.27)
"Super-Human Sports Society">>TED×Tokyo Salon2015 vol.2, keynote(2015.11.25)
"Digital Year-end party">>talk (2015.11.24)
"Manga and Anime for the world and future">>International Manga Festa 2015, moderator(2015.11.15)
"Change the nation and body by technology">>SUPER WELFARE EXPO, talk(2015.11.12)
"Superhuman Sports">>NTV,"Shu-ichi",comment(2015.11.8)
"TOKYO 2020, strategy and roadmap">>Canon Expo 2015 Tokyo, panelist(2015.11.4)
"Umami">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2015.7.12,11.1)
"The 61st school reading research:Entrance to the world,Power of Manga Culture">>Mainichi-Newspaper, interview (2015.10.27)
"Opinion: MANGA is Clues to Learn">>Mainichi-Newspaper,comments(2015.10.27)
"START ME UP AWARDS 2015">>DC EXPO, Executive Committee(2015.10.25)
"Innovative Technologies 2015">>DC EXPO, Jury (2015.10.22)
"talk">>Kyoto International Film Festival2015, Closing Party,Kyoto(2015.10.18)
"Vine Award 2015">>Kyoto International Film Festival2015,Jury President,Kyoto(2015.10.18)
"Red carpet">>Kyoto International Film Festival2015,Kyoto(2015.10.15)
"Keynote">>Kyoto International Film Festival2015, Opening Party,Kyoto (2015.10.15)
"This is also Edutainment Manga 100!">>THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery, IT Media, Member comments(2015.10.13)
"V-Low Multi Media Broadcasting">>CEATEC2015, V-Low Multi Media Broadcasting 1-day Conference vol.4,keynote,talk(2015.10.9)
"This is also Edutainment Manga!">>THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments (2015.10.6)
"JIN">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments(2015.10.6)
"HARUROCK">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments (2015.10.6)
"Space Brother">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments (2015.10.6)
"Dragon Sakura">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments (2015.10.6)
"Barefoot Gen">>"This is also Edutainment Manga!",THE NIPPON FOUNDATION,The World Discovery,Member comments (2015.10.6)
"MIC Leading education system demonstration project, Management Office project manager, letter of appreciation>>MIC(2015.9.30)
"Prosperity of Tablet Learning">>DiTT symposium,panelist(2015.9.28)
"SuperHuman Sports Illustration contest Ceremony">>SuperHuman Association,comment and presenter(2015.9.27)
「Cool Japan,Real of contents">>Weekly Diamond,19.Sep.2015,comment(2015.9.19)
"CiP">>CiP Symposium vol.1, keynote(2015.9.17)
"De-Smart TV">>The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association, Visiting Fellow meeting, keynote(2015.9.14)
"Japanese Culture Policy and Korea">>50 anniversary International Academic Symposium for normalization of Korea-Japan relation, The Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea, keynote(2015.9.12)
"What make means">>CEDEC2015, keynote
"DigitalSignage PICTATHON">>talk(2015.8.2)
"Digital Textbook, Trend and Correspondence">>MEXT"Digital Textbook Study meeting", talk(2015.7.21)
"Digital Summer Party">>talk(2015.7.16)
"Now and Future of ICT">>Kyoto Bank President AssociationManagement seminar, Kyoto (2015.7.14)
"Umami">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2015.7.12)
"Change Society by University Project?">>KMD SALON,Dialogue(2015.7.8)
"Policy Project">>Japan-Korea Seminar,"The copyright and service model convergence of innovation",talk and keynote(2015.7.2)
"The copyright and service model convergence of innovation">>Japan-Korea Seminar(2015.7.2)
"Explanation about TPP IP">>Nico Nico Live, talk(2015.6.27)
"Edged Tools">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2015.6.21,22,29)
"Cool Japan Strategy Promotion Committee 6">>Nico Nico Live, talk(2015.6.17)
"For Smart education ~ DiTT Vision ~">>DiTT symposium, Panelist(2015.6.15)
"Copyright issues of TPP">>BS-TBS"Weekly News LIFE", talk(2015.6.14)
"Chance and Future of IP">>TOKYO IP COLLECTION 2015, dialogue(2015.6.14)
"Digital Signage Award 2015">>DSJ2015,Jury President(2015.6.10)
"Evolution of Digital Signage for 2020 Tokyo Olympic">>DSJ2015, moderator(2015.6.10)
"Opening Ceremony">>DSJ2015, talk(2015.6.10)
"Superhuman Sports Reality and Creation">>Superhuman Sports Society Established Anniversary Symposium, moderator(2015.6.2)
"Superhuman Sports Society">>Superhuman Sports Society Established Anniversary Event, talk(2015.6.2)
"Near future Session WG-1">>MIC, member(2015.5.28)
"Digital Textbook">>"Next ICT strategy study meeting" talk(2015.5.27)
"Cool Japan Strategy Promotion Committee">>Nico Nico Live, talk(2015.5.26)
"Let's think future textbook!">>DiTT Symposium, Panelist(2015.5.25)
"Digital Textbook, Start experts meeting">>Asahi-newspaper, comment(2015.5.13)
"CiP">>IPDC Forum,General meeting vol.7, talk(2015.5.12)
"Future of Superhuman Sports">>Superhuman Society Explanatory meeting , moderator(2015.4.27)
"CiP Association">>CiP Association, Kickoff symposium,talk(2015.4.23)
"Digital AEContents in 2020">>CiP Association, Kickoff symposium,moderator(2015.4.23)
"OTAKU EXPO symposium">>COMIKET SPECIAL6, panelist(2015.3.28)
"Big Meeting ?EOkinawa">>Okinawa International Film Festival vol.7, Okinawa,moderator(2015.3.26)
"Q-sama!! 3hours SP">>TV-Asahi,,talk(2015.3.23)
"Looking for Love">>NHK Cool Japan , talk(2015.3.15)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEECanned foodEEquot;>>BS-Fuji,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.3.15)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?Ukiyoe、Equot;>>NHK-World,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.3.13)
"TPP Intellectual Property Press Conference ">>TPP IP's transparency forum, comments(2015.3.13)
"Digital Campus Match 2014">>Ceremony,talk(2015.3.3)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEBathroomEEquot;>>BS-Fuji,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.3.1)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEECanned foodEEquot;>>NHK-World,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.2.27)
"Anime and Anime song overseas strategy">>SALON CiP vol.6, moderator(2015.2.23)
DiTT Symposium,"Future Education,Leading local governments">>Panelist(2015.2.23)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEKendamaEEquot;>>BS-Fuji,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.2.15)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEBathroomEEquot;>>NHK-World,Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.2.13)
"JASGA and CESA">>JASGA Forum, moderator(2015.2.9)
"Dog">>NHK, Cool Japan, talk(2015.2.8)
"Digital New Year Party">>talk(2015.2.6)
"Digital Textbook:From discussion to action">>ICT Educations Seminar in Matsue, Shimane, keynote, panel(2015.2.2)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEKendamaEEquot;>>BS-Fuji, Moshi-Moshi Nippon, talk(2015.2.1)
"Pop Power and Technology">>CiP, keynote and moderator(2015.1.27)
"Campaign speech">>Ichinomiya-city Mayor Election,Aichi,talk(2015.1.26)
"Archive Policy and Copyright">>Archive Summit2015, Panelist(2015.1.26)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEStationEEquot;>>NHK-World, Moshi-Moshi Nippon, talk(2015.1.23)
"Media 2020">>Broadband Association Special Symposium, keynote(2015.1.13)
"4K/8K vs Smart TV, Whose TV Screen?">>Broadband Association Special Symposium, panelist(2015.1.13)
「ICHIYA'S POP EYEEKendamaE、E/A>>>NHK-World Moshi-Moshi Nippon,talk(2015.1.9)
"Digital Punk">>"Information moral lecture", RITSUMEIKAN MORIYAMA junior high school, keynote(2015.1.8) |
2014 |
TOP▲ |
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEECafeEEquot;>>BS-Fuji Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.12.21)
"Future Plain Sports Party">>Nico Nico Gakkai β, Panelist(2014.12.20)
"National Strategy Zone in Takeshiba">>SALON CiP vol.5, moderator(2014.12.17)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEECafeEEquot;>>BS-World Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.12.12)
"Future School?Change Learning">>DiTT Symposium, keynote(2014.12.11)
"Broadcasting Business 5 Years After">>Dpa, keynote(2014.12.11)
"Contents Business in 2020">>The 4th ABPF, talk(2014.12.8)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?Hamburger、Equot;>>BS-Fuji Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.12.7)
"Web Risk 2014">>NRA Forum 2014, Keynote(2014.12.5)
"Web Risk">>NRA Forum 2014, Moderator(2014.12.5)
"Future Learning and Digital Education">>ASAHI education vol.1, Panelist(2014.11.29)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?Hamburger、Equot;>>NHK-world, Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.11.28)
"Amazing manner">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.9.14,15,21,10.6,11.30)
"Change of Knowledge and Technology">>IP2.0 symposium, Panelist(2014.11.27)
"Future of Digital and Anime">>SALON CiP vol.4, moderator(2014.11.26)
"North American Digital Comic">>"Digital Manga trend of the world in .DNP forum, Commentator(2014.11.24)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEStationaryEEquot;>>BS-Fuji Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.11.23)
"MANGA International Symposium">>International Manga Festival 2014, moderator(2014.11.23)
"SUPERHUMAN SPORTS CONTEST">>Super Human Sports Committee, Judge(2014.11.22)
"New growing industry,Ichiya Nakamura and Hiroyuki Kishi">>The 5th KMD Forum(2014.11.22)
"JAPAN-U.S.A Joint meeting vol.1">>IT Policy Round Table, talk(2014.11.6)
"Can TV play a leading role in 2020 ?">>Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association (JBA), The Commercial Broadcasters National Convention vol.62, panelist (2014.11.5)
"Contents Creates the World">>CiP , keynote and moderator(2014.10.27)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEECapusle toyEEquot;>>BS-Fuji, Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.10.26)
"CiP">>"Copyright and Contents service model Innovation,DCAN",DCEXPO,keynote(2014.10.24)
"DSJ2015">>DSJ Joint Kick off symposium, keynote(2014.10.23)
"Digital Textbook">>Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers Union M2M , keynote(2014.10.22)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEService AreaEEquot;>>NHK-World, Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.10.14)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEService AreaEEquot;>>BS-Fuji, Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.10.14)
"IT Policy in 2020 and V-Low Multi-Media Broadcasting">>CEATEC V-Low Multi-Media Broadcasting 1DAY Conference Vol.4,keynote(2014.10.10)
"Superhuman Sports Committee kickoff meeting">>Founder keynote(2014.10.10)
"ICT education">>Internet forum for young people vol.10 in Saga, keynote,panelist(2014.10.8)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?Restrants?">>BS-Fuji,MOSHI-MOSHI NIPPON, talk(2014.10.1)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE~estraunts~">>NHK-World,MOSHI-MOSHI NIPPON, talk(2014.9.26)
"ICT and Education">>Japan Economic Newspaper, interview(2014.9.24)
"Industrial Cluster Model in Takeshiba">>SALON CiP vol.3, moderator(2014.9.16)
"IT Policy Trends and Outlook">>IT Policy Roundtable Japan Conference vol.1, talk,Keynote(2014.9.5)
"Digital MANGA Campus Match 2014">>talk(2014.9.3)
"Flipped classroom in elementary school">>DiTT Symposium, Panelist(2014.9.3)
"Machine creates design">>IP2.0 Conference vol.2, Keynote and Panelist (2014.8.28)
"Growing global human resources?">>Nikkei Newspaper,comments(2014.8.24)
"Beyond Contents BusinessEContents and City">>SALON CiP vol.2, moderator(2014.8.19)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE EConvenience StoreEEquot;>>BS-Fuji Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.8.10)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE EConvenience storeEEquot;>>BS-Fuji Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.8.3)
"Copy right and Patent rule ">>IP2.0 Conference vol.1, moderator(2014.7.29)
"Digital Punk">>Space Shower Network TV, keynote(2014.7.25)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Convenience store、Equot;>>NHK-World Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.7.25)
"Ship">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.7.20,8.4)
"Beyond DigitalELifestyle in 2020">>CiP, SALON CiP vol.1, moderator(2014.7.14)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Video Game、Equot;>>NHK-World Moshi Moshi Nippon, talk(2014.7.11)
"Net×Copyright">>CRIC Copyright Symposium2014,Panelist(2014.7.9)
"Growing and Connecting "Cool"">>Shikoku Contents Symposium, Matsuyama, keynote(2014.7.8)
"The future of the content from Shikoku">>Shikoku Contents Symposium, Matsuyama, moderator(2014.7.8)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE EMen's fashionEEquot;>>BS-Fuji,MOSHI-MOSHI NIPPON, talk(2014.7.6)
"Future ICT">>VCCI Council, keynote(2014.7.4)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE EMen's fashionEEquot;>>NHK-World,MOSHI-MOSHI NIPPON, talk(2014.6.27)
"Content leading media age">>CATALYST BA,keynote,talk(2014.6.27)
"What's wrong? Future and Learning">>DiTT Symposium, Panelist(2014.6.26)
"Future of Smart TV">>LDP Broadcasting Subcommittee, keynote(2014.6.26)
「Smart Society」>>Consumer Affairs Agency, Consumer transactions Liaison Meeting, keynote (2014.6.19)
「IP2014」>>Cabinet Secretariat,Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters(2014.6.20)
"ICT Education,from discussion to execution">>ICT Education Symposium , Nagano, keynote(2014.6.16)
"Panel-discussion:ICT Education">>ICT Education Symposium , Nagano, moderator(2014.6.16)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Uniform?>>BSフジ Moshi Moshi Nippon(2014.6.15)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Uniform?>>NHK-World Moshi Moshi Nippon(2014.6.13)
"CiP preparatory meeting">>CiP vol.1,keynote(2014.6.9)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Sound?">>NHK-World Moshi Moshi Nippon(2014.6.8)
"New Generation IT Business Evolution">>NTT User Association,Fuuyama, keynote(2014.6.4)
"Smart Society">>IPDC Forum,General meeting, keynote(2014.5.28)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ESoundEEquot;>>NHK-World Moshi Moshi Nippon(2014.5.23)
"Media Convergence New age">>Kyodo news, keynote(2014.5.22)
"Digital Textbook">>EDIX2014,talk(2014.5.21)
"Future of Smart TV">>The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Report Meeting 2013, keynote(2014.5.19)
"New Biz Model of Japan Broadcasting">>The Japan Commercial Broadcasters Association Report Meeting 2013, moderator(2014.5.19)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE ?Machine?">>BS Fuji MoshiMoshi Nippon(2014.5.18)
"New and Old Media,Next Step,Kadokawa×Dwango">>Asahi-newspaper,comment(2014.5.15)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?Toys?">>BS Fuji"Moshi Moshi Nippon", talk(2014.5.11)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE~Machine~>>NHK World MoshiMoshi Nippon(2014.5.9)
"Net、New supply of TV program">>Yomiuri newspaper, comment(2014.5.8)
"What's Cool Japan?">>TV Asahi, Beat Takeshi's TV Tackle, VTR-talk(2014.4.28)
"Yuru Chara">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.4.27)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYEEToysE?E/A>>>NHK-WORLD"Moshi Moshi Nippon", talk(2014.4.25)
"Digital Punk">>Japan Federation of Aviation Industry Unions, keynote(2014.4.22)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?MANGA?”>>BS-Fuji"Moshi Moshi Nippon",talk(2014.4.20)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>ShinEtu-Air Committee, Nagano, keynote(2014.4.17)
"ICHIYA'S POP EYE?MANGA?”>>NHK-WORLD"Moshi Moshi Nippon" , talk(2014.4.11)
"Shinken-seminar, Challenge Touch Opening Ceremony">>talk(2014.3.25)
"Net Communication">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.3.23,27)
"Net Communication">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.3.23)
Welcome talk>>The 6th Okinawa International Movie Festival, Opening Party, Okinawa(2014.3.21)
"Okinawa Contents Bazaar">>The 6th Okinawa International Movie Festival, Okinawa, Facilitator(2014.3.20)
"Sale for Japan!">>Liberal Democratic Party, CafeSta , talk(2014.3.11)
"AUGMENTED SPORTS SYMPOSIUM">>KMD Forum, panelist(2014.3.1)
"What Social Game Can Do">>JASGA Forum, moderator(2014.2.25)
"Tablet Learning">>Benesse Shinken-Seminar Elementary school booklets, interview(2013.12,2014.2)
"Digital New Year Party 2014">>talk(2014.2.7)
"Personal Broadcast Viewing">>IPDC Forum, moderator(2014.2.5)
"ICT Education">>Young ICT forum, HAKATA,keynote(2014.1.31)
"IZAKAYA">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2014.1.26,27,30,2.6)
"Open the future, the newest education">>Ritsumeikan primary school, Panelist(2014.1.25)
"Anime and overseas strategy of Japan">>AnimeBusiness/Partners Forum(2014.1.15)
"Touch to Digital">>ICPF "Future of Rights Business(2014.1.8) |
2013 |
TOP▲ |
"Cleaning tools">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2013.12.29.2014.1.9)
"Digital Textbook">>Asahi-newspaper, comment(2013.12.22)
"Cool Japan Local Round Table">>Chairman, Kyoto(2013.12.14)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, lecture(2013.12.13)
"TV Score with Twitter">>Yomiuri Newspaper, comments(2013.12.10)
"Opendata Symposium">>Opendata Consortium, talk(2013.12.9)
"World and Japan ICT in 2045">>CIRIEC vol.28 convention, panelist(2013.12.8)
"Digital Textbook in 2025">>CIRIEC vol.28 convention, panelist(2013.12.7)
"Cool Japan ,Outbound">>"Is that cool?" KMD Polipro Channel, moderator(2013.12.6)
"Hokkaido Digital Contents">>ICT Seminar, Sapporo,keynote,moderator(2013.11.29)
"Is Japan Cool?">>Public and Private Executives Seminar,Zushi,keynote(2013.11.21)
"The world and Japan ICT">>e-learning award2013, keynote(2013.11.22)
"Do you know Pop Japan?">>Experience Japan Exhibition201, London,keynote(2013.11.16)
"Olympic Radio in 2012">>InterBee2013 SCRA×IPDC, talk(2013.11.15)
"ICT education">>Nonpartisan ICT education policy study meeting vol.1, keynote(2013.11.12)
"Digital Punk">>LDP Digital Contents Committee, keynote(2013.11.12)
"Digital textbook revolution2.0">>ICT-education, Asahi-newspaper NIE vol.18, keynote(2013.11.9)
"Tokyo Kawaii Crazy Paris2013">>BS Fuji,interview(2013.11.8)
"Digital Punk">>Niihama-city ICT symposium, keynote(2013.11.8)
"Digital Punk">>Oita-IT human-academy, Institute for HyperNetwork Society, keynote(2013.11.2)
"Digital Punk">>ICT advanced skill-up seminar,Okayama,keynote(2013.10.27)
"IT Convergence × Local = Innovation">>Hiroshima IT Expo2013, Hiroshima, keynote (2013.10.23)
"Anime research and business">>Nikkei newspaper,"Decipher now", report(2013.10.20)
"World Manga-education and Culture symposium">>International Manga festa vol.2, moderator(2013.10.20)
"Digital Punk">>Tokyo-China Culture Center, keynote(2013.10.18)
Fuji-TV "Tokudane!">>talk(2013.10.15)
"Digital Textbook">>Japan Education Newspaper, interview(2013.10.14)
"Cool Japan vol.1, General statement">>"Is that cool" KMD Polipro Chanel, moderator(2013.10.11)
"Net Risk">>NRA Forum2013, moderator(2013.10.10)
"How much companies should take internet risk">>NRA Forum2013, keynote(2013.10.10)
"V-Low Muti Media Broadcast 1day Conference">>CEATEC JAPAN2013, moderetor(2013.10.4)
"Digital Punk">>"MANGA Drama"Convention, Keynote(2013.10.3)
"Answer to Wearable is cosplayer, Gothic & Lolita">>"This is next smartphone", Weekly Diamond, Interview(2013.9.30)
"Open data, Change Society">>Hokuriku-chunichi newspaper,Interview(2013.9.28)
"Change IT Policy">>Japan Economic newspaper,Economic-lesson,report(2013.8.29)
"Welcome to TCKP">>Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Paris, Paris France, talk(2013.9.22)
"Transfiguration politics, economy, culture by digital media">>Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue, Kyoto, talk(2013.9.13)
"Digital Media and International Relations">>Stanford Kyoto Trans-Asian Dialogue, Kyoto,talk(2013.9.13)
"Digital Punk">>"Japan IT Rebirth", Nikkei-Industry Newspaper Hybrid Forum2013,keynote(2013.9.12)
"Restaurant">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2013.9.12)
"Cooling Down">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2013.7.7,8.29)
"What's Cool Japan?">>"Toward a Global Company", Tokyo JC, keynote(2013.8.27)
"Digital Textbook, Chapter 2">>Education Solution Seminar2013,Nagoya,keynote(2013.8.9)
"Digital Textbook, Chapter 2">>Education Solution Seminar2013,Matsumoto,keynote(2013.8.5)
"Digital Textbook, Chapter 2">>Education Solution Seminar2013,Tokyo,keynote(2013.8.2)
"Digital Education Vision and Problem">>IMETS Forum2013, The Education technology OJT seminar vol.40,keynote(2013.8.2)
"Korea-Japan Contents Collaboration">>Global Korean forum2013,moderator(2013.7.26)
"Digital Punk">>Social Enterprise Conference,keynote(2013.7.26)
"Upper House election overview">>Agora Speech Arena,Nico-Nico Live, talk(2013.7.22)
"Be a Great AHO">>"Hometown of learning",Nikkei Newspaper,interview(2013.7.19)
"Digital Punk">>ICT Seminar, keynote(2013.7.19)
"Business Model of Post Digital TV">>Broadcasting Industry,2013 summer No.204, interview(2013.7.19)
"Cool Japan">>Reuters News, interview(2013.7.18)
"Internet Election Campaign Video Contest Ceremony">>MIC presenter(2013.7.16)
"Panasonic's Smart TV CM refused by broadcasters">>Tokyo News Paper, comment(2013.7.9)
"Let's express in digital media">>NHK "10min.Box", talk(2013.6.28)
"Cool Japan">>NHK Radio1,"Evening News", talk(2013.6.18)
"From Vision to Action!">>DiTT Symposium 2013, panelist(2013.6.17)
"Open data distribution consortium general meeting">>talk(2013.6.13)
"Blind Area of Government's Cool Japan ">>Japan Economic News Paper,comment(2013.6.13)
"Digital Signage Award vol.4">>DSJ2013, Presenter(2013.6.12)
"Digital signage goes to 4K">>DSJ2013, Keynote, dialogue(2013.6.12)
"Multi Screen Broadcasting Study Group, Welcome Prof. Nakamura!">>IMCTOKYO 2013,talk(2013.6.12)
"DSJ2013 Opening Ceremony">>DSJ2013(2013.6.12)
"Why did Japanese IT collapse?">>Agora-channel,talk(2013.6.11)
"Digital Textbook, the 2nd round">>New Education EXPO2013, keynote(2013.6.8)
"why do we need Cool Japan strategy?">>J-WAVE,JAM THE WORLD, talk(2013.5.27)
"Home cooking">>NHK CoolJapan , talk(2013.5.26,27,30)
"IT use policy buildup">>"What's UP? New ICT policy" , Broadband Special Lecture,keynote(2013.5.20)
"Japan economic recovery scenario by ICT">>"What's new administration ICT policy?" , Broadband Special Lecture, Panelist(2013.5.20)
"Classroom After one century">>Tokyo University,May Festival,keynote(2013.5.19)
"Can Digital Textbook Give Higher Score?">>Ichita Nakamura vs Former Deputy Minister of MEXT, SUZUKAN, Suzu-studio! talk (2013.5.18)
"Media Policy">>Contents Business Management School,TCPL,keynote(2013.5.19)
"Weather News">>Weather News, Counsillar(2013.5.16)
"Cool Japan Meeting Vol.3">>comment(2013.4.30)
"Social Society">>Broadcast Internet/Digital Biz WG, keynote,Moderoter(2013.4.26)
"Pop Culture WG-2">>Press Conference(2013.4.25)
"Digital Text">>"Education Contents"Biz modelstudy meeting, Kyoto, keynote(2013.4.22)
"Lolita Parade">>Fuji-TV New Report 2001,comment(2013.4.14)
"Singapore,IT Education State">>NHK-BS World Wave Tonight,commentater(2013.4.10)
"Pop Culture WG-2">>Press Conference(2013.4.9)
"Girls">>NHK Cool Japan , talk(2012.12.9,13,15,2013.3.31)
"Donburi">>NHK Cool Japan (2013.3.17,23)
"Ceremony">>Open Data distribution consortium,panelist, presenter(2013.3.10)
"Kids Creative Summit">>Workshop Collection vol.9,panelist(2013.3.10)
"Events in Social and Smart age">>Event Marketing Conference, panelist(2013.3.7)
"How do you talk with children.">>Information Education Symposium, Panel(2013.3.2)
"DiTT Symposium?Digital Textbook from community">>Theater TV,interview(2013.2.24)
"Social Media Strategy of Multiscreen Age">>Social Media Week, dialogue(2013.2.22)
"Anime and Manga human resources symposium">>report,moderator(2013.2.21)
"ICT in Education">>Osaka Education Center Forum2013,keynote(2013.2.16)
"Digital Education save for Japan?">>Wada Junior high school,Suginami-ku(2013.2.15)
"YouTube becomes TV-station">>FM-Tokyo,Timeline,interview(2013.2.12)
"Japan as a Pop">>Keio University short foreign students program, lecture (2013.2.12)
"Japan is the most creative country! Tokyo is the most creative city">>Kinjiro, interview (2013.2.8)
"Digital is from now">>New year party,JTUA,keynote(2013.2.5)
"IPDC Forum study meeting">>talk(2013.1.30)
"Digital New Year Party">>talk(2013.1.23)
"Intellectual Property Policy">>TCPL×KMD" IP Course", keynote(2013.1.12)
2012 |
TOP▲ |
"Digital Textbook">>"ICT Lecture", Osaka, keynote(2012.12.26)
"Japan As Pop">>SQUET 2013.1,p7-9,interview(2012.12.25)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, lecture(2012.12.21)
"DiTT Symposium">>talk and panelist(2012.12.19)
"Digital Punk">>Beijing University,Beijing China,lecture(2012.12.13,14)
"TV's future">>INTERFACE No.53, iSiD,talkv(2012.12.12)
"Let's start,ICT study">>Gakken-Gurumi vol.4,2012.12,interview(2012.12.12)
"Digital changes elementary school education">>Challenge 2nd-year-class,2012.11, interview(2012.12.11)
"Multi Media Contents Awards 2012 Ceremony">>judge(2012.12.10)
"Opendata Symposium">>report,panelist(2012.12.10)
"Girls">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2012.12.9,13,15)
"Information accessibility in U.S.A. ">>CIRIEC,Kyoto University,commentator (2012.12.8)
"Kamakura project">>TVK News930,interview (2012.11.30)
"Smart Society">>GSRI,keynote(2012.11.28)
"Smart Society">>Broadband Special Symposium vol.6,keynote,panelist(2012.11.26)
"Media and Digital Technology">>Media Synposium ,Nagoya University, keynote,panelist(2012.11.19)
"Opening ceremony">>International Manga Festa, talk(2012.11.18)
"Net Security">>"ICT Education Forum" keynote,panelist(2012.11.12,16)
"IPDC Forum Symposium">>InterBEE2012,keynote(2012.11.16)
"IPDC Forum Showcase Opening Ceremony">>InterBEE2012,tape cut(2012.11.14)
"NRA Forum 2012">>keynote,moderator(2012.11.9)
"JASGA">>Kick off talk(2012.11.8)
"21st Century Digital Pop Punk Kids">>ACE2012,Nepal, keynote(2012.11.4)
"I love KIMONO">>"Men's KIMONO", President, interview(2012.11.1)
"DigitalSignage">>Gifty 2012.10, interview(2012.10)
"DigitalSignage">>PRINT ZOOM 2012.11 vol.2-No,76, interviewE(2012.10)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Univ.economics department reunion,keynote(2012.10.27)
"Let's enjoy PC life">>NHK "Baby-boom generation Style", talk(2012.8.3,10,10.26)
"Digital Native">>NHK"Saki-dori?Equot;,talk(2012.10.21)
"Media Convergence and CATV">>CATV Festa 2012,Nagoya,keynote(2012.10.5)
"ICT Award Ceremony 2012"(2012.10.1)
"Anime&Characters for Global Business">>Anime Business partners Forum(2012.9.28)
"Digital Punk">>Tohoku Univ,lecture(2012.9.26)
"New Business of MANGA and Anime From Kyoto">>KYOTO CMEX2012,Kyoto,Dialogue(2012.9.21)
"Smart & Pop Society">>Nikkei Newspaper, World ICT Conference,talk(2012.8.21)
"KARAOKE">>NHK"Cool Japan", talk(2012.8.19,23,25)
"Digital Textbook">>Japan Society of Digital Textbook Symposium,Panelist(2012.8.18)
"Table for creating future">>BS-Fuji "Table of Dreams", talk(2012.8.11,12)
"Digital Textbook">>Hokkaido Education Research institute, Hokkaido,keynote(2012.8.7)
"Social Area/Digitalsignage">>HH News & Reort, interview(2012.8.6)
"Let's enjoy PC life">>NHK "Baby-boom generation Style", talk(2012.8.3,10)
"My Number">>My Number Symposium in Kyoto, keynote, panelist(2012.7.28)
"Open Data distribution consortium">>talk(2012.7.27)
"Digital Textbook">>"Education and Art" July 2012 (2012.7)
Lower house member, Mr.Takashi Takai's Morning Meeting vol.5>>three-way conversation(2012.7.12)
"Digital Textbook">>Proposal to Minister Junior Minister of Education(2012.7.11)
"Digital Textbook">>PressNet, keynote(2012.7.11)
"Manga">>NHK Cool Japan, tal(2012.5.6,10,12,13,7.1,5)
"Mobile Game">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2012.6.24,28,30)
"Digital Textbook">>New Education Expo 2012, Osaka, keynote(2012.6.22)
"IPDC">>ITE,Institute 4 Electronic, Osaka, keynote(2012.6.22)
"The 4th Media,Digital Signage">>TBS Newsbird,News watch, talk(2012.6.21)
"Digital Punk">>Shozaburo Jimi member of the house of councilors meeting, keynote(2012.6.19)
"Digital Education">>Tokyo MX, interview(2012.6.14)
"Communication Design Summit">>Digital Signage Japan 2012, dialogue (2012.6.14)
"Digital Signage">>Workshop on Web-based Signage,W3C, keynote(2012.6.14)
"Digital Signage Japan Award">>presenter(2012.6.13)
"Digital Signage Japan 2012, Opening Ceremony ">>talk(2012.6.13)
"Digital Punk">>EOkawa Dream Foundation Waseda Univ contribute lecture, lecture(2012.6.12)
"Digital Textbook">>ENew Education Expo 2012, keynote(2012.6.8)
"Smart Home Theater">>Home Theater 2012 summer vol.58(2012.6.8)
"DiTT Symposium">>talk, panelist(2012.6.5)
"Intellectual Property Meeting">>Prime Minister's Office(2012.5.29)
"Beyond Cool Japan">>BA Special Talk vol.17, keynote, moderator(2012.5.28)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>Edu × Tech Fes2012, keynote(2012.5.27)
"eCloud and Digital Textbook">>School Innovation & Security Fair 2012 , keynote (2012.5.25)
"Digital Textbook">>Time Line TFM, radio show(2012.5.24)
"Local SNS 2.0">>Nikkei Newspaper, Interview(2012.5.18)
"Japan Economic Newspaper Electronic version My use">>Nikkei Newspaper, Interview(2012.5.17)
"Windows 8 for Education">>Education Publisher/ISV Summit, keynote(2012.5.17)
"Digital Textbook">>Education IT Solution Expo vol.3, keynote(2012.5.16)
"Digital Punk">>Japan Foundation, talk(2012.5.16)
"You Go Salon">>talk(2012.5.14)
"New Media Risk Association">>Amusement Journal May 2012, talk(2012.5.7)
"MANGA">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2012.5.6,10,12,13)
"Digital Kids">>NTV"ZIP", Interview(2012.4.25)
"Weather News">>Weather News, Counsilar(2012.4.23)
"KMD">>Nikkei Biz Academy, Interview(2012.4.18)
"FaceBook">>Asahi-newspaper, Interview(2012.4.17)
"Multi Screen Broadcast Committee General meeting and Symposium vol.2">>Panelist(2012.4.15)
"Digital Punk">>Hip Land Music Group Meeting, keynote(2012.4.9)
"SNS">>CIRCUS 2012.5, Interview(2012.4.4)
"Media Convergence ">> "Broadcasting World 2012,Spring", Interview(2012.3.31)
"Possibility of Image Expression in the Multi Device Age">>Okinawa International Film Festival vol.4, Moderator(2012.3.28)
"Smart Society">>JBA"Broadcasting,Internet and Digital Project",keynote, panelist(2012.3.27)
"SNS">>Sankei-Newspaper,Friday Debate, Interview(2012.3.23)
"Imagination and Expression">> Cabinet Office Wisdom Frontier Committee,Presentation(2012.3.23)
NHK"Smart TV">>talk(2012.3.22,4.8)
"Japanese Smart TV">>Smart TV Committee,Moderator,Panelist(2012.3.19)
"Japan's Contents Policy">>JSAC, Kobe,keynote (2012.3.17)
TVCM"Prof.Ichiya Nakamura talk">>Benesse,CM(2012.3.16)
MIC vice minister, Mr.Kimiaki Matsuzaki's Morning Seminar >>talk (2012.3.9)
"Do Naturally">>Benesse Corporation "Please tell me,Teacher!", Comment(2012.3.8)
"DiTT">>MIC Future School Committee, Talk(2012.3.7)
Lower house member, Mr.Takashi Takai's Morning Meeting vol.4>>talk (2012.2.27)
Work Shop Collection vol.8 in Keio University(2012.2.25-26)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Otsuka-shokai Solution Fair 2012, Nagoya, Keynote(2012.2.24)
"IT Rebirth Round Table LAST Next Step">>moderator(2012.2.21)
"HATSUNE MIKU">>NHK Good Morning Japan, comment(2012.2.19)
"Ramen">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2011.11.19,26,27,2012.2.18,25,26)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Otsuka-shokai Solution Fair 2012, Osaka, Keynote(2012.2.16)
"New Media Risk Assosiation">>talk(2012.2.13)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Otsuka-shokai Solution Fair 2012, Keynote(2012.2.10)
"Future Classroom">>TEDxKids@Tokyo 201(2012.2.7)
"The Change of Japanese Contents Policy">>Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE), UC Berkeley, talk(2012.2.6)
"Trend">>NHK Cool Japan , talk(2012.2.4,11,12)
"Social Learning">>Panelist(2012.1.30)
"NRA,IT literacy">>Nikkei IT-Pro,comment(2012.1.27)
"SNS literacy">>Japan economic newspaper(2012.1.27)
"Smart Society">>Local ICT,Kofu,keynote(2012.1.23)
"IT literacy">>ASAHI-newspaper, comment(2012.1.22)
"New local administration">>Kyoto,talk(2012.1.19)
"IT Rebirth Round Table vol.6 Politics">>moderator(2012.1.17)
"Digital New Year Party">>talk(2012.1.10)
"Age">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2012.1.7,14,15)
"IT is important, positive thinking">>Senden-Kaigi 1 Jan 2012 No.828, colum(2012.1.1)
"IT is important, positive thinking">>Advertimes 1 Jan 2012, colum(2012.1.1) |
2011 |
TOP▲ |
"People who hot up knowledge">>Discovery Channel, Interview(2011.12.31)
"Digital Textbook" by Munechika Nishida>>Interview(2011.12.25)
"Change Japanese TV Industry?">>NAVIS015, Jan 2012, Interview(2011.12.22)
"Social Running">>Human Resource Education, Jan 2012, Interview(2011.12.20)
"Digital Signage Revolution">>ITU Digital Signage WS, keynote(2011.12.13)
"Beyond Education, Digital comes vol.3">>ASAHI Newspaper,comment(2011.12.11)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Industry University, Lecture(2011.12.9)
"Multi Screen Broadcast Committee">>talk(2011.12.7)
"Digital Textbook">>FM NACK5 Sunset SHUTTLE, Interview,(2011.12.6)
”IT Rebirth Round Table vol.5 Volunteer">>moderator(2011.12.1)
"eCloud">>e-Learning Awards 2011, keynote(2011.11.21)
"Ramen">>NHK Cool Japan talk(2011.11.19,26,27)
"Smart TV">>Smart TV Committee, Panelist(2011.11.17)
You Go Lab Salon>>talk(2011.11.17)
"Smart TV">>Smart TV Committee, Panelist(2011.11.17)
"Digital Textbook Three Points">>ICPF-Symposium,Panelist (2011.11.16)
"MIC White Space Opening Ceremony">>InterBEE2011(2011.11.16)
"SNS">>Keio Jukusei Newspaper, Interview(2011.11.11)
"TPP changes Japanese copyright?">>NicoNico-Broadcast , Panelist(2011.11.11)
"Mobile Phone Junior Summit 2011">>KDDI ,Moderator(2011.11.6)
"KMD Entry Session">>Keio University(2011.11.5)
"Contents and ICT New Wave">>KYOTO CMEX2011, Kyoto, Moderator(2011.11.1)
"Digital Kids">>Tokyo Design Touch, talk(2011.10.30)
"IT Rebirth Round Table vol.4 Social">>moderator(2011.10.25)
"Paperless">>Business+IT, Dialogue(2011.10.21)
"Digital Textbook">>PNC2011, talk, Bangkok Thai(2011.10.20)
"Digital Textbook">>e-learning and Digital Archive International seminar, Taiwan, talk(2011.10.12)
"Let's output new words!">>Shinken Seminar High School Interview(2011.10.6)
"Digital Signage Revolution">>CEATEC2011, keynote(2011.10.5)
"Aquarium">>NHK Cool Japan talk(2011.10.1)
"Future Classroom">>TED×KIDS@Tokyo,talk(2011.10.1)
"Smart TV">>NPO BA,talk,moderator(2011.9.28)
"IT Rebirth Round Table,vol.3 Telacommunication">>moderator(2011.9.27)
"Paperless">>Business+IT, dialogue(2011.9.25)
"Future of Japanese University">>KMD Forum, moderator(2011.9.22)
"KMD Forum">>Press Release(2011.9.22)
"Digital Textbook">>Benesse, talk(2011.9.16)
"Digital Signage Revolution">>Risona Lab, talk(2011.9.15)
"Japan as Pop?">>Joshibi University of Art and Design, lecture(2011.9.12)
NHK "IT white box, IT changes learning!?">>talk(2011.9.11,18)
"Digital Revolution vol.11">>TVK, talk(2011.9.11)
"Ban-kisha">>NTV, talk(2011.9.4)
"Digital Punk">>KMD×TCPL"IP Management", lecture(2011.9.4)
"Digital Revolution vol.10">>TVK, talk(2011.9.4)
"Japan as Pop">>NPO Asia new winds,keynote(2011.9.3)
"Digital Punk">>KMD×TCPL"IP Management", lecture(2011.9.3)
"How to digital textbook">>Shinken-zemi junior school course,interview(2011.9.1)
"Digital Revolution vol.9">>TVK, talk(2011.8.28)
"Digital Revolution vol.8">>TVK, talk(2011.8.21)
"IT Rebirth Round Table,vol.2 Media">>moderator(2011.8.18)
"Digital Textbook">>Okayama Junior high school education research conference,Okayama,keynote(2011.8.17)
"Digital Revolution vol.7">>TVK, talk(2011.8.14)
"SNS">>"PRESIDENT" Aug,2011,interview(2011.8.8)
"Digital Revolution vol.6">>TVK, talk(2011.8.7)
"Toys">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2011.8.6,14)
"Let's enjoy family and friends!">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.7.26,8.2,4)
"Digital Revolution vol.5">>TVK, talk(2011.7.31)
"IT Rebirth Round Table,vol.1 administration">>moderator(2011.7.29)
"Digital Textbook">>DiTT Expo 2011,moderator(2011.7.28)
"Digital Education's Future">>DiTT Expo 2011,moderator(2011.7.28)
"Let's start SNS!">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.7.19,26,28)
"Digital Revolution vol.4">>TVK, talk(2011.7.24)
"Japanese intellectual property strategy">>Intellectual property education symposium,TCPL,keynote(2011.7.23)
"Let's start smart phone!">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.7.12,19,21)
"Digital Revolution vol.3">>TVK, talk(2011.7.18)
"DSJ2011">>Signs&Displays 2011.7,Interview(2011.7)
"Let's start tablet PC!">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.7.5,12,14)
"Digital Revolution vol.2">>TVK, talk(2011.7.3,4)
"Let's enjoy Application!">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.6.28,7.5,7)
"Digital Revolution vol.1">>TVK, talk(2011.7.3,4)
"Let's Try Tablet PC">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.6.21,28,30)
"Digital Punk">>Shikoku-ICT Committee,Matsuyama, keynote(2011.6.20)
"Let's enjoy Digital TV">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.6.14,21,23)
"Last Big Market, China">>BS-Asahi "Now,The World", commentator(2011.6.19)
"Digital TV">>NHK "Raku-Raku Digital School", talk(2011.6.7,14,16)
"Disaster and Power Saving">>Digital Signage Japan 2011,Panel(2011.6.9)
"Radiko">>IMC Tokyo 2011,Moderator,(2011.6.8)
Digital Signage AWARD 2011>>Presenter(2011.6.8)
"Manner">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2011.6.4,12)
Cabinet Secretariat,Intellectual Property Strategy Committee>>Report(2011.6.3)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>NEW EDUCATION EXPO 2011, keynote(2011.6.2)
"Digital Books and Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarter">>ICPF, keynote(2011.5.24)
"Cool Japan">>BS11"Future Vision",interview(2011.5.21)
"You Go Lab Salon">>talk(2011.5.18)
"Attractive learning tools">>"Smart device">>Impress Japan,Interview(2011.5.13)
"Pop Power evangelist of Japan">>Japan Economic Newspaper , Interview(2011.5.4)
"DiTT Real Talk">>DiTT Presentation,talk(2011.4.25)
"DiTT Vision">>DiTT Presentation,talk(2011.4.25)
"Japan Media Contents Vision">>Katarist BA Opening Ceremony, keynote(2011.4.25)
"Policy Project">>KMD Crush course, talk(2011.4.18)
"[Schooly]event for a new product">>talkshow,talk(2011.4.15)
"This is IT" vol.20 "Mr.Tomotaka Nakagawa">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.4.14)
"IT Rebirth Round Table">>moderator(2011.4.13)
"Takeo city My library Opening ceremony">>talk(2011.4.13)
"Horipro find a job lesson">>talk,moderator(2011.4.11)
"This is IT" vol.19 "Mr.Kiyoyuki Tsujimura">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.4.7)
"Grade Economic Society Toshio Okada, Takafumi Horie and Ichiya Nakamura">>talkshow,moderator (2011.4.5)
IPDC Forum General Meeting>>talk, moderator(2011.4.4)
IPDC Forum General Meeting>>talk,moderator(2011.3.31)
"This is IT" vol.17 "Mr.Katsuyuki To">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.3.31)
DiTT General Meeting>>talk(2011.3.28)
"Let's enjoy photo movie!-2">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.3.22,29)
"Let's enjoy photo movie!-1">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.3.22,27)
"Road to media creator">>Okinawa International Movie Festival,moderator(2011.3.26)
"This is IT" vol.17 "Dr.Tomoyuki Sugiyama">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.3.24)
"Japanese Culture and Media Art">>Agency for Cultural Affairs, Moderator(2011.3.21)
"Bell ring foundation">>Horipro,TOHOKU-Pacific Disaster Foundation(2011.3.18)
"This is IT" vol.16 "Mr.Masakazu Kobayashi">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.3.17)
Top Conference Ⅱ "Mobile and Human future">>Mobile International forum vol.10, Kyoto, Moderator(2011.3.17)
AMIO "Broadcasting × E-publishing future generation network model">>Mobile International forum vol.10, Kyoto, Moderator(2011.3.17)
Ubiquitous special area summit"local mobile service plan and use">>Mobile International forum vol.10, Kyoto, Moderator(2011.3.16)
JP Holdings.Co.,Ltd. Tokyo Stock Exchange 2nd listing>>(2011.3.11)
"Digital Signage Revolution ">>Retail Tech JAPAN 2011 ,keynote(2011.3.10)
"This is IT" vol.14 "Mr.Haiteng Chen">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.3.10)
"Let's make Karaoke movie!-2">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.3.8,15)
"The way to Digital Text">>"ICT Education propulsion forum",panelist(2011.3.5)
"Japan Digital Contents now and future">>Digital Government,interview(2011.3.4)
"This is IT" vol.14 "Mr.Akira Ota">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.3.3)
"Let's make Karaoke movie!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.3.1,8)
"Workshop Collection vol.7">>Keio University(2011.2.26,27)
"Digital Textbook Future">>NicoNico Broadcast"MIAU Presents Internet Compass vol.10", talk(2011.2.25)
"Let's make slide show!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.2.22,3.1)
"This is IT" vol.13 "Mr.Kenji Kasahara">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.2.24)
"Digital Text Revolution">>Digital Text Committee03 in Nagoya, keynote(2011.2.19)
"Let's make CD label!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk (2011.2011.2.15,22)
"This is IT" vol.12 "Mr.Toshinao Sasaki">>Radio Nikkei, talk (2011.2.17)
"Flowers">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2011.2.12,16)
"Let's make calender!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk (2011.1.25,2.1)
"This is IT" vol.11 "Mr.Takeshi Natsuno">>Radio Nikkei, talk (2011.2.10)
"Pop Power">>TBS Radio"Weekly Digitalian",talk(2011.2.5)
"Let's get picture!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.2.1,2.8)
"This is IT" vol.10 "Mr.Tsuguhiko Kadokawa">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.2.3)
"Let's download digital photo!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.1.25,2.1)
"This is IT" vol.9 "Japan as Pop Power-2">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.1.27)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>IPDC Forum symposium ,talk, moderator (2011.1.27)
"Let's buy music from Website!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.1.18,25 )
Movie"The Longest Summer in Japan">>DVD,actor(2011.1.21)
"This is IT" vol.8 "Japan as Pop Power">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.1.20)
"What's DigitalSingnage?"-2>>NTT West, Interview (2011.1.17)
"What's DigitalSingnage?"-1>>NTT West, Interview(2011.1.17)
"Let's make original CD!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.1.11,18 )
"This is IT" vol.7 "Media Convergence">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.1.13)
"DigitalSingnage Strategy">>KISA, keynote(2011.1.13)
"let's retrieve music!">>NHK "Raku-Raku PC School" ,talk(2011.1.4,11)
"This is IT" vol.6 "Media Convergence-2">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2011.1.6)
"International Competitive Power">>AdverTimes, Interview(2011.1.5)
2010 |
TOP▲ |
"This is IT" vol.5 "Media Convergence-1">>Radio Nikkei, talk (2010.12.30)
"K-POP">>Tokyo Newspaper, Interview(2010.12.28)
Symposium "Digital character and type culture">>Nikkei Newspaper,Talk(2010.12.27)
"This is IT" vol.4 "Digital Signage-2">>Radio Nikkei, talk (2010.12.23)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Koushi-kai,talk(2010.12.20)
"Ubiquitous for Contents Market Platform">>TRONSHOW2011,keynote,Panelist (2010.12.17)
Ichiya Nakamura "This is IT" vol.3 "Digital Signage">>Radio Nikkei, talk (2010.12.16)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>Nikkei New Media Seminar,keynote (2010.12.15)
"Boy Friends/Girl Friends">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2010.12.11)
"Boyfriends/Girlfriends">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2010.12.11)
"Be-Real">>KMD Forum 2010,Panel,moderator(2010.12.10)
"Policy Project">>KMD Forum 2010,keynote(2010.12.10)
"Media Convergence new evolution">>ITU-Club,keynote(2010.12.10)
Ichiya Nakamura "This is IT" vol.2 "Digital Text">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2010.12.9)
"Language">>NHK Cool Japan, talk(2010.12.4,8)
"Digital Signage Strategy">>JSPS, Optical network system technology no.171 committee, keynote(2010.12.7)
"Digital age,characters and type culture">>Characters Culture Promotion Organization,moderator(2010.12.6)
Ichiya Nakamura "This is IT" vol.1 "Digital Text">>Radio Nikkei, talk(2010.12.2)
"DiTT">>Nikkei New Media, interview(2010.11.30)
"Pop Power Project-Japanese Pop Cluture in the Digital Age-">>VSJF Annual Conference 2010,Frankfurt Germany(2010.11.25)
"Digital and Education-2">>J-wave Sunday Library, talk(2010.11.21)
"Digital Education">>Digital Archive Lab,panelist(2010.11.20)
NHK Close up modern times"K-pop">>talk(2010.11.16)
"Digital Signage">>New weekly fujiTV notice, comment(2010.10.30)
"Net Power">Japan Economic Industry Newspaper, interview(2010.10.27)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>Future Image and Information Forum 2010,keynote(2010.10.26)
"Social Network" Movie & Talk show>>Keio University,moderator(2010.10.25)
"Digital Signage Strategy">>Premium Incentive Show 2010, keynote (2010.10.21)
"Analog millennium,Digital millennium">>Science Culture,keynote (2010.10.15)
"Digital Textbook">>NHK Biz Sports wide, talk(2010.10.15)
"Galapagos to the world">>DC Expo2010,moderator(2010.10.15)
"Digital and Education-1">>J-wave Sunday Library, tal(2010.10.14)
"What's Digital Text?">>Nikkei Newspaper PLUS1, comment(2010.10.14)
"Digital Education? Soichiro Tawara vs Ichiya Nakamura">WEBRONZA Special Dialogue, Talk(2010.10.14)
"School">>NHK Cool Japan,talk (2010.10.16,20,25)
"No.1 Digital Signage">>>SnakeiBiz 13th oct.2010, Interview (2010.10.13)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>interview(2010.10.12)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>interview(2010.10.12)
"Digital Textbook">>Amusement Journal Nov.2011, interview(2010.10.11)
"Digital Textbook changes Japanese education">>Dr. Satoru Matsubara DIGITAL SPACE"Beyond Japan" ,Interview(2010.10.8)
"Japanese Media Contents for 10 years">>Biz-Model Society, keynote(2010.10.2)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>Yorimichikai, keynote(2010.9.27)
"Digital Textbook">>BBA,keynote(2010.9.27)
"Digital Textbook">>Tokyo Books"Classroom Windows",2010.9 vol.13,talk (2010.9.27)
"Digital Signage">>Nikkei Business Associe 2010.10.5, comment(2010.9.27)
"Digital Textbook">>Nikkei New Media 2010.9.20, interview(2010.9.27)
"Digital Textbook Revolution">>NEW EDUCATION EXPO 2010,keynote(2010.9.23)
"Stage">>NHK Cool Japan,talk(2010.9.18,22)
"Degital Textbook">>Nikkei Electronics 20th Sep.2010,Comment(2010.9.20)
"Keio University Graduate Ceremony in Sep.2010">>speech(2010.9.17)
"Can I Dada More ?">>KMD Graduation symposium, Moderator (2010.9.17)
"You Go Lab Salon">>talk(2010.9.15)
"AMIO Forum general meeting>>talk(2010.9.14)
"Digital Textbook">>ABC Radio"Good Morning personality,Mr.Yozo Dogami",interview(2010.9.9)
"Digital Text">>Electonic Paper Consortium, keynote(2010.9.7)
"Education and Digital Technology in 2020 ?>>Benesse"C" no.59 Sep.2010, Dialogue (2010.9.6)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Chugoku Economic Association, Hiroshima, Keynote(2010.9.1)
Ditt>>Tokyo-IT newspaper, comment(2010.8.24)
"Mobile phone Junior Summit 2010">>KDDI, Keynote,Moderator(2010.8.21)
NHK"Convenience stores">>Cool Japan,talk(2010.8.14,23)
Movie"Japanese Longest Summer">>actor(2010.8.7)
AMIO Forum 2nd Establishment Preparation Meeting>>talk(2010.8.3)
"Media Convergence">>Liberal Democratic Party"ICT Seminar",keynote(2010.8.2)
NHK"Japanese Longest Summer">>actor(2010.7.31)
NHK "Talk about experience of the war">>interview(2010.7.11,25,31)
"Digital Textbook and Teaching Consortium">>moderator(2010.7.27)
"Media Convergence">>MRI Seminar,keynote(2010.7.26)
"Digital Signage">>Printing Newspaper, Interview(2010.7.22)
NHK "talk about experience of the war">>interview(2010.7.11,25)
"Digital Punk">>CSK Systems Seminar"Media Convergence",keynote (2010.7.20)
NHK"Noodles">>Cool Japan,talk(2010.7.17,21)
"Digital Signage">>Asahi Newspaper, interview(2010.7.18)
You Go Lab Party>>talk(2010.7.16)
"radiko">>NHK Radio center,keynote(2010.7.15)
NHK "Japan longest summer">>interview(2010.7.12)
"100 plays with iPad">>Technology-critical co.,ltd. ,p.84-p.92, interview(2010.7.9)
"ICT Haraguchi Vision">>Gyosei, p.103-p.120, interview(2010.7.2)
"Media Convergence and Radio">>Communication Seminar 2010,Nagoya, keynote(2010.6.28)
"Digital Signage">>CATV2010, keynote(2010.6.25)
"Media Convergence">>Hyogo New Media Counsil,keynote(2010.6.21)
"Digital Signage">>IEICE,Osaka,keynote(2010.6.18)
"Radio for Media Convergense age">>"White Space and Community Forum, Nagoya,Keynote (2010.6.17)
"Digital Punk">>Taisho-University, Lecture(2010.6.15)
"Japan As Pop">>Ministry of Finance Japan, Keynote(2010.6.14)
"IP radio : radiko.jp">>IMC Tokyo 2010, Moderator(2010.6.10)
"Internet and Digital Signage">>DSJ2010, Keynote(2010.6.9)
"Digital Signage Award">>DSJ2010, Talk(2010.6.9)
"Good Net Comittee General Assembly">>Moderator(2010.6.8)
"Digital Signage">>TBS "Moring-Zuba", Comment(2010.6.8)
"Digital Signage">>TBS "News 23", Comment(2010.6.7)
"Digital Signage">>TBS "N-St", Comment(2010.6.7)
"ICT Policy 8 plan">>Keio University,Panelist(2010.6.1)
"Media Convergense 3.0">>ELN,Keynote(2010.5.29)
"Digital Textbook and Teaching">>"DiTT", Moderator,Talk(2010.5.27)
"Digital Signage">>Modern Business Media School(2010.5.26)
"DiTT">>MEXT "Communication Education Forum",Talk(2010.5.26)
"Digital Punk">>Kyoto Industry University, Lecture(2010.5.25)
"Contents Committee Report">>Intellectual Property Headquarter(2010.5.21)
"ICT Policy 8 plan">>House of Representatives,Talk(2010.5.20)
"Internet broadcasting">>NHK"Good mornig Japan", Talk(2010.5.19)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>KAIST Symposium, Korea, talk(2010.4.30)
You Go Lab SALON>>talk(2010.4.27)
"let's Digital Terrestrial Broadcasting">>Benesse Co.,Ltd., talk (2010.4.26)
"Red Flower">>NHK "My one book, Japanese hundred books",talk (2010.4.25)
"Fiber-optic bastion">>MIC "ICT Forum",Presentation(2010.4.23)
"Digital Text">>Mext "School ICT Committee",Presentation(2010.4.22)
"Media Convergence 3.0">> KICCS,Osaka, Talk(2010.4.21)
NHK "Digital TV Life">> Talk(2010.4.18)
"Digital Signage">>Fuji TV Mezamashi-TV,Talk(2010.4.16)
"Theme and Possibility of E-books ">>Keio Univ Platform Design Lab,Panelist(2010.4.13)
"Digital Signage for Advertiser">>Digital Signage Consortium Committee,Moderator (2010.4.13)
"Future Digital Signage">>M&D Report,April 2010,Talk(2010.4.8)
"Future Radio">>Good Press,May 2010,Interview(2010.4.6)
"Contents Committee Report">>Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarter(2010.3.30)
"World Wide Laugh">>Okinawa International Movie Festival vol.2, Jury president, Okinawa(2010.3.26-27)
"Future Broadcasting">>"Future Broadcasting and Legal Committee", NAB, Panelist(2010.3.24)
"Fukuoka Ubiquitous Special Zone">>Fukuoka(2010.3.18-19)
"Tomorrow of Mobile phone">>International Mobile Communication Forum vol.9, Top Canfarence Ⅱ ,Kyoto,moderator(2010.3.17)
"Ubiquitous Sightseeing">>International Mobile Communication Forum vol.9,Ubiquitous Special Area Summit,Kyoto,moderator (2010.3.17)
"Mobile Communication and Future">>International Mobile Communication Forum vol.9,Keynote Session,Kyoto,moderator(2010.3.16)
"Book">>NHK Cool Japan (2010.3.9,14,15)
"Love Cub 50" Yahoo! auctions exhibition (2010.3)
"IP Radio">>Tokyo FM , Interview(2010.3.10)
"Digital Signage">>Digital Signage Consortium,talk(2010.3.10)
"Digital Signage">>Retail Tech JAPAN 2010,keynote(2010.3.10)
"Digital Signage">>CX Mezamashi-TV, Interview(2010.3.4)
"IPDC at White Space">>IPDC Forum Symposium,Moderator (2010.3.3)
IPDC Forum Symposium>>opening remarcs(2010.3.3)
"AMIO Forum vol.4">>opening remarcs(2010.3.2)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>NHK Legal Committee, Talk (2010.3.1)
"White Space">>MIC International Symposium, Panel(2010.3.1)
Work Shop Collection vol,6 in Keio University(2010.2.27-28)
AMD Information Association>>Lecture(2010.2.26)
"IP Simulcasting Radio">>Nikkei Business On-Line NO.933, Interview (2010.2.26)
"Digital Signage">>City planning Seminar,e-ToyakaConsortium,Toyama ,Keynote,Panelist(2010.2.22)
Intellectual Property HQ "Contents WG"(2010.2.15)
Intellectual Property HQ "Competing Power & Standardization WG"(2010.2.15)
"Net World">>NHK-Education "Nearby Raising Children", Talk(2010.2.6)
"Political decision is needed for realization">> Nikkei communication 1,Feb 2010, Interview(2010.1.29)
NHK "New Age TV">> NHK-BS1, talk(2010.1.24)
"You Go Lab 2010 New Year Party">>talk(2010.1.22)
"Digital Signage Strategy">> Japan Shopping Center Organization, Talk (2010.1.22)
"Next Age Media">> Keio Jukusei-Neswpaper, Interview (2010.1.8)
"Friends">> NHK cool japan, talk (2010.1.7)
"O-Japan strategy">>Tokyo MX-TV, talk(2010.1.2)
2009 |
TOP▲ |
"The People">>NTV News24"Daily Planet", talk(2009.12.24,26,29)
"Hero">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2009.12.15,19)
"International public broadcasting conference">>Kyoto, Moderator (2009.12.8)
"AMIO Forum">>Bunkatsushin,7/12/2009(2009.12.7)
"Gal">>NHK Cool Japan ,Talk(2009.12.1,5)
"Future Motion 2009">>Tokyo MX TV, Interview(2009.11.28)
"Digital Signage Revolution">>Future Motion, modelator(2009.11.28)
"NTT re-edit?">>ICT Revolution vol.3,Panelist(2009.11.26)
"Internet Aged Weather News">>Wether News, Panelist(2009.11.20)
"Japanese FCC?">>ICT Revolution vol.2,Panelist(2009.11.19)
"Internet Business Model and Copyright System">>JASRAC Symposium 2009, Moderator(2009.11.19)
"Digital Signage,hope and problem">>Top Promotion,Dec.2009.No.140,Interview(2009.11.12)
"Digital Signage Revolution">> ABC Kansai-Forum 2009,talk(2009.11.11)
"Possibility of communication by Digital Signage"LIN×K Oct.2009.vol.1, K-Opticom,Interview(2009.11.10)
"Media Convergense 3.0">>Media Ichokai, talk(2009.11.9)
"AMIO Forum vol.1">>talk(2009.11.9)
"Self Introduction">>KMD Media Design VIDEO, Interview(2009.11.6)
"Digital Signage">>KMD Media Design VIDEO, Interview(2009.11.6)
"Now KMD">>KMD Media Design VIDEO, Interview(2009.11.6)
"Policy">>KMD Media Design VIDEO, Interview(2009.11.6)
"Child Raising">> NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2009.10.27,31,11.2)
"Digital Signage">>Japan Information Industry Newspaper,2 Nov.2009 Vol.2027(2009.11.2)
"Pop Culture">>On The Way Journal,JFN,Interview(2009.10.31,11.1)
"Child Raising">> NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2009.10.28,31)
"About National Media Arts Center">>MAF2009 symposium,Hamamatsu,Panelist(2009.10.31)
"Radio Auction">>ICT Revolution vol.1,Panelist(2009.10.29)
"Digital Signage">>On The Way Journal,JFN,Interview(2009.10.24,25)
"Pop Power">> Monthly Business Ascii,Dec.2009, Interview(2009.10.24)
"Japan Contents goes along with Digital">>AKIHABARA Entertainment Festival 2009,Talk,Panel(2009.10.22)
"Media Convergence">>On The Way Journal,JFN,Interview(2009.10.17,18)
"Multimedia broadcasting services">>CEATEC,Keynote,Panelist(2009.10.7)
"Digital Signage Headline">>Mitsubishi UFJ Securities, Talk(2009.10.5)
"Gals">>NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2009.9.15,19)
"10 points for the success of Digital Signage">>Ascii-Lab Seminar, Panelist(2009.9.18)
"Vimpire 30th Anniversary Live">>Ikebukuro,chop(2009.9.12)
"Power of Pop Culture">>"Summer Davos" in Asia,World Economic Forum, Dalian,Talk (2009.9.11)
"Contents Association, Networking Party">>Talk(2009.9.4)
"Digital Signage Revolution">>Nikkei-Digital Core Talk (2009.9.2)
"Media Convergense Expand Advertising Market">>"Senden Kaigi" 1 SEP 2009 EEo.772EE Interview(2009.9.1)
"You Go Lab general meeting & Salon">>talk(2009.8.31)
"Mr.Takashi Takai at Election for House of Representatives of Okayama">>Speech(2009.8.31)
"In testing times, samurai craze sweeps Japan" >> AFP News, INterview(2009.8.28)
"JAPAN EXPO 2009 Video Watch & Discussion">>ASCII-Lab, Panelist(2009.8.28)
"Digital Signage Possibility">>Tokyo IT Newspaper, Interview(2009.8.25)
"Mr.Takashi Takai at Election for House of Representatives of Okayama">>Speech(2009.8.24)
"More Good Net in Osaka">>Kids workshop(2009.8.22,23)
"Media Convergense Review">>SSK21, Moderetor(2009.8.21)
"Beyond 2012, ICT Change">>G-TREND vol.2, talk(2009.8.20)
"Mr.Tsuneo Sakai at Election for Mayer of Joyo City">>Speech(2009.8.20)
"Possibility of communication by Digitalsignage">>NIKKEI-NET/K-Opticom, Interview(2009.8.10)
"Vimpire 30th Anniversary Live">>Kyoto, Juttoku(2009.8.8)
"Digitalsignage">>I.m.press vol.159, Interview(2009.8.3)
"Car">> NHK Cool Japan, Talk(2009.8.1)
"Weather News">>Talk(2009.7.31)
"Digitalsignage">>JCTA, Talk(2009.7.22)
"Media Convergence3.0,Convergence Legal System2.0?E/A>>>Telecom Chance Forum, Osaka, Talk(2009.7.17)
"Digitalsignage">>KyodoNews Seminar,Talk(2009.7.16)
"Digitalsinage Possibility">>"Satelite & CableTV July,2009",Interview(2009.7.13)
"Local Information and Contents">>Kansai CAN Forum, Osaka, Talk(2009.7.7)
"Media Convergense and Local Information">>Local Information Seminar, Talk(2009.7.2)
"IPDC Forum Organization Meeting">>Talk(2009.6.30)
"Mottainai Part2">>NHK CoolJapan Talk(2009.6.23,28)
"JP Holdings co.,ltd. General meeting of shareholders"(2009.6.26)
"Love Cub 50">>Press conference(2009.6.25)
"Space Shower Networks co.,ltd. General meeting of shareholders"(2009.6.23)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Next Generation Mobile in Kansai,Osaka, Talk(2009.6.19)
"Use bugdet for OTAKU & Creator">>Finamcial JAPAN August 2009, Interview(2009.6.19)
"Japan As Pop">>Ministry of Finance Japan, Talk(2009.6.18)
"mixi co.,ltd. General meeting of shareholders"(2009.6.18)
"Digital Signage Consortium General meeting of shareholders"(2009.6.17)
"CATV Challemges and Solutions">>B-maga June 2009, Interview(2009.6.16)
"Copyright Debate">>Nikkei Newspaper "Reading Now"(2009.6.14)
"Future of Communication Design">>ASCII-LAB,Talk Session(2009.6.11)
"Net Safty and Filtering">>INTEROP,moderator(2009.6.11)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>INTEROP,NTT-Communication,talk(2009.6.11)
"Digital Signage and creation of urban market">>DSJ2009,moderator(2009.6.11)
"DIGITALSIGNAGE PREAWARD2009">>DSJ2009,talk(2009.6.10)
"DSJ2009">>Opening Seremony(2009.6.10)
"DSC Activity Report 2009">>DSC,Press Conferense,talk(2009.6.8)
"Media Convergence3.0">>Tokyo University, talk(2009.6.4)
"Safer Internet Environment for Children">>,ITU-MIC, Panel(2009.6.2)
"ICT Digital Workshop">>Suko ICT Fair (2009.5.30)
"Red Flower">>NHK "My one book, Japanese hundred books",talk(2009.5.24)
"Cars">>NHK Cool Japan (2009.5.19,23)
"Media Convergense3.0">>A.D.K, talk(2009.4.27)
"Takashi Takai support party">>comment(2009.4.16)
"Social&Economic impact of Digital Signage">>IIEEJ, talk(2009.4.16)
"Potential 20 trillion yen content market">>TCPL, talk(2009.4.14)
"Keio Media Design guidance">>Hiyoshi campus(2009.4.11)
"Mottainai 2">>NHK CoolJapan, talk(2009.3.18,29)
"Movie 10 years after">>KMD Future Motion2009, Panelist (2009.3.28)
"Digital Signage">>Kyodo News seminar, talk(2009.3.26)
"Digital School Bag">>TCA, talk(2009.3.26)
"Media Convergence3.0">>5 Newspaper Muiti Media meeting,talk(2009.3.25)
"AMD Aword">>AMD, presentor(2009.3.24)
"View the digital age">>CATV management seminar, talk(2009.3.24)
"Media Convergence">>NHK Radio "Sunday Morning No.1"(2009.3.22)
"Broadcasting & Video Contents">>Ascii-Lab symposium, Moderator(2009.3.19)
"Total Disccusion">>"International Mobile Communication Forum vol.8", Moderator(2009.3.12)
"Light & Shadow by Mobile phone">>"International Mobile Communication Forum vol.8", Moderator(2009.3.11)
"Ubiquitas Special Area Sammit">>"International Mobile Communication Forum vol.8", Moderator(2009.3.11)
"DIGITAL MEDIA AND CONTENT">>Keio University DMC Last Symposium(2009.3.6)
"Digital Industry">>Keio University, Osaka (2009.3.4)
"Digital Signage in new radio age">>Broadband Wireless Seminar, Hiroshima(2009.2.12)
"Manga">>NHK Cool Japan(2009.2.4,6,8)
"TCPL 2009 Curriculum">>TCPL, Panel(2009.2.7)
"Digital signage">>Data Vision 2009, Talk(2009.2.6)
"Digital signage consortium lecture vol.18"(2009.2.4)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>D@TA Center Partner Program, Talk(2009.2.3)
"DIPP Last Symposium"Keio University DMC(2009.2.2)
" Digital Network IP policy">>NHK Rights Archive CenterSymposium(2009.1.30)
"Leading communications policy(Second)">> Nikkei Communication,Interview (2009.1.29)
"Leading communications policy (First)">> Nikkei Communication,Interview (2009.1.28)
"Instant">>NHK Cool Japan talk(2009.1.21,.25)
"You Go Lab">> SALON vol.4 (2009.1.23)
"Media Regulation">> NTT/GLOCOM, talk (2009.1.20)
"Digital Signage Today and Tomorrow">>Multimedia Promotion Forum (2009.1.16)
"Digital signage">>Nikkei Economic news-paper (2009.1.9)
2008 |
TOP▲ |
"23 books for the winter vacation">>Nikkei Net(2008.12.29)
"Your first dream in 2009">>>Nikkei Net(2008.12.26)
"Mobile Keywords in 2009">>Nikkei Net(2008.12.25)
"IT Best10 in 2008">>Nikkei Net(2008.12.24)
"Innovative marketing on open mobile">>Nikkei Net Marketing Seminar, moderator(2008.12.17)
"Leading communications policy">> Nikkei Communication,Interview (2008.12.15)
"Ubiquitous special area meeting vol.1">>moderator(2008.12.10)
"Harmful mobile web for children ">> Sankei newspaper, Interview (2008.12.5)
"Workshop Collection">>Keio"OPEN"(2007.12)
"DSC & KMD">> Digital Signage Consortium, Mita(2008.12.3)
Keio Media Design guidance>>Hiyoshi campus(2008.11.29)
"Sightseeing">>NHK Cool Japan (2008.11.12,16)
"You Go Lab" SALON vol.3(2008.11.6)
"Future Information and Communication ">>ICF 20th anniversary symposium ,moderator(2008.11.5)
"Media Convergence,Copy Right">>International Communication Forum ,JSCR(2008.11)
"Red Flower">>NHK "My one book, Japanese hundred books"(2008.10.31,11.1)
"Instant">> NHK"Cool Japan"(2008.10.29)
"Red Flower">>NHK "My one book, Japanese hundred books",talk(2008.10.31)
"Digital Signage Japan 2009">>"Digital Communication Week"(2008.10.27)
"Web is BOSATSU" with Mr.Yoshiaki Fukami>>talkshow(2008.10.27)
"Digital Knowlegde, 21C Social System">>Keio DMC, moderator(2008.10.24)
"Digital Punk">>Contents Business Salon vol.1, Kawasaki-city,Talk(2008.10.23)
"Japan Pop Power">>Fashion Color Seminar vol.80, Osaka, Talk(2008.10.22)
"Media Convergence">>Korea Contents Business Session, Talk(2008.10.21)
"Web is BOSATSU" with Mr.Yoshiaki Fukami>>talkshow(2008.10.20)
"NHK next management plan">>NHK "Three Eggs", Interview(2008.10.19)
" Information security regulation">>Nikkei newspaper(2008.10.17)
"Japan as A Pop">>JAM2008, Talk, Moderator(2008.10.16)
"Web is BOSATSU"with Mr.Yoshiaki Fukami>>talkshow(2008.10.14)
"Workshop Collection 2008"(2008.10.12-13)
"Contents Association Kickoff">>talk, panelist(2008.10.11)
"Net Safety Consortium">>Facilitator(2008.10.8)
"Contents Industry of the future">>Bloomburg, interview(2008.10.7,11)
"Web is BOSATSU"with Mr.Yoshiaki Fukami>>talkshow(2008.10.6)
"Toys">>NHK cool japan, talk(2008.10.1.3)
"International ICT Symposium-Ubiquitous special area showcase">>CEATEC JAPAN2008, talk,moderaor(2008.10.3)
"Internet Safety">>Nikkei BP net on Yahoo News, Interview(2008.10.2)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>NTT-Lab, Lecture, Talk(2008.9.29)
"Contents Market">> MIC Digital Content WG , Presentation(2008.9.26)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>IT Policy Lecture, Tokyo(2008.9.19)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Kansai Economic Federation, Talk(2008.9.17)
Degital Signage Consortium General Meeting(2008.9.3)
You Go Lab General Meeting vol2(2008.8.29)
"Contents for local activation">>Intellectual Property Symposium, Hiroshima, Talk(2008.8.27)
"Contents creation and use">>Intellectual Property Symposium, Hiroshima, Talk(2008.8.27)
"Keio University Graduate School of Media Design">>Osaka(2008.8.26)
"Media Convergence3.0">>Broadcasting Culture, Autumn 2008,Interview(2008.8.23)
"30 years reunion">>Koyusyo,Nikkei-newspaper(2008.8.23)
"Memory of Noboribetsu">>NOBORIBETSU, HOKKAIDO, talk(2008.8.22)
"Digital TV Business">>NTV-news,Planet VIEWS, talk(2008.8.20)
"Web is BOSATSU" with Mr.Yoshiaki Fukami>>NTT-pub,talk(2008.8.11)
"Content distribution policy">>Nikkei DigitalCore Forum, Panel(2008.8.7)
"Summer">>NHK cool japan, talk(2008.7.31,8.3)
"Digital media policy">>Keio University , Interview(2008.7.25)
" Ad's possibility in Media Convergence">>Yokohama EIZONE2008,moderator(2008.7.28)
"Media convergence and Information Communication Law ">>Wireless Japan2008,talk(2008.7.24)
"Media Convergence">> IBM media seminar, talk (2008.7.23)
"Education is important for using net">>Nikkei Newspaper"Gallery"(2008.7.21)
"Friends">> NHK cool japan talk (2008.7.19)
"Would Nagoya like to be a digital city?">>SannomaruClub,Nagoya(2008.7.18)
"Mobile contents & Platform development">>Contents Policy Forum, panel(2008.7.17)
I-ROI Kick off Symposium>>I-ROI, talk(2008.7.17)
"Kyoto Ubiquitous Special Area Seminar">>Kyoto Industrial Support Organization 21, Kyoto(2008.7.14)
"Keio University Graduate School of Media Design">>Mita(2008.7.12)
"DTV is coming">>Tokyo Research Center of consumer life,moderator(2008.7.9)
"Dubbing 10">>NHK Radio, interview(2008.7.8)
"NTV"Prime Minister, Hikaru Ohta・・・Secretary Tanaka">>talk"(2008.7.4)
"JP Holdings co.,ltd. General meeting of shareholders"(2008.6.27)
" Strange process of the dubbing 10">>Nikkei-Net(2008.6.26)
"Spaceshowernerwork co.,ltd General meeting of shareholders"(2008.6.24)
NTV "ANAPARA">>commentator(2008.6.23)
"Japan Cable TV&Communication Show 2008">>ceremony, Presentor(2008.6.19)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Jupiter TV,Talk(2008.6.18)
"Media Convergence and Information Communication Law">>JSICR,Talk(2008.6.15)
"Beyond 25 years, Global Media">>JSICR, Panel(2008.6.14)
"Future of Digital Signage">>IMC TOKYO 2008, Talk(2008.6.11)
"Information security regulation law">>The Upper House, Cabinet Committee(2008.6.10)
"Information security regulation law">>Mainichi newspaper,Interview(2008.6.10)
"The future of NGN and Ubiquitous Society">>Denkei newspaper, Talk(2008.6.9)
NHK-BS2"Total digital age">>NHK Symposium, Panel(2008.6.7)
"You Go Lab Opening Party" (2008.6.6)
"The real picture of Japanese pop culture ">>TKC ,interview(2008.6.2)
"The current situation and activation of entertainment">>ELN, panel(2008.5.31)
"Media convergence and Information Communication Law ">>NEC, talk(2008.5.30)
"Media convergence and Information Communication Law ">>Nikkei New Media, talk(2008.5.28)
"What's Dubbing 10">>SBS Radio, interview(2008.5.20)
"Telecom industry has to put cost on contents">>IT Pro,column(2008.5.19)
"Media Convergence 3.0">>Broadband Special Talk (2008.5.19)
"Friends">> NHK cool japan talk (2008.5.14,18)
"New business generated in ubiquitous special zone ">>SSK21, moderator (2008.5.12)
"Internet harmful information regulation">>J-WAVE Good Morning Tokyo (2008.5.5)
"What's digital terrestrial broadcasting?">>Tokyo Life Net May/2008(2008.5.2)
”Illegal and harmful sites PT">>The Democratic party of Japan, talk(2008.4.30)
"Takashi Takai support party">>panel, comment(2008.4.29)
"Internet Society's Trap">>NHK-BS1 BS Debate(2008.4.27)
"Takashi Takai support party">>comment(2008.4.25)
"Internet-Rating Observation InstituteEI-ROI press release (2008.4.25)
"Convergence 2.0">>Tama University Camp(2008.4.18)
"Japan Digital Society & Signage">>LAIT, Talk(2008.4.18)
"Total digital age">>NHK Symposium, Panel(2008.4.13)
"Digital Millennium">>Japan Marketing Association, Keynote(2008.3.26)
"Master of Gion ">>BRIO, Interview(2008.3.24)
"Watch is Intelligence">>BRIO, Interview(2008.3.24)
"DIPP2008">>Keio University, DIPP, moderator(2008.3.24)
"Media Convergence of Tomorrow">>Nikkei Newspaper(2008.3.23)
NHK "Visual media of the future">>NHK-BS1 Broadcasting Day, talk(2008.3.21)
"Media convergence policy 2.0">>Keio University, Contents Policy Forum, panel(2008.3.19)
"Pop culture & Next Media">>Mr.Hiroyuki Arai New River Policy Seminar(2008.3.17)
"Media Convergence of Tomorrow">>Nikkei Communication(2008.3.15)
"Broadcasting Copyright">> Broadcasting Contents Symposium,Osaka, Talk,(2008.3.14)
"Contents Market">> MIC Contents Market WG , Presentation(2008.3.13)
"Communication Legal Structure">>ICPF symposium , Talk(2008.3.13)
"Media Convergence Legal Structure">>SSK seminar,Moderator(2008.3.12)
"International Mobile Communication Forum vol.7">>Moderator(2008.3.11)
"Can you read Mobile Novel?">>Mobile imidas(2008.2.29)
"Media Convergence Legal Structure">>Keidanren Symposium, talk(2008.2.26)
"Contents Market">> MIC Digital Content WG , Presentation(2008.2.26)
"3D contens industry">>3Di-Lab, Kyoto, Talk(2008.2.25)
"Is Copyright only enemy?">>Weekly Economist(2008.2.25)
"Academy's Power is needed">>Nikke industrial newspaper "Net Next"(2008.2.22)
"ICT now">>BBA Opinion2.0, Interview(2008.2.21)
"Media Convergence">>FUJITSU UNIVERSITY , Talk(2007.2.20)
"Japan's strategy for contents circulation">>Weekly Diamond(2008.2.3)
"think C 2008 annual party">>Talk(2008.1.31)
"DIPP2007">>Keio University DMC(2008.1.29)
"Internet changes TV">>ASAHI newspaper,interview(2008.1.27)
"New Generation Contents Policy">>Symposium at Waseda University,moderator, talk(2008.1.26)
"Japan as a Pop?">>Butsugaku Research Institute, talk(2008.1.24)
"Next Media Convergence">>Shoeisha,book(2008.1.23)
"Internet Safty Forum">>Keio University, modelator(2008.1.21)
"Decoration">> NHK cool japan talk (2008.1.16,20)
"Business on Media Convergence">>Komazawa University, talk(2008.1.17)
"Ubiquitous Special Zone, Hakata">> talk (2008.1.10)
"VAMPIRE!"Live@UFO Club (2008.1.6)
"Degital, user is king">>MRI, Interview(2008.1.1)
2007 |
TOP▲ |
"Music Years 2007-2008" >> tvk, Moderator (2007.12.31)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.12.24,27)
"NHK New President" >> ASAHI Newspaper, Interview (2007.12.26)
"Re-Broadcast law">>Sankei-Shinbun, comment(2007.12.22)
"Contents Policy forum 2007">>Panel(2007.12.21)
" Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG, Presentation (1007.12.17)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.12.6,10,17)
"Foreign Students Special in Keio University">>NHK Cool Japan (2007.12.12,15, 16,17)
"Degital Next Generation">>Next Generation Forum vol.3, Panel (2007.12.13)
"DIPP session">>Keio University DMC Symposium vol.6(2007.12.11)
"New Network Business">>IFIT-BBA Symposium, Moderator(2007.12.10)
"Media Convergence">>Japan CIRIEC, Moderator(2007.12.8)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.11.26,12.3)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>OGIS-RI, talk(2007.11.30)
"Copyright Monster">>Ascii, Interview(2007.11.26)
"Media Convergence">>Keio University SFC ORF2007, Pannel(2007.11.22)
"IPTV & Media Convergence Policy">>NGNES2007, Talk(2007.11.21)
"Media convergence2.0">>QuantumLeaps Forum, Talk(2007.11.19)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.11.19)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.11.5,12)
"Digital Punk">>Toyo University, Talk(2007.11.8)
"Digital Contents and Ceative Economy">>JSICR, Pannel(2007.11.5)
"Degital Sainege">>FujiTV "SuperNews WEEKWND", Interview (2007.11.3)
" Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG, Presentation(2007.10.29)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.10.29)
"New Media Legal">>Telecommunication2007.11, Interview(2007.10.25)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.10.22)
"AKIHABARA" >> NHK COOL JAPAN,Talk(2007.10.17,21)
" Content Market WG ">>MIC Digital Content WG , Presentation(2007.10.18)
" Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG, Presentation (2007.10.16)
"Digital Intellectual Property Project">>Keio DMC Semi-Report,Presentation(2007.10.16)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.10.15)
NHK "BAKUSHO-MONDAI vs KEIO University ">> BAKUSHO-MONDAI NIPPON, Talk(2007.10.13)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.10.8)
「GAME、Egt;>NHK Cool Japan (2007.3,10.7)
"Media Legal Structure In 2015">>SoftBank, Talk(2005.10.5)
"Media Convergence2.0">>ICR, Talk(2007.10.2)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.10.1)
"IT Forum The Inovetion Seminar vol.2">>IFIT,Commentator(2007.9.27)
" Japan's Pop Culture ">>KEIO 150 "GAKUMON NO SUSUME 21"(2007.9.27)
"Media Convergence" Video >>Shoesha"Contents Future"(2007.9.26)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.9.20)
"Media Convergence2.0">>NTT-GLOCOM, Talk(2007.9.19)
"Let's input new words!">>Shinken Seminar High School Interview (2007.9)
"COOL JAPAN">>NHK Cool Japan (2007.9)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.9.6)
"Akihabara">>NHK Cool Japan(2007.9.5, 9.9)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.8.30)
"Media Law System">>Media Convergence, Keidanren,SFC, Presentation (2007.8.24)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.8.16,23)
"Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG Presentation (2007.8.22)
"IT News Ranking in 2007">>Nikkei Net(2007.8.20)
"Recommended Services Now">>Nikkei Net(2007.8.20)
"Recommended Books Now">>Nikkei Net(2007.8.20)
"Recommended Short Films Now">>Nikkei Net(2007.8.20)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.8.9)
"Deregulation of network for content ">>mycom journal(2007.8.7)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.8.2)
"Policy's Future">>CONTENTS FUTURE(2007.8.1)
"Media Law system">>CIAJ, Talk(2007.7.31)
"Media Convergence2.0">>Amuse, Talk(2007.7.28)
"Legal System in the Digital Era">>KEIO University, Pnnel(2007.7.27)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.7.26)
"Japan's Pop Power">>Suruga Institute Report No.99(2007.7.25)
"Media Legal System Issue">>TORESOLA ,Talk(2007.7.25)
"Creativity of Digital Kids">>Keio University OPEN vol.54(2007.7.24)
"VAMPIRE!" Live@UFO Club (2007.7.22)
"Media Convergence2.0">>WIRELESS JAPAN2007(2007.7.20)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.7.19)
"Creators To Consumers">>CPRA symposium, moderator(2007.7.17)
"Keio University Graduate School of Media Design">>Osaka(2007.7.13)
"Keio University Graduate School of Media Design">>Hiyoshi(2007.7.10)
"Keio University Graduate School of Media Design">>Mita(2007.7.7)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.7.5,7.11)
"Japan as Pop">>Mita Travel,Talk(2007.7.11)
"Media Legal System WG Vol.1" >>Keio DIPP,Presentation(2007.7.10)
"Media Legal System Issue">>KDDI,Talk(2007.7.9)
"IT Forum The Inovetion Seminar vol.1">>IFIT,Commentator(2007.7.4)
Digital Intellectual Property Project >>Keio University , Talk(2007.6.30)
"Workshop Collection 2007">>CANVAS(2007.6.30-7.1)
"HITACHI-MIT Forum">>Keidanren , Pannel(2007.6.29)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.6.21)
"Points of the report">>Media Law System WG Presentation(2007.6.19)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.6.7, 14)
MediaFLO Conference2007>>Talk(2007.6.8)
"JAPAN AS POP?">>Tobu Touou , Talk(2007.6.2)
"DIPP">>Keio University, Talk(2007.5.31)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.5.31)
"Information of the Future ">>CATV Symposium, Talk(2007.5.28)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>CATV
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.5.24)
"Digital Millennium">>Iwate Prefectual University, Talk(2007.5.22)
"Digital Millennium">>Tohoku information and communication RT, Talk(2007.5.21)
"Which way is media taking? ">>HORIPRO at Atami, Talk(2007.5.20)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>WASEDA University, Talk(2007.5.19)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.5.17)
"KRI Symposium" Moderator (2007.5.16)
"JAM THE WORLD">>Talk at J-WAVE Broadcasting (2007.5.15)
"Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG Presentation (2007.5.15)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>DIGITAL RADIO NEW BUDINESS FORUM, TALK(2007.5.15)
"Men's Fashion">>NHK Cool Japan (2007.5.9, 5.13)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.5.10)
"Media Convergence">>Interview, Tokyo News Paper(2007.5.4)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.5.3)
TOGETHER TALK >> Suruga Institute Report No.98(2007.4.27)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.4.26)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.4.19)
"Content Market">>MIC Digital Content WG Presentation (2007.4.18)
"International Mobile Communication Forum in Beijin">>Kyotoshinbun(2007.4.15)
"Quick">>NHK Cool Japan(2007.4.11, 4.14)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> VICTOR JVC , Talk (2007.4.13)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> Keio University , Talk (2007.4.13)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.4.12)
TV Asahi "Super morning" Commentator (2007.4.5)
"Digital Millennium">> Japan Marketing Association Keynote(2007.4.4)
"IT, Digital, its light and shadow">>Tele Cable Graph, 2007 Spring (2007.4.1)
"International Mobile Communication Forum in Beijin">>Moderator(2007.3.26)
"Japan Pop Culture">>LDP Presentation (2007.3.22)
"Ministry of Information and Communication ?">>Creative Industry Policy Forum Panel (2007.3.19)
"Media Policy 2007">> Dentsy corp. Presentation (2007.3.19)
"Contetnt Power">>Sankei Newspaper Interview (2007.3.16)
"Rapid approach of telecom and broadcasting in Japan">>NIKKEI IT Pro(2007.3.15)
"Creators To Consumers">>CPRA symposium moderator (2007.3.15)
"Media Convergence Japan">>FLO forum Hawaii(2007.3.6)
"Media Policy 2007" >>CIAJ Talk (2007.3.1)
"Information Industry and Pop Power">> Talk at Kanazawa(2007.2.27)
"Broadband! Nippon">> Talk at Nippon Broadcasting(2007.2.26)
"Law system 2017">>Media Law System WG Presentation(2007.2.26)
Vampire! >> Live @Ikebukuro Chop(2007.2.24)
"Content delivery">>Telecommunications Council Presentation(2007.2.22)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>Nikkei New Media(2007.2.19)
"Ministry of Communications">>CNET Japan(2007.2.14)
"Media Convergence">>CATV Seminar@Nagano Talk(2007.2.14)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>Hakuhodo Salon Talk(2007.2.13)
"Japan's Pop Power">> Keio City Campus Talk (2007.2.6)
"5 big news in 2006">> Takeshi TV (2007.2)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> Nippon Keidanren Talk (2007.2.1)
"IT Talk">>The Government Housing Loan Monthly Report No.660(2007.1)
"The Era of Media Convergence">>B-maga(2007.1)
"Child raising">> NHK Cool Japan(2007.1.19, 1.26)
"My home theater">>BRIO Interview 2007.3 (2007.1.24)
"Now, Content Industry">> Doshisha University Symposium Keynote(2007.1.20)
"Media in 2007">>Horipro News (2007.1)
"Telecom Network in 2010">>Nikkei Communication (2007.1.1) |
2006 |
TOP▲ |
"Cool Japan">>NHK edu (2006.12.26)
"Column Takeshi Night">>Shonen Takeshi School Festival (2006.12.20)
"Winny Issue">>J-WAVE Good Morning Tokyo (2006.12.18)
"Contents Policy Forum 2006">> Moderater (2006.12.15)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> Cable Man of the year 2006 Talk((2006.12.14)
"Content Industry">>President TV Talk (2006.12.14)
"Winnny Developper Accused">>Nikkei Comment (2006.12.13)
"Thonk Copyright">>Symposium Moderater(2006.12.11)
"Media Convergence">>President TV Talk(2006.12.7)
"More manual-arts and music classes">> Nikkei Column (2006.12.4)
"Japanese Contetnt Power">> President TV Talk(2006.11.30)
"Content globalization">> President TV Talk(2006.11.22)
"Media Convergence 2.0">>JANES-Way Keynote (2006.11.15)
"CGM, its perspective">>JANES-Way Panel (2006.11.15)
"Japan As Pop?" >>Network Sociology Lecture at Keio (2006.11.13)
"Shopping">>NHK Cool Japan(2006.11.5)
"Ichiya's hot spots">>Doco Iku ? (2006.11.1)
"Contents Market">>Contents Market SG, Presentation(2006.11.1)
"Popculture Policy Forum">>Blog, Interview (2006.10.30)
"Digital Millennium">> Visible Telecom Consortium, Keynote (2006.10.26)
"Cars and Communication of Tomorrow">>Telecom Map 2010, Coordinator (2006.10.25)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> Tokai Telecom Forum Keynote (2006.10.24)
"Digital Punk 2006" >> Lecture@Toyo University(2006.10.12)
"Let's input new words!">>Shinken Seminar High School Interview(2006.10)
"Media Convergence in 2010">> Telecom market map 2010, Panel(2006.9.26)
"VAMPIRE! Live@UFO Club (2006.9,24)
"Person">>Interview, Mainichi Newspaper(2006.9.23)
"Refleshment">> NHK Cool Japan guest(2006.9.20, 9.23)
"Japan Pop Culture to the world">> MiT, SMBC consulting, interview (2006.10)
"Comment to the Report of Telecom WG">>Interview, Mainichi Newspaper(2006.9.8)
"Possibility of Pod Academy">> Pod Academy Seminar(2006.8.1)
"Media Convergence 2.0">> GLOCOM : Talk (2006.7.31)
"Shonen Takeshi Live Streaming">>Fuji TV, talk (2006.7.29)
"Japanese Pop Power YOKOHAMA " >>Yokohama EIZONE, Panel(2006.7.23)
"Media Convergence 2.0 " >>Kyodo Broadcasting Association,Keynote (2006.7.21)
"Media Reform WG Report">>CIAJ Seminar (2006.7.11)
"Think of Digital Myself">>Keio University Lecture(2006.6.29)
"Children's Creativity">> University of the Air, TV lecture (2006.6.23)
"Gross National Cool">> University of the Air, TV lecture (2006.6.23)
"Media Reform WG, the result and the future">>Nikkei Digitalcore : Panel (2006.6.21)
"Media Convergence, is it true ?">>Cable television 2006 : Panel (2006.6.15)
"Contents Policy & Media Convergence">>Communication Seminar : Talk (2006.6.13)
"Heisei Kyoiku 2006" >>Fuji TV (2006.6.11)
"VAMPIRE!" Live @ Kyoto TAKUTAKU(2006.6.10)
"Media Convergence">> Interop Media Convergence, Panel (2006.6.7)
"Ubiquitous Society and Media Convergence">> JEITA Festival, Keynote (2006.6.6)
"Executive Stage">> IT Innovation Summit, Panel(2006.6.6)
"New Era of Media Convergence">> Japan PTC Forum 2006, Panel(2006.6.5)
"TV of Tomorrow" >> HORIPRO, Keynote(2006.6.1)
"Uniform">>NHK Cool Japan guest (2006.5.17, 5.18, 5.21)
"What prevents media convergence">>Media Convergence Summit2006(2006.5.19)
"Turning point of the media policy"(2006.5.1)
" Foresight, Minister of Communications' Advisory Panel">>Media Convergence Research Group (2006.4.27)
"Japanese Media Convergence Policy" >>Open Forum at Keio Univ.(2006.4.25)
"Japan As Pop ?">> Stanford Center for Technology Innovation,Lecture (2006.4.24)
"New business model by new technology">>Symposium of America-Japan Societies, panel (2006.4.22)
"Japanese Sound">>NHK Cool Japan guest (2006.4.19, 4.20, 4.23)
"Media Convergence" >>CIAJ : Lecture (2006.4.11)
"Digital Millennium">>Japan Marketing Association : Lecture (2006.4.5)
NHK Special "Whose is TV?">> Panel (2006.3.21)
"Keitai (cellular-phone) International Forum: Top Conference">>Coordinator(2006.3.13)
"Heisei Kyoiku 2006" >>Fuji TV (2006.3.12)
"Workshop Collection 2006" >> CANVAS (2006.3.11-12)
"Japan-Korea Media Convergence Policy Symposium 2006">>Keio University : Comment (2006.3.10)
"Global Information Summit 2006">>Nikkei, Comissioner(2006.2.23)
"Convergence of T and B">> Information and Communications Policy Forum : Panel (2006.2.22)
"Future of Digital Contents">>Digital Contents Industry Cluster Symposium : Keynote (2006.2.10)
"Media Convergence">>Keio University:Panel (2006.1.26)
"Contents Policy Issues">> Osaka City University : Keynote(2006.1.23)
2005 |
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2004 |
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*"Net Kids Pop">>Koushikai:Lecture ( 2004.12.17)
*"Pop Culture and Soft Power">>Genron NPO:Lecture (2004.12.17)
*"Symposium: Research Institute for Digital Media and Content">> Keio University (2004.12.6)
*"Net Kids Pop">> Manabinoba.com (2004.11.24)
*"I-topia Okayama Digital pictures Contest">>Okayama Prefectual Museum, Judge and Panel (2004.11.23)
*"Net Kids Pop">>MYCOM PC WEB (2004.11.22)
*"Digital Millennium and Local">>2004 Japan Multimedia Festival in Wakayama, Panel (2004.11.21)
*"Net Kids Pop">>NIKKEI KET (2004.11.20)
*"Net Kids Pop">>ITmedia News (2004.11.17)
*"Net Kids Pop">>Symposium, Tokyo (2004.11.17)
*"Keitai (cellular-phone) International Forum">>Tianjin, China, Seminar (2004.11.2)
*"Digital Kids R&D Project">>Tokyo (2004.10.28)
*"Music Meets Mobile">>Moderator (2004.10.7)
*"Analog Millennium, Digital Millennium">>in the city TOKYO 2004, Seminar (2004.10.5)
*"Round Table">>Tokyo (2004.9.17)
*"PC education activities">>Nihon Keizai Shimbun (2004.8.30)
*"Discussion for promotion of Contents Industry at the meeting of Intellectual Property">>Weekly ASCII (2004.8.3)
*"Digital Punk">>Nagoya University Special Lecture (2004.7.15)
*"Copyright and IP Policy">>Intellectual Property Association of Japan Symposium (2004.7.10)
*"Chances for New Business">>Special Lecture for Entertainment Contents Produce#11, Lecture (2004.6.24)
*"Japanese contents and soft power">>Japan Association of Corporate Executives:Lecture (2004.6.22)
*"Do you know about the children in Network Era?"">>Chiyoda-ku (ward) Kodomo 110 renraku-kai Panel (2004.6.19)
*"Consider Children for Net, Symposium in Chiyoda on June 19">>Chunichi Shimbun (2004.6.16)
*"Symposium held as Net and Children">> Asahi Shimbun (2004.6.16)
*"Potential of Ubiquitous Network Society">>Telecommunication Forum in Sapporo (2004.6.16)
*"Post Office To The Future">>Kojimachi Elementary school (2004.6.12)
*"Round Meeting for Promotion of Content's Industry">>Business Innovation Center Osaka Panel (2004.6.9)
*"5 movies won the prize, MIAKO-NET Higashiyama Symposium ">>KyotoShimbun (2004.6.6)
*"Kyoto Digital Kids">>Kyoto (2004.6.5)
*"Potential of Media for Citizens in Ubiquitous Society">>Kiyomizu Temple, Kyoto Panel (2004.6.5)
*"Gross National Cool">>Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation : Lecture (2004.5.31)
*"LDP Digital Archive WG">>Presentation (2004.5.19)
*"THE EXPLODING JAPANESE CONTEMPORARY ARTS">> Yumi Yamaguchi, BNN-Shinsha : Interview (2004.5.15)
*"Towards new development for Coordination among Industry, Academics, and Administration">>21st Century Program of Kyushu University : Moderator (2004.5.14)
*"The Future of Media">>TWN 2004 (2004.5.11)
*"Ubiquitous & Wearable>>Natureinterface (2004.4)
*"Does comic relief hurt kids?">> The Japan Times (2004.4.27)
*"Call for Investment from abroad for Knowleage Intensive">>Weekly Kyoto Economics (2004.4.12)
*"Otaku proud of it">> The Japan Times (2004.4.6)
*"US-Japan Initiative for Investment">> Symposium pdf (2004.4)
*"Broadband Symposium 2004">> Asahi Newspaper (2004.3)
*"Net, Kids, Pop">> BroadMart Osaka 2004 Keynote (2004.3)
*"Digital Millennium and Community">>Ishikawa : Keynote (2004.3)
*"Net, Kids, Pop">> Suntory Research Institute on Continuity and Change in Life (2004.3)
*"Mobile International Forum">>Coordinator (2004.3)
*"The 1st Media Art Curator Forum">> Japan Media Arts Festival (2004.3.2)
*"Pop Culture led by children">>Kyoto Economic Newspaper (2004.1)
*"Workshop Collection 2004", The Tokyo Restaurant (2004.1.25)
*"To regulate or not to regulate">>Embassy of Sweeden (2004.1.21)
*"RIETI ANEPR", United Nations University (2004.1.16)
*"Children's Creativity & Communication", UNESCO, Hong Kong (2004.1) |
2003 |
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2002 |
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2001 |
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2000 |
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